The meaning of the symbols of dreams/ seen in a dream.


Achillea millefolium. N.O. Compositae. Synonym: Milfoil, Nosebleed, Thousand-leaf.

Habitat: A wayside herb, also often seen in the pasture and meadow lands of Europe and the United States. Features ? Yarrow has a rough, angular stem, and grows from twelve to eighteen inches in height. The alternate leaves are pinnatifid, clasp the stem at the base, are slightly woolly, and are cut into very fine segments. The flowers are small, white (occasionally pink or purplish), daisy-like, and bloom in dense, flattened, terminal corymbs, appearing at their best in July. Part used ? Herb.

Action: Diaphoretic, stimulant and tonic. The herb is extremely useful in colds and acute catarrhs of the respiratory tract generally. As it has the effect of opening the pores, thus permitting free perspiration, Yarrow is taken at the commencement of influenza and in other feverish conditions. An infusion of 1 ounce to 1 pint of foiling water is drunk warm in wineglass doses. As a very popular remedy for influenza colds it is usually combined with Elder flowers and Peppermint in equal quantities. It was sometimes prescribed by the old herbalists as a tonic in nervous debility, but there are many better herbal medicines for this condition.... yarrow


A non-venereal disease caused by Treponema pertenue and characterised by skin and bone lesions similar to those seen in secondary syphilis. The disease is caused by a spirochaete morphologically, immunologically and serologically identical to Treponema pallidum, the cause of syphilis. Yaws is clinically very similar to another nonvenereal treponematose, pinta, caused by T. carateum and found in South America and the Caribbean.... yaws

Yellow Fever

An arboviral (flavivirus) disease, also a zoonosis, being essentially a disease of forest monkeys, which under certain conditions can be transmitted to humans. A vaccine is available.... yellow fever


A single-celled fungus that produces buds (blastospores). Medically important species include Cryptococcus neoformans, the cause of cryptococcal meningitis.... yeast


A genus of BACTERIA which includes the causative organism of PLAGUE, Yersinia pestis.... yersinia


See SLEEP.... dreams


An involuntary opening of the mouth, which is accompanied by marked dilatation of the pharynx, a characteristic distortion of the face and usually stretching of the limbs. The cause and function of yawning are quite obscure. It is classically regarded as a sign of drowsiness or boredom, but it it may be the result of raised concentrations of CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) in the blood – the physiological aim being to cut the amount of CO2 and raise the level of oxygen in the blood.... yawning

Yerba Santa

Eriodictyon glutinosum. (Eriodictyon californicum). Synonym: Bearsweed, Mountain Balm.

Habitat: Grown in, and imported from, California. Features ? Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, serrate, about three inches by one inch, shiny above, white down underneath. Taste and odour, aromatic. Part used ? Leaves.

Action: Expectorant, tonic. In catarrhal affections of the respiratory organs. Often a constituent of asthma prescriptions.... yerba santa

Yin And Yang

Basic concepts in traditional Chinese medicine and philosophy. Yang represents active, positive masculine qualities. Yin embodies passive, negative feminine qualities.... yin and yang


A system of Hindu philosophy and physical discipline involving special breathing techniques and a series of prescribed physical poses. These are intended to relax the body and teach the individual mental and physical control. Yoga is best learned from experienced teachers, or those practising it may damage their backs.... yoga


An arti?cially produced ISOTOPE of the element Yttrium. The isotope is radioactive and emits beta rays which are utilised for the treatment of tumours.... yttrium-90

Yolk Sac

The membranous sac, otherwise known as the vitelline sac, that lies against, and is attached to, the front of the embryo during the early stages of its existence. During development, the sac decreases proportionately in size to the body, reducing finally to a narrow duct that passes through the umbilicus. The yolk sac is believed to assist in the transportation of nutrients from the mother to the early embryo.... yolk sac

Disability-adjusted Life Years (dalys)

The number of healthy years of life lost due to premature death and disability.... disability-adjusted life years (dalys)

Discover Yunnan Tea

If you want to quit drinking coffee or simply try a new variety of black tea, you can chose Yunnan tea for a change. Its strong sweet flavor will surely delight your senses. There are several types for this black tea, so before you buy it take a look at its description and benefits.

Description of Yunnan Tea

Commonly known as Dianhong, Yunnan tea is a type of Chinese black tea used in various blends and other tea assortments. Its name comes from the Chinese province of Yunnan where it is grown and harvested. This type of tea has three major properties : big leaves, a brownish color and a strong flavor. The first sip can be slight sour at the beginning but after that it gets sweeter. Quality Yunnan tea has a sweet strong flavour. Low quality Yunnan tea can have a darker color and a bitter taste, so be careful what to buy. It is also known as Yunnan Red tea. There are several varieties of Yunnan black tea.

Broken Yunnan

A cheap tea used in various mixtures which contains very few golden buds and is generally bitter on its own. It can be easily identified because the dried leaves have a darker almost black color with only a few bursts of golden tips. The drink is dark with a reddish-brown color. The taste can sometimes be as strong as cooked pu-erh tea.

Yunnan Gold

Another Dianhong type which has less golden buds and more dark tea leaves. It resembles with Yunnan Pure Gold type and is priced similarly. However, the tea resulting from it has slightly different characteristics. The drink has a bold red color different from other black teas and a vivid sweetness not quite as intense as Yunnan Pure Gold.

Yunnan Pure Gold

Seen as the best type of Dianhong tea, it holds only golden ends, which are generally covered in fine hairs. If we look it from a distance, the dried tea has a bright orange color. The tea liquor is bright red in color and it has a gentle aroma and a sweet taste. The leaves turn into a reddish brown color after preparation. If we compare it to other small-leaf varieties, Yunnan tea contains a higher concentration of polyphenol, catechin and water-soluble substances that the average values for a black tea.

Preparation of Yunnan tea

Like most of black teas that are usually infused with hot water, Yunnan tea is no exception. It is recommended to use porcelain containers or cups. Put a teaspoon of Yunnan tea and poor hot water of approximately 100 degrees Celsius. Let is infuse for about 5 minutes, then it’s ready to drink. Some people may add milk to the tea.

Yunnan tea benefits

According to the different methods used in tea processing, Yunnan tea can be classified into over 100 kinds of products. Yunnan tea is famous for its health benefits. Studies have shown that it is indeed an effective beverage for eliminating fat, reducing weight, strengthening the body, enhancing longevity, stimulating metabolism, balancing and regulating cholesterol level. Yunnan tea is also highly reputed as “slimming tea”, “beauty tea” and “healthy tea” in more than twenty countries and regions including France, Spain, Japan, Hong Kong and so on. Studies confirm what the Chinese have known for centuries - that Yunnan tea provides a natural alternative to medicines for those expecting to lose weight, reduce tension and generally have a more healthy and relaxed lifestyle. It was clearly proven that drinking Yunnan tea regularly lowers blood lipid levels without having side effects as medical drugs have.

Yunnan tea side effects

The side effects of Yunnan teaare similar to those caused by other black teas and they are related to intense consumption. They are mostly associated with higher caffeine content which may cause restlessness, palpitations, difficulty in sleeping, anxiety, irritability, increased heart rate, and elevated blood pressure. Caffeine is also diuretic. Like most black teas, Yunnan tea is suitable for regular consumption in spite of few side effects. Drink it wisely and enjoy its benefits.... discover yunnan tea

Fungal And Yeast Infections

These infections, also called mycoses (see MYCOSIS), are common and particularly affect the skin or mucosal membranes in, for example, the mouth, anus or vagina. Fungi consist of threadlike hyphae which form tangled masses or mycelia – common mould. In what is called dermatophyte (multicellular fungi) fungal infection of the hair, nails and SKIN, these hyphae invade the KERATIN. This is usually described as ‘RINGWORM’, although no worm is present and the infection does not necessarily occur in rings. PITYRIASIS versicolor and candidosis (monoliasis – see CANDIDA), called thrush when it occurs in the vulva, vagina and mouth, are caused by unicellular fungi which reproduce by budding and are called yeasts. Other fungi, such as ACTINOMYCOSIS, may cause deep systemic infection but this is uncommon, occurring mainly in patients with immunosuppressive disorders or those receiving prolonged treatment with ANTIBIOTICS.

Diagnosis and treatment Any person with isolated, itching, dry and scaling lesions of the skin with no obvious cause – for example, no history of eczema (see DERMATITIS) – should be suspected of having a fungal infection. Such lesions are usually asymmetrical. Skin scrapings or nail clippings should be sent for laboratory analysis. If the lesions have been treated with topical steroids they may appear untypical. Ultraviolet light ?ltered through glass (Wood’s light) will show up microsporum infections, which produce a green-blue ?uorescence.

Fungal infections used to be treated quite e?ectively with benzoic-acid compound ointment; it has now been superseded by new IMIDAZOLES preparations, such as CLOTRIMAZOLE, MICONAZOLE and terbina?ne creams. The POLYENES, NYSTATIN and AMPHOTERICIN B, are e?ective against yeast infections. If the skin is macerated it can be treated with magenta (Castellani’s) paint or dusting powder to dry it out.

Refractory fungal infection can be treated systematically provided that the diagnosis of the infection has been con?rmed. Terbina?ne, imidazoles and GRISEOFULVIN can all be taken by mouth and are e?ective for yeast infections. (Griseofulvin should not be taken in pregnancy or by people with liver failure or porphyria.) (See also FUNGUS; MICROBIOLOGY.)... fungal and yeast infections

Medicinal Yams

Dioscorea spp.


The growing need for steroidal drugs and the high cost of obtaining them from animal sources led to a widespread search for plant sources of steroidal sapogenins, which ultimately led to the most promising one. It is the largest genus of the family constituted by 600 species of predominantly twining herbs. Among the twining species, some species twine clockwise while others anti-clockwise (Miege, 1958). All the species are dioceous and rhizomatous. According to Coursey (1967), this genus is named in honour of the Greek physician Pedenios Dioscorides, the author of the classical Materia Medica Libri Quinque. Some of the species like D. alata and D. esculenta have been under cultivation for a long time for their edible tubers. There are about 15 species of this genus containing diosgenin. Some of them are the following (Chopra et al, 1980).

D. floribunda Mart. & Gal.

D. composita Hemsl; syn. D. macrostachya Benth.

D. deltoidea Wall. ex Griseb; syn. D. nepalensis Sweet ex Bernardi.

D. aculeata Linn. syn. D. esculenta

D. alata Linn. syn. D. atropurpurea Roxb.

D. Globosa Roxb; D. purpurea Roxb; D. rubella Roxb.

D. bulbifera Linn. syn. D. crispata Roxb.

D. pulchella Roxb.; D. sativa Thunb. Non Linn.

D. versicolor Buch. Ham. Ex Wall.

D. daemona Roxb. syn. D. hispida Dennst.

D. oppositifolia Linn.

D. pentaphylla Linn. syn. D. jacquemontii Hook. f.

D. triphylla Linn.

D. prazeri Prain & Burkil syn. D. clarkei Prain & Burkill

D. deltoidea Wall. var. sikkimensis Prain

D. sikkimensis Prain & Burkill

Among the above said species, D. floribunda, D. composita and D. deltoidea are widely grown for diosgenin production.

1. D. floribunda Mart. & Gal D. floribunda Mart. & Gal. is an introduction from central America and had wide adaptation as it is successfully grown in Karnataka, Assam, Meghalaya, Andaman and Goa. The vines are glabrous and left twining. The alternate leaves are borne on slender stems and have broadly ovate or triangular ovate, shallowly cordate, coriaceous lamina with 9 nerves. The petioles are 5-7cm long, thick and firm. Variegation in leaves occurs in varying degrees. The male flowers are solitary and rarely in pairs. Female flowers have divericate stigma which is bifid at apex. The capsule is obovate and seed is winged all round. The tubers are thick with yellow coloured flesh, branched and growing upto a depth of 30cm (Chadha et al, 1995).

2. D. composita Hemsl.

D. composita Hemsl. according to Knuth (1965) has the valid botanical name as D. macrostachya Benth. However, D. composita is widely used in published literature. It is a Central American introduction into Goa, Jammu, Bangalore, Anaimalai Hills of Tami Nadu and Darjeeling in W. Bengal. The vines are right twinning and nearly glabrous. The alternate leaves have long petioles, membraneous or coriaceous lamina measuring upto 20x18cm, abruptly acute or cuspidate-acuminate, shallowly or deeply cordate, 7-9 nerved. The fasciculate-glomerate inflorescence is single or branched with 2 or 3 sessile male flowers having fertile stamens. Male fascicle is 15-30cm long. The female flowers have bifid stigma. Tubers are large, white and deep-rooted (upto 45cm) (Chadha et al, 1995).

3. D. deltoidea Wall. ex. Griseb.

D. deltoidea Wall. ex. Griseb. is distributed throughout the Himalayas at altitudes of 1000-3000m extending over the states of Jammu-Kashmir, H. P, U. P, Sikkim and further into parts of W. Bengal. The glabrous and left twining stem bears alternate petiolate leaves. The petioles are 5-12 cm long. The lamina is 5-15cm long and 4-12cm wide widely cordate. The flowers are borne on axillary spikes, male spikes 8-40cm long and stamens 6. Female spikes are 15cm long, 3. 5cm broad and 4-6 seeded. Seeds are winged all round. Rhizomes are lodged in soil, superficial, horizontal, tuberous, digitate and chestnut brown in colour (Chadha et al, 1995). D. deltoidea tuber grows parallel to ground covered by small scale leaves and is described as rhizome. The tubers are morphologically cauline in structure with a ring of vascular bundles in young tubers which appear scattered in mature tubers (Purnima and Srivastava, 1988). Visible buds are present unlike in D. floribunda and D. composita where the buds are confined to the crown position (Selvaraj et al, 1972).

Importance of Diosgenin: Diosgenin is the most important sapogenin used as a starting material for synthesis of a number of steroidal drugs. For commercial purposes, its -isomer, yamogenin is also taken as diosgenin while analysing the sample for processing. Various steroidal drugs derived from diosgenin by artificial synthesis include corticosteroids, sex hormones, anabolic steroids and oral contraceptives. Corticosteroids are the most important group of steroidal drugs synthesized from diosgenin. First group of corticosteroids regulates carbohydrate and protein metabolism. The second group consists of aldosterone, which controls balance of potassium, sodium and water in the human body. The glucocorticoids in the form of cortisone and hydrocortisone are used orally, intramuscularly or topically for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever, other collegen diseases, ulcerative colitis, certain cases of asthma and a number of allergic diseases affecting skin, eye and the ear. These are also used for treatment of gout and a variety of inflammations of skin, eye and ear and as replacement therapy in Addison’s diseases. The minerato corticoides, desoxycorticosterone or desoxycortone are used in restoring kidney functions in cases of cortical deficiency and Addison’s disease.

Both male and female sex hormones are also synthesized from disosgenin. The main male sex hormone (androgen) which is produced from disogenin is testosterone. The main female sex hormones produced are oestrogen and progesterone. Recently oestrogen has also been used in cosmetic lotions and creams to improve the tone and colour of skin. One of the main uses of progesterone during recent years has been as antifertility agent for oral contraceptives. These artificial steroids have increased oral activity and fewer side effects, as they can be used in reduced doses. Oral contraceptives are also used for animals like pigs, cows and sheep to control fertility and to give birth at a prescribed period in a group of animals at the same time. These compounds are also used to reduce the interval between the lactation periods to have more milk and meat production. Anti-fertility compounds are also used as a pest-control measure for decreasing the multiplication of pests like rodents, pigeons and sea gulls (Husain et al, 1979).

Although yam tubers contain a variety of chemical substances including carbohydrates, proteins, alkaloids and tannins, the most important constituents of these yams are a group of saponins which yield sapogenins on hydrolysis. The most imp ortant sapogenin found in Dioscorea are diosgenin, yamogenin and pannogenin. Diosgenin is a steroid drug precursor. The diogenin content varies from 2-7% depending on the age of the tubers. Saponins including 5 spirastanol glucoside and 2 furostanol glucoside, 4 new steroid saponins, floribunda saponins C, D, E and F. Strain of A and B are obtained from D. floribunda (Husain et al, 1979). Rhizomes of D. deltoidea are a rich source of diosgenin and its glycoside. Epismilagenin and smilagenone have been isolated from D. deltoidea and D. prazeri (Chakravarti et al, 1960; 1962). An alkaloid dioscorine has been known to occur in D. hispida (Bhide et al,1978). Saponin of D. prazeri produced a fall of blood pressure when given intravenously and saponin of D. deltoidea has no effect on blood pressure (Chakravarti et al,1963). Deltonin, a steroidal glycoside, isolated from rhizomes of D. deltoidea showed contraceptive activity (Biokova et al, 1990).

Agrotechnology: Dioscorea species prefer a tropical climate without extremity in temperature. It is adapted to moderate to heavy rainfall area. Dioscorea plants can be grown in a variety of soils, but light soil is good, as harvesting of tubers is easier in such soils. The ideal soil pH is 5.5-6.5 but tolerates fairly wide variation in soil pH. Dioscorea can be propagated by tuber pieces, single node stem cuttings or seed. Commercial planting is normally established by tuber pieces only. Propagation through seed progeny is variable and it may take longer time to obtain tuber yields. IIHR, Bangalore has released two improved varieties, FB(c) -1, a vigorously growing strain relatively free from diseases and Arka Upkar, a high yielding clone. Three types of tuber pieces can be distinguished for propagation purpose, viz. (1) crown (2) median and (3) tip, of which crowns produce new shoots within 30 days and are therefore preferred. Dipping of tuber pieces for 5 minutes in 0.3% solution of Benlate followed by dusting the cut ends with 0.3% Benlate in talcum powder in mo ist sand beds effectively checks the tuber rot. The treatment is very essential for obtaining uniform stand of the crop. The best time of planting is the end of April so that new sprouts will grow vigorously during the rainy season commencing in June in India. Land is to be prepared thoroughly until a fine tilth is obtained. Deep furrows are made at 60cm distance with the help of a plough. The stored tuber pieces which are ready for planting is to be planted in furrows with 30cm between the plants for one year crop and 45cm between the plants for 2 year crop at about 0.5 cm below soil level. The new sprouts are to be staked immediately. After sprouting is complete, the plants are to be earthed up. Soil from the ridges may be used for earthing up so that the original furrows will become ridges and vice versa. Dioscorea requires high organic matter for good tuber formation. Besides a basal doze of 18-20t of FYM/ha, a complete fertilizer dose of 300kg N, 150kg P2O5 and K2O each are to be applied per hectare. P and K are to be applied in two equal doses one after the establishment of the crop during May-June and the other during vigorous growth period of the crop (August- September). Irrigation may be given at weekly intervals in the initial stage and afterwards at about 10 days interval. Dioscorea vines need support for their optimum growth and hence the vines are to be trailed over pandal system or trellis. Periodic hand weeding is essential for the first few months. Intercropping with legumes has been found to smother weeds and provide extra income. The major pests of Dioscorea are the aphids and red spider mites. Aphids occur more commonly on young seedlings and vines. Young leaves and vine tips eventually die if aphids are not controlled. Red spider mites attack the underside of the leaves at the base near the petiole. Severe infestations result in necrotic areas, which are often attacked by fungi. Both aphids and spider mites can be very easily controlled by Kelthane. No serious disease is reported to infect this crop. The tubers grow to about 25-30 cm depth and hence harvesting is to be done by manual labour. The best season for harvesting is Feb-March, coinciding with the dry period. On an average 50-60t/ha of fresh tubers can be obtained in 2 years duration. Diosgenin content tends to increase with age, 2.5% in first year and 3-3.5% in the second year. Hence, 2 year crop is economical (Kumar et al, 1997).... medicinal yams

Qing Yuan

(Chinese) From the clear spring... qing yuan

Quality-adjusted Life Years (qalys)

Years of life saved by a medical technology or service, adjusted according to the quality of those years (as determined by some evaluative measure). QALYs are the most commonly used unit to express the results in some types of cost-effectiveness analysis.... quality-adjusted life years (qalys)

Spatterdock Or Yellow Water Lily

Nuphar species

Description: This plant has leaves up to 60 centimeters long with a triangular notch at the base. The shape of the leaves is somewhat variable. The plant’s yellow flowers are 2.5 centimeter across and develop into bottle-shaped fruits. The fruits are green when ripe.

Habitat and Distribution: These plants grow throughout most of North America. They are found in quiet, fresh, shallow water (never deeper than 1.8 meters).

Edible Parts: All parts of the plant are edible. The fruits contain several dark brown seeds you can parch or roast and then grind into flour. The large rootstock contains starch. Dig it out of the mud, peel off the outside, and boil the flesh. Sometimes the rootstock contains large quantities of a very bitter compound. Boiling in several changes of water may remove the bitterness.... spatterdock or yellow water lily

Tea For Lucid Dreams

Having a lucid dream means dreaming while being aware of the fact that you are dreaming. However, many people become lucid in the middle of the dream or, on the contrary, fall lose reality contact after being lucid at first. Although traditional medicine can’t be very helpful in these cases, alternative medicine has a few tricks up its sleeve. How a Tea for Lucid Dreams Works A Tea for Lucid Dreams’ main purpose is to make you recall what you have dreamed by calming your nervous system and improving your memory function. These teas are good for a number of other diseases, such as memory loss, headaches or migraines. However, talk to an herbalist or to your doctor before starting any kind of herbal treatment in order to make sure everything will be alright. Efficient Tea for Lucid Dreams In order to work properly, a Tea for Lucid Dreams needs to be both very efficient and one hundred percent safe (since lucid dreams are not exactly a medical problem, you may want to avoid developing one). A tea that is rich in antioxidants, nutrients, tannins, volatile oils and minerals (sodium, magnesium, iron, manganese) would be very adequate. You may want to avoid teas with a large amount of acid agents (they could cause stomach pain). If you don’t know which teas could be useful for lucid dreams, here’s a list for guidance: - Green Tea – contains all the ingredients necessary to sustain life, so it’s useful for a wide range of ailments, not just lucid dreams. If you’re suffering from infertility, anemia, asthenia, loss of appetite, digestive tract complaints or nervous system failure, this decoction could also be useful. However, you must avoid it at all costs if you’re experiencing some menstrual or menopausal symptoms. The same advice if you’re pregnant (it may cause uterine contractions and therefore miscarriage). - Valerian Tea – was been used as a sleep aid since ancient times, when the Romans and the Greeks took it before going to bed. This Tea for Lucid Dreams, thanks to its active compounds, is a mild sedative and could also work miracles on your nervous system. However, you need to make sure that you don’t exceed the number of cups recommended per day in order to avoid hallucinations, tiredness or even death. - Chamomile Tea – of course, the world’s greatest panacea shouldn’t be left aside. If you’re having trouble remembering your dreams, try a cup of Chamomile Tea before you go to bed! This Tea has a great fragrance and a pleasant smell. Plus, it’s one hundred percent safe so you can drink as much as you want. Tea for Lucid Dreams Side Effects When taken according to specifications, these teas are generally safe. However, exceeding the number of cups recommended per day may lead to a number of health problems, such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach or even death! If you’ve been taking one of these decoctions for a while and you’re experience a negative response from your body, ask for medical assistance right away! Don’t take a Tea for Lucid Dreams if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, on blood thinners or anticoagulants. The same advice in case you’re preparing for a surgery. If your doctor says it’s ok to start an herbal treatment, choose a tea that fits best your requirements and enjoy its wonderful benefits!  ... tea for lucid dreams


(Latin) One who is lovable Yabell, Yabele, Yabelle, Yabela, Yabella... yabel


(Japanese) Eight thousand Yachie, Yachee, Yachey, Yachy, Yachea, Yacheah... yachi


(Hebrew) One who is gracious and hospitable

Yachnee, Yachney, Yachnie, Yachni, Yachnea, Yachneah... yachne


(Spanish) Form of Jacquelin, meaning “the supplanter” Yacalin, Yacalyn, Yacalynn, Yackalin, Yackalinne, Yackelyn, Yacketta, Yackette, Yacki, Yackie, Yacklin, Yacklyn, Yacklynne, Yackqueline, Yacky, Yaclin, Yaclyn, Yacolyn, Yacqi, Yacqlyn, Yacqualine, Yacqualyn, Yacquel, Yacquelean, Yacqueleen, Yacquelin, Yacquelina, Yacquella, Yacquelle, Yacquelyn, Yacquelyne, Yacquelynn, Yacquelynne, Yacquenetta, Yacquenette, Yacquetta, Yacquette, Yacqui, Yacquine, Yaculine, Yakleen, Yaklyn, Yaquelin, Yaqueline, Yaquelyn, Yaquelynn, Yaquith, Yaquenetta, Yaquetta... yacquelin


(Hebrew) A beloved friend Yadirah, Yadyra, Yadirha, Yadeera, Yadeerah, Yadyrah, Yadeira, Yadeirah, Yadiera, Yadiera, Yadeara, Yadearah... yadira


(Spanish) Form of Madra, meaning “one who is motherly” Yadre, Yadrah... yadra


(Hebrew) Having the strength of God Yaell, Yaelle, Yaella, Yaele, Yaela, Yaeli... yael


(Hebrew) A beautiful woman Yaffah, Yaffit, Yafit, Yafeal... yaffa


(Arabic) Having a high standing Yafia... yafiah


(Hebrew) God will teach Yaire, Yayr, Yayre, Yaer, Yaere... yair

Tea For Yeast Infection

Yeast Infection is a vaginal infection usually caused by a fungus called Candida. This infection is characterized by itching, sores, pain during intercourse and/or urination and the production of a white substance. You can get this infection by using an unsanitary toilet or by catching a cold. Also, you may want to avoid restaurant bathrooms that look suspicious. Even if many women go to their doctor as soon as they have a feeling that they might have Yeast Infection, you can also use a Tea for Yeast Infection and treat your problems at home. Alternative medicine advices against traditional medicine in this case since Yeast Infection is not a serious health problem. Ingesting pills when you could have taken a tea only damages your liver. If you’re going with alternative or traditional medicine, is your choice. However, make sure you have all the facts right before choosing a treatment that could cost you your health. How Tea for Yeast Infection Works These teas eliminate your infection thanks to their nutritive action, which implies feeding the organism in order to produce more antibodies and direct them to the affected areas. A tea for Yeast Infection’s main goal is to make your body produce the nutrients and the enzymes necessary for a rapid healing. They are also used as great remedy for a number of other diseases, so you can restore your general health with just a cup of tea! Efficient Tea for Yeast Infection When trying a Tea for Yeast Infection, you need to make sure that you’re picking the right one: that tea has to be safe, to have a pleasant taste and very few side effects. Also, keep in mind that a Tea for Yeast Infection needs to have a large variety of nutrients and active constituents in order to fight all bacteria and microbes. If you don’t know which those teas are, here’s a list to help you out: - Cranberry Tea – rich in vitamin C, this Tea for Yeast Infection is a great remedy in cases of anemia, asthenia, low blood pressure and loss of appetite. It’s also safe and you can drink as much as you want (not more than 6 cups per day, however, in order to avoid stomach complications such as diarrhea) - Gentian Tea – known as one of the oldest antifungal and antibiotics. Gentian Tea is a very efficient Tea for Yeast Infection. Not only that, but it’s also used as a great sleep helper, thanks to its antiseptic and sedative properties. However, make sure you don’t drink more than 2 cups per day in order to avoid other deviations such as hallucinations, anxiety or excessive blood rush. - Green Tea – not only that this Tea for Yeast Infection can treat your Candida problems, but it’s also being used as a great remedy for other affections, such as stress, anxiety or ovarian cysts. However, Green Tea may have all the necessary ingredients in order to sustain life, but don’t take it if you’re suffering from menstrual or menopausal pains. Tea for Yeast Infection Side Effects It’s true that there are many teas that could help you with your female reproductive system problems. However, teas like Tansy Tea are not recommended due to their elevated level of risk. It’s best to talk to an herbalist or to your doctor before starting any kind of herbal treatment in order to gather more information and find out which Tea for Yeast Infection fits you best. Don’t take any of these teas if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, on blood thinners, anti-coagulants or preparing for a major surgery. These teas could interfere with your anesthetic and lead to death. When taken properly, these teas are safe. However, high dosage may cause miscarriage, vomiting, nausea and even death. Ask your doctor’s advice before making any move. If you have his approval and there’s nothing that could interfere with your treatment, choose a Tea for Yeast Infection and enjoy its wonderful benefits!... tea for yeast infection


(Japanese) A tenacious young woman Yakie, Yaky, Yakey, Yakea, Yakeah, Yakee... yaki


(African) An honest woman Yakinie, Yakiney, Yakiny, Yackini, Yackinie, Yackiney, Yackiny, Yakinee, Yakinea, Yakineah... yakini


(Hebrew) One who is precious; dear to the heart

Yakirah, Yakyra, Yakeera, Yakiera, Yakeira, Yahaira, Yahara, Yahira, Yahayra, Yajaira, Yajara, Yajira, Yajayra... yakira


(Arabic) Resembling an emerald; precious stone Yakoota, Yakuta, Yakutah... yakootah


(Greek) Form of Helen, meaning “the shining light”

Yalenah, Yalina, Yaleena, Yalyna, Yalana, Yaleana, Yalane, Yaleene, Yaline, Yalyne, Yaleane, Yalenchka, Yalene, Yalens... yalena


(American) Form of Oletha, meaning “one who is truthful” Yalethia, Yalethea... yaletha


(Polish) Form of Margaret, meaning “resembling a pearl / the child of light” Yalgonatta... yalgonata


(Japanese) From the mountain Yamma, Yamah, Yammah... yama


(Arabic) Resembling a dove Yamhah... yamha


(Spanish) A graceful young girl Yamilethe, Yamyleth, Yamylethe... yamileth


(Arabic) A beautiful woman Yamillah, Yamila, Yamilah, Yamylla, Yamyllah, Yamyla, Yamylah, Yamille, Yamill, Yamyl, Yamyll, Yamylle... yamilla


(Hebrew) Right hand Yamine, Yamyn, Yamyne, Yameen, Yameene, Yamein, Yameine, Yamien, Yamiene... yamin


(Arabic) One who is right and proper

Yamina, Yameena, Yameenah, Yamyna, Yamini, Yemina, Yemini, Yesmina... yaminah


(Native American) A budding flower; blossom Yamkah, Yamcka, Yamckah... yamka


(Indian) From the sacred Yamuna river

Yamunah, Yamoona, Yamoonah... yamuna


(Hebrew) He answers Yanna, Yaan, Yanah, Yannah... yana


(Native American) One who is brave Yanabah... yanaba


(Basque) Having bitter grace; refers to the Virgin Mary Yanamaria, Yanamarie, Yanamay, Yanamaye, Yanamae... yanamai


(Native American) A sassy woman; a Yankee

Yancey, Yanci, Yancie, Yancee, Yancea, Yanceah... yancy


(American) Form of Vanessa, meaning “resembling a butterfly” Yanessah, Yanesa, Yannesa, Yannessa, Yanassa, Yanasa, Yanessia, Yanysa, Yanyssa, Yarnessa, Yanessica, Yanesha, Yaniessa, Yanissa, Yanneza, Yaneza, Yannysa, Yanika, Yaneshia, Yanesia, Yanisa, Yenessa... yanessa


(Chinese) Of the sun... yang


(American) One with high hopes Yanishah, Yaneesha, Yaneeshah, Yaniesha, Yanieshah, Yaneisha, Yaneishah, Yanysha, Yanyshah, Yaneasha, Yaneashah... yanisha


(Slavic) God is good Yancka, Yancca, Yankka... yanka


(Hebrew) A gift of God Yanis, Yanys, Yannys, Yanni, Yani, Yanee, Yaney, Yanie, Yany, Yannee, Yanney, Yanny, Yannie... yannis


(Arabic) Resembling a hyacinth; a sapphire Yaaqu’, Yaaqoo’... yaqu’


(Brazilian) In mythology, the goddess of the river; a mermaid Yarah, Yarrah, Yarra... yara


(Hebrew) From the river Jordan Yardena, Yardina, Yardeena, Yardyna, Yardenna, Yardennah... yardenah


(English) From the fenced-in meadow

Yardly, Yardleigh, Yardli, Yardlie, Yardlee, Yardlea, Yarley, Yarly, Yeardly, Yeardley, Yeardleigh, Yeardlee, Yeardli, Yeardlie... yardley


(American) The Lord is my light Yarelie, Yareley, Yarelee, Yarely, Yaresly, Yarelea, Yareleah... yareli


(Russian) Form of Irene, meaning “a peaceful woman”

Yarinah, Yaryna, Yarine, Yaryne, Yerina, Yerine, Yeryna, Yeryne... yarina


(Hebrew) Having green eyes; innocent

Yarkonah, Yarkonna, Yarkonnah... yarkona


(Slavic) A merchant; trader Yarmillah, Yarmila, Yarmyla, Yarmylla, Yarmille, Yarmylle... yarmilla


(Arabic) One who is wealthy and prosperous Yasera, Yaseria... yaser


(Japanese) Blessed with God’s grace Yashirah, Yasheera, Yashyra, Yashara, Yashiera, Yashierah, Yasheira, Yasheirah, Yasheara, Yashearah... yashira


(Hindi) A wealthy woman Yashonah, Yashawna, Yashauna, Yaseana, Yashawnah, Yashaunah, Yaseanah... yashona


(Arabic) One who is lenient Yasira, Yaseera, Yasyra, Yasiera, Yaseira, Yaseerah, Yasyrah, Yasierah, Yaseirah... yasirah


(Persian) Resembling the jasmine flower

Yasmin, Yasmene, Yasmeen, Yasmeene, Yasmen, Yasemin, Yasemeen, Yasmyn, Yasmyne, Yasiman, Yassmen, Yasmia, Yasmenne, Yassmeen, Yasmina, Yasmeena, Yasmyna, Yesmina, Yasminda, Yashmine, Yasmain, Yasmaine, Yasma, Yaasmeen, Yaasmin, Yasmon, Yasmeni, Yasiman, Yasimine, Yazmin, Yazmine, Yazmeen, Yazmyn, Yazmyne, Yazmen, Yazmene, Yazmina, Yazmyna, Yazzmine, Yazzmyne, Yazzmeen, Yesmine, Yesmin, Yesmeen, Yesmean, Yesmyn, Yesmyne... yasmine


(Japanese) One who is calm; tranquil Yazoo, Yasuko, Yasuyo... yasu


(African) An orphan Yatimah, Yateema, Yatyma, Yateemah, Yatymah, Yatiema, Yatiemah, Yateima, Yateimah... yatima


(American) One who is desired Yara, Yaure, Yaur... yaura


(Hindi) Full of youth Yauvanie, Yauvaney, Yauvany, Yauvanee, Yauvanea, Yauvaneah... yauvani

Yarrow Tea Benefits

Yarrow Tea has been known for a long time thanks to its curative properties which include sweat inducing enzymes and fever inhibitors. Yarrow is an herb that grows mainly in the wilderness of the Northern Hemisphere. You may know it by one of its other names: Western Yarrow, yarrow, milfoil, soldier’s woundwort, staunchwee and woundwort or by its Latin denomination, Achillea millefolium. Yarrow has segmented greed leaves and lavender or daisy-white flowers. The Latin name comes from the Greek mythology: according to some legends, the legendary Achilles used a tincture of Yarrow all over his body to make himself invulnerable to arrows and cure the wounds of the other fighters. Yarrow Tea Properties Aside from the mythology that surrounds it, Yarrow Tea is actually a very respectable medical treatment, with noticeable effects on the human health system. The main ingredients of this tea are: bitters, chamazulene, proazulene, saponins, tannins and fatty acids. Due to its high level of saponis, Yarrow Tea is known as a very strong diaphoretic, being able to widen the coronary arteries’ walls and normalize a poor blood circulation. It is also used to treat childbirth pains and aggravated cholesterol damages. Yarrow Tea Benefits Recent studies showed that Yarrow Tea, when taken according to instructions, has a real effect on your general health, being able to treat a series of affections. You may find that Yarrow Tea is very useful in case you are suffering from one of the following conditions: - Fevers and colds, by inducing sweat and inhibiting infection. - Loss of appetite, stomach cramps, flatulence, enteritis and gastritis. - Gallbladder problems, overall liver malfunctions, internal hemorrhages (especially of the lungs). - Inflammation and menstrual pains. How to make Yarrow Tea Infusion When preparing Yarrow Tea Infusion, you need to make sure that you’re using the appropriate ingredients. Use a teaspoon of dried or freshly picked herbs for every cup of tea you want to make, add boiling water and wait 5 minutes for the tea benefits to be released. Drink it hot or cold. However, don’t take more than two cups of tea per day in order to avoid complications. Yarrow Tea Side Effects When taken properly, Yarrow Tea has no side effects at all. However, high dosages showed that patients developed skin sensitivity to light. If you’ve been taking Yarrow Tea for a long time and you feel that your health is not improving, but rather deteriorating, talk to a specialist as soon as possible! Yarrow Tea Contraindications Don’t take Yarrow Tea if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, children and patients suffering from digestive tract severe problems should avoid taking it at all costs. If you are preparing for a surgery or if you’re on blood thinners and anti-coagulants, you may want to postpone a treatment based on Yarrow Tea as much as possible. In order to gather more information, talk to a specialist. One you have the green light to start taking this tea, give it a try and enjoy the wonderful benefits of Yarrow Tea responsibly!... yarrow tea benefits


(Spanish) Green-colored water; from the city of Yaxha Yaxhah... yaxha


(Hebrew) One who praises God Ydele, Ydell, Ydelle... ydel

Yeast-like Fungus

A yeast that produces pseudohyphae (germ tubes). Includes Canidida albicans and similar species that infect humans such as C. tropicalis and C. krusei. Fungi belonging to this genus cause candidiasis (thrush) in humans.... yeast-like fungus


(American) A small woman Yebenett, Yebenet, Yebenete, Yebeneta, Yebenetta, Yebe, Yebey, Yeby, Yebee, Yebi, Yebie, Yebea, Yebeah... yebenette


(English) Having a beautiful voice; a singer

Yeddah, Yeda, Yedah... yedda


(Hebrew) A beloved friend Yedida, Yedyda, Yedydah, Yedeeda, Yedeedah... yedidah


(Hebrew) Form of Judith, meaning “woman from Judea” Yuta, Yuhudit... yehudit


(Hebrew) One who is illuminated Yeirah, Yaira, Yeyra, Yairah, Yeyrah... yeira


(African) Image of her mother Yejid... yejide


(Russian) Form of Helen, meaning “the shining light”

Yelenah, Yelina, Yeleena, Yelyna, Yelaina, Yelana, Yeleana, Yelenna, Yellayna, Yellena, Yilena, Yilina, Yileena, Yilyna, Yilaina, Yilana, Yileana, Yilenna, Yelane, Yelene, Yelenne, Yelain, Yeleane, Yelen, Yeline... yelena


(Russian) Form of Elizabeth, meaning “my God is bountiful” Yelizabeta, Yelisabeth, Yelizabeth, Yelisabet, Yelizabet... yelisabeta


(Hebrew) Form of Elizabeth, meaning “my God is bountiful” Yelizaveta, Yelysaveta... yelizavetam

Yellow Evening Primrose

Hunting... yellow evening primrose


(African) An intelligent woman Yemay, Yemaye, Yemai, Yemae, Yemye... yemaya

Yellow Dock Tea Benefits

Yellow Dock Tea has been world-wide known as a great alternative remedy in cases of liver and blood affections. Yellow Dock is a perennial plant that can be found almost anywhere in the world, but which is original from Northern America. Although its name is Yellow Dock, the herb has a reddish-brown color with boiled and eaten leaves. The roots are the most important part of this plant since they are used for medical purposes mainly. The leaves can also be used as a treatment, but they are not very efficient, even if the pharmaceutical companies have been using them for a long while in order to produce face cleansers and anti-aging tonics. Yellow Dock Tea Properties The main property of Yellow Dock Tea is that it can be used as a treatment on its own as well as an adjuvant to other treatments, depending on the concentration and the doctor’s advice. The active ingredients of this tea are: emodin, magnesium, silicon, tannins and oxalic acid, which can only be found in the roots. Yellow Dock tea is a powerful stimulant and it has laxative properties, so it’s best not to use it in case you’re already suffering from diarrhea. Yellow Dock Tea Benefits Yellow Dock Tea is an important alternative medicine ingredient, thanks to its active substances, which are very versatile and can be used in treatments concerning many affected areas. Some say that Yellow Dock could easily be added as an adjuvant to absolutely any kind of medical treatment, in adequate quantities, of course. If you’ve already tried it, you probably know that Yellow Dock Tea is very useful in case you’re suffering from one of the following conditions: - Digestive problems, such as deficient bowel movement, gastritis, enteritis. Yellow Dock tea can release the enzymes that your body needs in order to recover from these affections. - Poor body detoxification, by helping the urinary and digestive systems to release endorphins. - Heavy-metal poisoning or poor liver function, by increasing the liver cells and reconstruction the damaged tissue. How to make Yellow Dock Tea Infusion Preparing Yellow Dock Tea Infusion is very easy. Use a teaspoon of Yellow Dock roots for every 2 cups of tea you want to make, add boiling water and wait 10 minutes for the wonderful benefits to be released. Drink it hot or cold, adding ginger, honey or lemon, if the taste seems a bit unpleasant to you. However, don’t drink more than a cup per day and only for a short while (1 to 3 weeks). Yellow Dock Tea Side Effects If you’re using freshly-picked leaves, use them with moderation. When taken properly, Yellow Dock Tea is safe. However, high dosages may cause a number of problems, such as upset stomach, internal bleedings and nausea. If you’ve been taking it for a while and you’re experiencing some unusual episodes, talk to a doctor immediately! Yellow Dock Tea Contraindications Don’t take Yellow Dock Tea if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, children and patients suffering from diarrhea and some serious diseases which imply the ingestion of blood thinners or anti-coagulants should avoid taking it at all costs! To gather more information, talk to a specialist. Once you are well-informed, give Yellow Dock Tea a try and enjoy its wonderful benefits responsibly!... yellow dock tea benefits

Yellow Fever Vaccine Is Prepared From

chick embryos injected with the living, attenuated strain (17D) of pantropic virus. Only one injection is required, and immunity persists for many years. Re-inoculation, however, is desirable every ten years. (See YELLOW FEVER.)

Haemophilus vaccine (HiB) This vaccine was introduced in the UK in 1994 to deal with the annual incidence of about 1,500 cases and 100 deaths from haemophilus MENINGITIS, SEPTICAEMIA and EPIGLOTTITIS, mostly in pre-school children. It has been remarkably successful when given as part of the primary vaccination programme at two, three and four months of age – reducing the incidence by over 95 per cent. A few cases still occur, either due to other subgroups of the organism for which the vaccine is not designed, or because of inadequate response by the child, possibly related to interference from the newer forms of pertussis vaccine (see above) given at the same time.

Meningococcal C vaccine Used in the UK from 1998, this has dramatically reduced the incidence of meningitis and septicaemia due to this organism. Used as part of the primary programme in early infancy, it does not protect against other types of meningococci.

Varicella vaccine This vaccine, used to protect against varicella (CHICKENPOX) is used in a number of countries including the United States and Japan. It has not been introduced into the UK, largely because of concerns that use in infancy would result in an upsurge in cases in adult life, when the disease may be more severe.

Pneumococcal vaccine The pneumococcus is responsible for severe and sometimes fatal childhood diseases including meningitis and septicaemia, as well as PNEUMONIA and other respiratory infections. Vaccines are available but do not protect against all strains and are reserved for special situations – such as for patients without a SPLEEN or those who are immunode?cient.... yellow fever vaccine is prepared from


(Native American) A medicine man; wizard poisoning a person who is sleeping

Yenyne, Yenine, Yenena, Yenina, Yenyna... yenene


(African) A hardworking woman Yenga, Yengeh, Yengah... yenge


(Native American) A winter princess; snow woman Yepah, Yeppa, Yeppah... yepa


(Basque) Having bitter grace; refers to the Virgin Mary Yerah, Yerra, Yerrah... yera

Yerba Buena

See Hierbabuena.... yerba buena

Yerba Mate

Fidelity, Love, Lust... yerba mate

Yerba Mora

See Hierba mora.... yerba mora

Yerba Mate Tea - The New Green Tea

Yerba Mate Tea remained unknown to the general public until a while ago, when the South American tea gained an impressive popularity among world-wide practitioners. Yerba Mate is a small tree that grows mainly in hot climate regions such as Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. Yerba Mate Tea can be made from this tree’s leaves and stems. Ancient civilizations believed that this tea was the drink of gods thanks to its curative properties and its ability to purify houses and temples. The custom is to drink Yerba Mate tea from a special container called bombilla and using a straw. Yerba Mate Tea Properties Yerba Mate Tea has a bitter-sweet taste and is very similar to the camellia sinensis tea. Scientists found that Yerba Mate tea contains 196 active ingredients, making this South American tea one of the richest decoctions on Earth. The main substances of this tea are: tannins, antioxidants, polyphenols, amino acids, saponins, vitamins and flavonoids. Herbalists discovered that Yerba Mate Tea contains all the ingredients capable to sustain life. Many recent studies refer to this tea as “the new green tea”. Yerba Mate Tea Benefits Aside from its cultural background, Yerba Mate Tea is one of the best teas on Earth, thanks not only to its numerous chemical ingredients, but also to a large amount of diseases that can treat. Although in the Latin Americas this tea is as popular (if not more popular) than the tea, it remains still unknown to European public. However, Yerba Mate Tea may come in hand in case you’re suffering from one of the following problems: - Low energy level and fatigue, by giving your health system a boost. - Central nervous system problems, such as headaches and severe migraines, by helping your body produce and release more endorphins. - Gastrointestinal disorders, such as stomach pains and intestinal infections, flushing out of your system all microbes and unwanted parasites. How to make Yerba Mate Tea Infusion Preparing Yerba Mate Tea couldn’t be any easier. Just take the dried lives (if you live in South America, try to use the freshly-picked ones. They have a stronger flavor), put them in a teapot and add boiling water. Use a teaspoon of every cup of tea you want to make and wait 15 minutes for the wonderful benefits of this tea to be released. Drink it hot or cold, from a glass or a bombilla. Yerba Mate Tea Side Effects There are no reported cases of Yerba Mate Tea side effects. However, in order to avoid any kind of complications, it’s best not to drink more than 4 cups of tea per day. If you’re still having doubts about taking a treatment based on Yerba Mate Tea, talk to a specialist and gather more information. Yerba Mate Tea Contraindications When taken in high dosages, Yerba Mate Tea may lead to a number of negative reactions from your body, such as lung cancer, esophageal cancer, laryngeal cancer and kidney cancer. Before starting any herbal treatment, talk to a specialist in order to be informed of the implied risks. If you feel confident in your health, you already have your doctor’s ok on this matter andyou’re willing to follow a list of basic instructions, give Yerba Mate Tea a try and enjoy its great benefits!... yerba mate tea - the new green tea


(Hebrew) Founded by God Yerial, Yeriele, Yerielle, Yerialle, Yeriale... yeriel


(Arabic) Resembling a flower Yeseniah, Yesinia, Yesenya, Yecenia, Yasenya, Yesnia, Yessenia, Yessena, Yessenya, Yissenia... yesenia


(African) For a thousand Yeshie, Yeshey, Yeshy, Yeshee, Yeshea, Yesheah... yeshi


(Hebrew) Form of Jessica, meaning “the Lord sees all”

Yesica, Yessika, Yesika, Yesicka, Yessicka, Yesyka, Yesiko... yessica


(Welsh) One who is just Yestine, Yestyn, Yestyne... yestin


(English) Form of Henrietta, meaning “ruler of the house” Yettah, Yeta, Yette, Yitta, Yettie, Yetty... yetta


(Slavic) Form of Eve, meaning “giver of life; a lively woman” Yevah, Yevunye, Yevon, Yetsye, Yevtsye... yeva


(Norse) The tree that binds Earth, heaven, and hell... yggsdrasil


(English) Form of Igraine, the mother of Arthur in Arthurian legend Ygrane, Ygrayne, Ygrain, Ygrayn, Ygraen, Ygraene... ygraine


(African) One deserving congratulations

Yihanah, Yhana, Yihanna, Yihannah, Yhanah, Yhanna, Yhannah... yihana


(Spanish) A victorious woman Yina, Yinna, Yinnah... yinah


(Hebrew) One who emanates light Yittah, Yita, Yitah... yitta


(Scandinavian) Resembling a she-wolf Ylwha... ylwa


(French) Form of Agnes, meaning “one who is pure; chaste” Ynez, Ynesita... ynes


(Hebrew) Form of Joana, meaning “God is gracious”

Yoanah, Yoanna, Yoannah, Yohana, Yohanna, Yohanka... yoana


(African) One who prays to God Yobachie, Yobachey, Yobachee, Yobachea, Yobacheah, Yobachy... yobachi


(Hebrew) Of God’s glory... yocheved


(American) An old-fashioned woman Yodell, Yodel, Yodele, Yodella, Yodela, Yodette, Yodete, Yodet, Yodetta, Yodeta, Yode, Yodey, Yody, Yodie, Yodi, Yodee, Yodea, Yodeah... yodelle

Yerba Santa Tea Benefits

Yerba Santa Tea has been known for centuries for its astringent, stimulant and antibacterial action. Although it remains unknown to European public, Yerba Santa Tea has gain an impressive popularity among South and North Americans during the last 30 years. Yerba Santa is an ever-green shrub that grows in extended areas of the United Stated and which can be easily recognized by its light purple flowers, needle-like green leaves and elongated roots. The main use of Yerba Santa leaves consisted of an improvised bandage that was made by smashing a small amount of leaves in a cloth and press it against open wounds. However, this temporary bandage could only be used until a more appropriate one was found. Some say that Yerba Santa leaves are very efficient, but their effect doesn’t last too long. Yerba Santa Tea Properties Aside from its wonderful benefits as a great wound cleanser, Yerba Santa Tea has important properties that place this herb among the most important elements of the alternative medicine. The active ingredients of this tea are: bitter resins, eriodictyol, eriodictyonic acid, essential oils and tannins, which can be found mostly in the leaves. The bitter resins have antiseptic and cleansing properties which make this exotic tea a real cure in cases of internal damage. Yerba Santa Tea Benefits For many centuries, Native Americans believed that Yerba Santa Tea was truly saint thanks to its ability to treat open wounds by stopping infections from developing. Luckily, recent studies showed that Yerba Santa Tea benefits consist of much more than just open cuts cleansing.You may find this tea helpful in case you’re suffering from one of the following conditions: - Respiratory conditions, such as asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy, cough, by clearing the respiratory ways and restoring the well-being of your organism. - Bruises and pains, by de-clotting the affected areas and increasing the localized blood flow. - Joint pain and rheumatism, by inhibiting pain triggers and enhancing the metabolisms functions. - Fever, fatigue, counter stress, by inducing healing endorphins and nourishing the nervous system. - Yerba Santa Tea also combats allergies, insect bites and other minor injuries. How to make Yerba Santa Tea Infusion When preparing Yerba Santa Tea, you first need to make sure that the herbs you’re using are perfectly clean: you don’t want any bacteria to interfere with your treatment. Use a teaspoon of dried of freshly picked leaves for every cup of tea you want to make, add boiling water and wait for 30 minutes for the health benefits to be released, strain and drink it hot or cold. You can add honey or lemon if the taste feels a bit unpleasant. Don’t drink more than 4 cups of Yerba Santa Tea per day in order to avoid other complications. Yerba Santa Tea Side Effects When taken properly, Yerba Santa Tea is perfectly safe. However, high dosages may lead to ailments of the digestive tract, such as diarrhea or constipation. If you’re yet unsure about this medical treatment, talk to your doctor or to a specialist to gather more information. Yerba Santa Tea Contraindications Do not take Yerba Santa Tea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, suffering from a serious health conditions that implies blood thinners or anticoagulant ingestion or if you’re preparing for a surgery that would require anesthesia. Also, children should be kept away from this treatment. However, if you’ve been already taking this tea for a while and your health is deteriorating, talk to a doctor as soon as possible! But if your general health is good and there is nothing that could interfere with a treatment based on Yerba Santa Tea, give it a try and enjoy its wonderful benefits!... yerba santa tea benefits


(Hebrew) One who loves God Yoellah, Yoelah, Yoela... yoella


Sour milk curdled with one of the LACTIC ACID producing bacilli, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus or Lactobacillus bulgaricus. It contains all the protein, fat, calcium, and vitamins of the original milk, and is therefore a nutritious food, but there is no evidence that it has any unique bene?cial properties of its own. In countries where standards of hygiene are low, it has the advantage of having been sterilised by boiling and is therefore unlikely to be contaminated with dangerous micro-organisms.... yoghurt


(Hindi) One who practices yoga Yogini, Yoginie, Yogie, Yogy, Yogey, Yogee, Yogea, Yogeah... yogi


(African) A gift from God Yohanse... yohance


Love, Lust... yohimbe


This substance is derived from the bark of Pausinystalia yohimbie, a West African tree. Once widely used as an aphrodisiac – an action for which there is no good evidence, it is now being used in the treatment of certain cases of postural HYPOTENSION and for the treatment of IMPOTENCE.... yohimbine


(Native American) Of the rain Yokie, Yokee, Yoky, Yokey, Yokea, Yokeah... yoki


(Japanese) A positive child; good girl Yo... yoko


(Greek) Resembling the violet flower; modest

Yolande, Yoland, Yolana, Yolain, Yolaine, Yolane, Yolanna, Yorlanda, Yalanda, Yalando, Yalonda, Yolantha, Yolanthe, Yolette, Yulanda, Yulonda, Youlanda, Yolonda... yolanda


(Greek) Resembling the violet flower Yoli, Yolee, Yoley, Yoly, Yolea, Yoleah... yolie


(Spanish) I am the sun Yomariss, Yomarise, Yomarris... yomaris


(Hebrew) Feminine form of Jonah; dove

Yonah, Yonina, Yonita, Yonee, Yony, Yoney, Yonie, Yoni, Yoneena, Yonine, Yonyna, Yoneene, Yonati, Yonat, Yonit, Yonita, Yonyta... yona

Yohimbe Tea - A Natural Aphrodisiac

Yohimbe Tea has been used for centuries as a very powerful aphrodisiac, although this use was only exploited by the Africans. Later on, the scientists found out that the active constituents of this tea could very well be used to improve erectile function. Many pharmaceutical treatments contain a small dosage of Yohimbe Tea extract. Yohimbe is a small ever-green tree that grows mainly in places like Gabon, Cameroon and Zaire. Also known as pausinystalia yohimbe, this tree is a member of the Rubiaceae family that can be recognized by its lance-like leaves and brownish bark. Yohimbe Tea Properties Aside from its aphrodisiac properties, Yohimbe Tea contains a lot of chemical ingredients used to treat a variety of health problems. The active substances of this tea are yohimbine HCl (indole alkaloid), which can only be found in the bark and which is the responsible constituent for all the medical benefits of this tea. Other than this, Yohimbe Tea also contains pigments and tannis, but in a smaller dosage, almost impractical for the alternative medicine. Yohimbe Tea Benefits Drinking Yohimbe Tea has proven its benefits since ancient times, when African population used it as a medical cure and also as an important element when it came to religious ceremonies and rituals. It was believed that whoever drank a cup of Yohimbe Tea during one of these ceremonies, would have a great sexual life. Some say it only worked thanks to the willing power, other truly believed that this tea can perform miracles. Aside from these legends, scients found out that Yohimbe Tea is actually a good sexual enhancer and an erectile dysfunction treatment. How to make Yohimbe Tea Infusion Preparing Yohimbe Tea is very easy. Use a teaspoon of herbs for every cup of tea you want to make, add boiling water and wait 30 minutes for the health benefits to be released. Strain and drink it hot or cold, adding honey or lemon, if you feel the taste is a bit unpleasant. You can either use dried or freshly picked leaves; the only thing you need to be careful about is where you buy them from. Make sure you only use herbs from a trusted provider. Yohimbe Tea Side Effects When taken properly, Yohimbe Tea is perfectly safe. However, high dosages may lead to a number of complications such as rapid heartbeat, kidney failure, seizure, heart attack and others. Make sure you talk to a doctor the first time you notice something unusual about your health when taking Yohimbe Tea! It’s better to be safe than sorry! Yohimbe Tea Contraindications Don’t take a treatment based on Yohimbe Tea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or suffer from one of the following disorders: - Schizophrenia (this tea can enhance your psychotic episodes). - Prostate problems. - Post traumatic distress, liver failure, kidney failure, chest pain, anxiety, high or low blood pressur. But if there’s nothing that could interfere with this herb’s ingredients, try Yohimbe Tea and enjoy its wonderful benefits responsibly!... yohimbe tea - a natural aphrodisiac


(Hebrew) Feminine form of Jordan; of the down-flowing river Yordanah, Yordanna, Yordannah, Yordane, Yordain, Yordaine, Yordayn, Yordayne, Yordaen, Yordaene, Yordan

... yordana


(Japanese) One who is trustworthy; reliable Yoriyo, Yoriko... yori


(English) From the yew settlement Yorck, Yorc, Yorke, Yorki, Yorkie, Yorky, Yorkey, Yorkee, Yorkea, Yorkeah... york


(African) Woman from Nigeria Yorubah, Yorubba, Yorubbah... yoruba


(Hebrew) Form of Josephine, meaning “God will add”

Yosebah, Yosebe, Yosepha, Yosephina, Yosefa, Yosifa, Yosyfa, Yuseffa, Yosefina, Yosifina, Yosyfina, Yuseffina... yoseba


(Japanese) A beautiful girl... yoshe


(Japanese) One who is respectful and good

Yoshie, Yoshy, Yoshey, Yoshee, Yoshiyo, Yoshiko, Yoshino, Yoshea, Yosheah... yoshi

Young Old

Persons aged 60 to 74 years in a categorization of “old old” (75-84) and “oldest old” ( 85 years and over).... young old


(American) Form of Yvonne, meaning “a young archer” Yovanah, Yovanna, Yovannah, Yovann, Yovane, Yovanne, Yoviana, Yovianna, Yovian, Yovianne, Yoviane, Yovhanna, Yovhannah, Yovhana, Yovhanah... yovana


(Hebrew) One who is full of joy; rejoicing

Yovelah, Yovella, Yovelle, Yovele... yovela


(Spanish) Form of Isabel, meaning “my God is bountiful” Ysabelle, Ysabela, Ysabele, Ysabell, Ysabella, Ysbel, Ysibel, Ysibela, Ysibele, Ysibell, Ysibelle, Ysibella, Ysobel, Ysobela, Ysobella, Ysobele, Ysobelle, Ysybel, Ysybelle, Ysybell, Ysybele, Ysybela, Ysybella... ysabel


(English) A graceful woman Ysanne, Ysann, Ysana, Ysanna, Ysanah, Ysannah... ysane


(Welsh) A spoiled girl Ysbale, Ysbayle, Ysbaile, Ysbayl, Ysbael, Ysbaele... ysbail


(Celtic / German / English) One who is fair / ruler of ice / in Arthurian legend, an Irish princess who married the king of Cornwall

Yseulte, Ysolt, Ysolte, Ysold, Ysolde... yseult


Transmutation, Protection, Purification... yucca


(American) A capable woman Yuett, Yuete, Yuet, Yueta, Yuetta... yuette


(Japanese) Woman of the snow Yukie, Yuky, Yukey, Yukee, Yukiko, Yukiyo, Yukea, Yukeah... yuki


(Spanish) A splendid woman Yulann... yulan

Yucca Aloifolia


Family: Liliaceae, Agavaceae.

Habitat: Common in gardens in warm tropical regions.

Action: fruit—used as a purgative.

Flowers contain aloifoline. Seeds contain indole melanins. The leaves contain tigogenin (76%), sarsasapo- genin, gitogenin, hecogenin, smila- genin, neotigogenin and samogenin.

Aloifoline is specifically active against Lewis lung-tumour as well as other transplanted mouse neoplasms.

Several spirostanol saponin glyco- sides from rhizomes and inflorescence have been isolated.... yucca aloifolia

Yucca Filamentosa


Family: Liliaceae; Agavaceae.

Habitat: Indigenous to southern United States; introduced into Indian gardens.

English: Adam's Needle.

Action: Rhizomes and leaves—used for the treatment of glandular and liver and gallbladder disorders; in bilious headaches accompanied by yellow tongue; in despondency and irritability. Root—tincture is used in the treatment of rheumatism; a poultice or salve is used in inflammations.

The leaves contain steroidal sapo- genins sarsasapogenin, gitogenin, tigogenin, diosgenin, kammogenin, yuccagenin, hecogenin, manogenin, mexogenin, chlorogenin and smila- genin. The rhizomes contain mainly sarsasapogenin.

Tincture of the herb is used in Homoeopathic medicine for bilious symptoms with headache.... yucca filamentosa

Yucca Gloriosa


Synonym: Y recurvifolia Salisb.

Family: Liliaceae; Agavaceae.

Habitat: Native to Central America; introduced into India as a garden plant.

English: Spanish Dagger-Plant, Adam's Needle.

Action: Fruit—anti-inflammatory, blood purifier, cholagogue. Used in rheumatism, oedema, bronchitis, asthma and chest diseases; also for ulcers, sores, dysentery and haemorrhagic septicaemia.

Yuccas are an important source of steroidal sapogenins, precursors of sex-hormones and steroids. Related species, Yucca bacata, Y. glauca, and Y brevifolica, are used for hormonal disturbances, menstrual disorders, varicose veins, arthritis and rheumatism.

Oxycanthin, extracted from Yucca plant, is used for the treatment of pruritus. It also stimulates hair growth.

The leaves of Yucca gloriosa contain sapogenins—titogenin derivatives, smilagenin, hecogenin, diosgenin, glo- riogenin, 12-beta-hydroxysmilagenin and chlorogenin. Beta-sitosterol is also reported from leaves.

Essential oil from leaves contains cis- 9-nonadecene and cis-8-heptadecene as major constituents.... yucca gloriosa


(English) Daughter of Christmastime Yulle... yule


(Russian) Form of Julia, meaning “one who is youthful; daughter of the sky” Yulie, Yula, Yulka, Yulya, Yulene, Yuleen, Yuleene, Yuleena, Yulena, Yulean, Yuleane, Yuleana, Yulenia, Yulilya, Yulenke, Yulenka, Yulinke, Yulinka, Yuliana, Yuliani... yulia


(Japanese) A beautiful bow Yumie, Yumy, Yumey, Yumee, Yumiko, Yumiyo, Yumako, Yumea, Yumeah... yumi


(Arabic) One with good fortune and success... yumn


(African) A gorgeous woman Yunah, Yunna, Yunnah... yuna


(Japanese) Resembling a lily Yurie, Yury, Yurey, Yuree, Yuriko, Yuriyo, Yurea, Yureah... yuri


(American) A graceful lily Yurianna, Yuriane, Yurianne, Yuriann... yuriana


(Arabic) One who is most prosperous Yusraa, Yusriyah... yusra


(Hebrew / Japanese) One who is awarded praise / one who is superior Yutah, Yoota, Yootah... yuta


(Slavic) Form of Ivana, meaning “God is gracious”

Yvanna, Yvanya, Yvannya, Yvan, Yvania, Yvannia, Yvanah, Yvannah

... yvana


(French) A young archer; possibly a combination of Anna and Eve, meaning “a woman graced with God’s favor” and “a giver of life; a lively woman” Yvonna, Yvone, Yvon, Yvonnie, Yvonny, Yvonnia, Yavonne, Yavonna, Yavonda, Yavanda, Yavanna, Yavanne, Yveline, Yvette, Yvett, Yvet, Yvetta, Yveta, Yevette, Yevett, Yevetta, Yavette... yvonne

Liver – Acute Yellow Atrophy

Necrosis. Fatal disease in which the substance of the liver is destroyed. Incidence is rare since the public has been alerted to the dangers of certain chemical toxins, fumes from synthetic glues, solvents, and poisonous fungi.

Symptoms: jaundice, delirium and convulsions.

As it is the work of the liver to neutralise incoming poisons it may suffer unfair wear and tear, alcohol and caffeine being common offenders.

Treatment for relief of symptoms only: same as for abscess of the liver.

Treatment by or in liaison with a general medical practitioner. ... liver – acute yellow atrophy

Nervousness In Young Women

With menstrual problems, menopausal women, ovarian pain, or weak nerves after childbrith.

Tea. Combine equal parts: Raspberry leaves, Skullcap, Motherwort. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup freely.

Formula. Equal parts: Black Cohosh, Helonias, Valerian. Dose: Liquid Extracts: half a teaspoon. Tinctures: 1 teaspoon. Powders: 250mg thrice daily.

Supplements. B-complex. Vitamin C to aid iron absorption. ... nervousness in young women


Types of fungi in which the body of the fungus comprises individual cells that occur either singly, in pairs, or in longer chains. Certain yeasts can cause infections of the skin or mucous membranes; the most important of these disease-causing yeasts is CANDIDA ALBICANS, which causes candidiasis.... yeasts

Yucca Tea Benefits

Yucca Tea has been known for a long time thanks to its ability to treat a wide range of aliments, such as skin sores, dandruff and hair loss. Native Americans used a decoction of Yucca Tea applied topically oh the scalp in order to make the hair grow faster and look shinier. Yucca is a perennial shrub with ever green, stiffed leaves and white flowers. The yuccas are widely known and cultivated as decorative plants, being used in many types of Native American wedding ceremonies. Yucca grows mainly in the North American regions and also in the West Indies, where it is used only for its medical purpose. Yucca Tea Properties Aside from decorating weddings in a delightful way, Yucca can be made into a decoction very useful in alternative medicine. Although it remains yet unknown to Asian and European public, Yucca Tea continues to be a great medical treatment in Indian and American regions thanks to its active ingredients. The main chemical ingredient of Yucca Tea are saponins (mostly is soluble in hot and cold water and can be found in almost any Indian drug store as a chemical ingredient), a precursor of cortisone, which is a natural substance known for its ability to prevent intestine toxins from being released. Yucca Tea Benefits Aside from its use as a natural cosmetic treatment that can prevent affections of the scalp, Yucca Tea is also very useful in other medical areas. You may find Yucca Tea Helpful in case you’re suffering from one of the following conditions: - Arthritis and osteoarthritis, by increasing bone cell and coronary walls action. - Inflammations, by stopping bacteria and microbes eruption. - Asthma, by clearing the respiratory ways and enhancing the system’s power to recover from asthma crisis. - Headaches and blood clots, by nourishing both the nervous and the circulatory systems. - Dandruff, when applied topically at room’s temperature. How to make Yucca Tea Infusion Preparing Yucca Tea Infusion couldn’t be any easier. Just use a teaspoon of dried leaves for every cup of tea you want to make, add boiling water and wait 15 minutes for the health benefits to be released. Strain and drink the tea hot or cold. However, you need to pay attention to your bowel movement. If you notice anything unusual, lower the amount of herbs you’re using. Yucca Tea Side Effects When taken properly, Yucca Tea is safe, just make sure you don’t take more than 3 cups per day. High dosages may lead to a number of complications, such as stomach upset, bitter taste, nausea and vomiting. If you’ve been taking this tea for a while and you’ve noticed some unusual changes in your general health, talk to a specialist as soon as possible. Yucca Tea Contraindications Don’t take Yucca Tea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, if you’re on blood thinners, anticoagulants or preparing for a major surgery, avoid taking a treatment based on Yucca Tea at all costs. If your general health is good, but you’re still unsure about this tea, talk to a herbalist in order to gather more information about the risks and benefits of Yucca Tea.... yucca tea benefits


A very rare metal that, in its radioactive form, is sometimes used in cancer therapy and to treat joints affected by arthritis.zidovudine An antiretroviral drug, formerly known as azidothymidine or AZT, that is used in combination with other antiretroviral drugs to slow the progression of AIDS. The principal aim of antiretrovirals is to keep viral replication to as low a level as possible for as long as possible; they do not constitute a cure. Zidovudine was the first drug to be introduced to combat HIV infection.

Possible side effects of zidovudine include anaemia, which may be severe enough to require a blood transfusion, nausea, loss of appetite, and headache.

Zidovudine also impairs the absorption of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole, the antibiotic drugs used to treat pneumonia in people who have , thus reducing the effectiveness of these drugs.... yttrium

Disability-adjusted Life Year

(DALY) a common research measure of disease burden that accounts for both morbidity and mortality. One year lived in full health is equivalent to one DALY. Disabilities and disease states are assigned a weighting that reduces this figure, such that a year lived with disability is equivalent to less than one DALY. Some studies also use social weighting, in which years lived as a young adult receive a greater DALY weight than those lived as a young child or older adult. See also health-adjusted life expectancy; quality of life.... disability-adjusted life year

2–4 Years

influenza vaccine... 2–4 years

3 Years 4 Months

DTaP/IPV, MMR... 3 years 4 months

Girls Aged 12–13 Years

HPV (two doses)... girls aged 12–13 years

14 Years

Td/IPV, MenCAWY... 14 years

Maturity-onset Diabetes Of The Young

(MODY, monogenic diabetes) a range of rare but important forms of type 2 *diabetes mellitus caused by a single autosomal *dominant genetic defect. The two commonest forms are mutations of the HNF-1? gene (MODY 3), which often responds to treatment with *sulphonylurea drugs, and mutations of the glucokinase gene (MODY 2), causing a mild elevation of blood glucose levels usually responsive to dietary management.... maturity-onset diabetes of the young

Pack Years

a measure of a person’s cumulative cigarette consumption over a long period of time. It is expressed as the number of packs (assuming 20 cigarettes in a pack) smoked per day multiplied by the number of years of smoking:

For example, a patient who has smoked 15 cigarettes a day for 40 years has a (15/20) × 40 = 30 pack-year smoking history.... pack years

Years Of Life Lost

(YLL, years of potential life lost, YPLL, potential years of life lost, PYLL) a measure of premature mortality that calculates the number of additional years a person could have expected to live, on average, had they not died prematurely. A reference age intended to represent the total number of years a person can expect to live, on average, is required for the calculation: this is often given in square brackets after YLL. Negative values for YLL are not used: if somebody survives longer than the reference age, their YLL is calculated as 0. YLLs for different diseases can be compared across populations to give an indication of which diseases carry the greatest burden of premature mortality.... years of life lost

Yellow Spot

see macula.... yellow spot


(deutoplasm) n. a substance, rich in protein and fat, that is laid down within the egg cell as nourishment for the embryo. It is absent (or nearly so) from the eggs of mammals (including humans) whose embryos absorb nutrients from their mother.... yolk


see years of life lost.... ypll

Ylang Ylang

Cananga odorata var. genuina

FAMILY: Annonaceae

SYNONYMS: Unona odorantissimum, flower of flowers.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A tall tropical tree up to 20 metres high with large, tender, fragrant flowers, which can be pink, mauve or yellow. The yellow flowers are considered best for the extraction of essential oil.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to tropical Asia, especially Indonesia and the Philippines. Major oil producers are Madagascar, Reunion and the Comoro Islands.

OTHER SPECIES: Very closely related to cananga (C. odoratum var. macrophylla), although the oil produced from the ylang ylang is considered of superior quality for perfumery work, having a more refined quality.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: In Indonesia, the flowers are spread on the beds of newly married couples on their wedding night. In the Molucca Islands, an ointment is made from ylang ylang and cucuma flowers in a coconut oil base for cosmetic and hair care, skin diseases, to prevent fever (including malaria) and fight infections.

In the Victorian age, the oil was used in the popular hair treatment Macassar oil, due to its stimulating effect on the scalp, encouraging hair growth. The oil was also used to soothe insect bites, and is thought to have a regulating effect on cardiac and respiratory rhythm.

ACTIONS: Aphrodisiac, antidepressant, anti infectious, antiseborrhoeic, antiseptic, euphoric, hypotensive, nervine, regulator, sedative (nervous), stimulant (circulatory), tonic.

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by water or steam distillation from the freshly picked flowers. The first distillate (about 40 per cent) is called ylang ylang extra, which is the top grade. There are then three further successive distillates, called Grades 1, 2 and 3. A ‘complete’ oil is also produced which represents the total or ‘unfractionated’ oil, but this is sometimes constructed by blending ylang ylang 1 and 2 together, which are the two least popular grades. (An absolute and concrete are also produced by solvent extraction for their long-lasting floral-balsamic effect.)

CHARACTERISTICS: Ylang ylang extra is a pale yellow, oily liquid with an intensely sweet, soft, floral-balsamic, slightly spicy scent – a good oil has a creamy rich topnote. A very intriguing perfume oil in its own right, it also blends well with rosewood, jasmine, vetiver, opopanax, bergamot, mimosa, cassie, Peru balsam, rose, tuberose, costus and others. It is an excellent fixative. The other grades lack the depth and richness of the ylang ylang extra.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Methyl benzoate, methyl salicylate, methyl paracretol, benzyl acetate, eugenol, geraniol, linalol and terpenes: pinene, cadinene, among others.

SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant, a few cases of sensitization reported. Use in moderation, since its heady scent can cause headaches or nausea.


Skin care: Acne, hair growth, hair rinse, insect bites, irritated and oily skin, general skin care.

Circulation muscles and joints: High blood pressure, hyperpnoea (abnormally fast breathing), tachycardia, palpitations.

Nervous system: Depression, frigidity, impotence, insomnia, nervous tension and stress-related disorders – ‘The writer, working with odorous materials for more than twenty years, long ago noticed that ... ylang ylang soothes and inhibits anger born of frustration.’.

OTHER USES: Extensively used as a fragrance component and fixative in soaps, cosmetics and perfumes, especially oriental and floral types; ylang ylang extra tends to be used in high-class perfumes, ylang ylang 3 in soaps, detergents, etc. Used as a flavour ingredient, mainly in alcoholic and soft drinks, fruit flavours and desserts.... ylang ylang

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