Infra-red Health Dictionary

Infra-red: From 1 Different Sources

A term denoting the part of the electromagnetic spectrum immediately beyond the red end of the visible light spectrum.

Directed onto the skin, infra-red radiation heats the skin and the tissues immediately below it.

An infra-red lamp is one means of giving heat treatment.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association


The manipulation of part of the body from an abnormal position to the correct one (e.g. fractures, dislocations or hernias).... reduction

Breast Reduction

See MAMMOPLASTY.... breast reduction

Reduction Division

See MEIOSIS.... reduction division

Absolute Risk Reduction

A measure of treatment effect that compares the probability (or mean) of a type of outcome in the control group with that of a treatment group.... absolute risk reduction


(English) From the red meadow Redel, Redelle, Redele, Redella, Redela... redell


(American) Feminine form of Redmond; one who offers wise protection Redmondi, Redmondie, Redmondee, Redmondea, Redmonda, Redmunde, Redmunda... redmonde

Reduviid Bugs

Blood sucking hemipterans found in Latin America and which serve as vectors for Trypanosoma cruzi, the cause of Chagas’ Disease. These insects are also known as ‘cone nose bugs’, ‘assassin bugs’ or ‘triatomids’. They belong to the family Reduviidae and the genera Rhodnius and Triatoma, Panstrongylus amongst others.... reduviid bugs

Weight Reduction

The process of losing excess body fat. A person who is severely overweight (see obesity) is more at risk of various illnesses, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension (high blood pressure), and heart disease.

The most efficient way to lose weight is to eat 500–1,000 kcal (2,100–4,200 kJ) a day less than the body’s total energy requirements. Exercise also forms an extremely important part of a reducing regime, burning excess energy and improving muscle tone.

In most circumstances, drugs play little part in a weight loss programme.

However, sibutramine and orlistat may be useful adjuncts to a reducing diet and may be appropriate for some people with a high (see body mass index). Appetite suppressants related to amfetamines are not recommended.... weight reduction

Dihydrofolate Reductase Inhibitor

any of various drugs that interfere with the conversion of folate to its active form in the body. They include *pyrimethamine, *trimethoprim, and *methotrexate. When such drugs are necessary, folate deficiency is treated with *folinic acid rather than folic acid.... dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor

Hmg Coa Reductase

hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase: the key rate-limiting enzyme that is involved in the production of cholesterol in the liver. Inhibition of its action is the mechanism by which the *statin group of lipid-lowering agents work.... hmg coa reductase


prefix denoting below.... infra


n. (pl. rediae) the third-stage larva of a parasitic *fluke. Rediae develop within the body of a freshwater snail and undergo a process of asexual reproduction, giving rise to many fourth-stage larvae called *cercariae. See also miracidium; sporocyst.... redia


n. doubling of the heart sounds, which may be heard in healthy individuals and shows variation with respiration due to the slightly asynchronous closure of the heart valves.... reduplication


n. any one of a group of winged insects (Reduviidae) whose mouthparts – adapted for piercing and sucking – take the form of a long proboscis that is tucked beneath the head when not in use. Some South American genera, notably Panstrongylus, Rhodnius, and Triatoma – the kissing bugs, are nocturnal bloodsucking insects that transmit the parasite causing *Chagas’ disease.... reduviid


n. a genus of predatory bloodsucking reduviid bugs. R. personatus, widely distributed in Europe, normally preys upon insects but occasionally attacks humans. Its bite causes various allergic symptoms, including rash, nausea, and palpitations.... reduvius

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