The meaning of the symbols of gingko seen in a dream.

Dandelion Tea

Dandelion tea is an excellent source of vitamins and an unbeatable way to maintain healthy body and mind. About Dandelion tea Dandelion is a perennial yellow plant scientifically called Taraxacum officinale. Itcan be used as a herbal plant but also in the kitchen in many recipes, salads etc. It grows everywhere and it appears in early spring. Its flowers last until late fall. For medical purposes, the young flowers are usually used before flowering along with the root. The flowers are an important source of vitamins (A, B, C and D), minerals (is very rich in potassium) proteins, carbohydrates, and tannins, caffeic acid. The leaves are also important. The root contains a bitter compound - taraxacina - but it is also rich in pectins, sterols, vitamins B1, C and D, inulin, tannin, volatile oils and reshines. You can use the leaves to prepare salads, juices, infusions or tinctures. The roots are mostly used for teas, tinctures and decoction. Dandelion tea is considered an overall tonic with multiple benefits. How to brew Dandelion tea For regular use, you can drink 2 cups of dandelion tea per day. Use 2 teaspoons of dried plant for a hot water cup. Let it infuse for a couple of minutes and then let it rinse. Another way of drinking the dandelion tea is by using small cutted leaves and dried roots. Pour into a container approximately 200 ml of water, add the plant and let it boil. After that, cover the container with something and keep it to infuse for 15 minutes. In the end, filter it and enjoy the tea. You may add some honey or sugar. Benefits of Dandelion tea Dandelion tea has lots of benefits as it is considered one of the healthiest teas. - Dandelion tea is depurative, sudorific and diuretic - Dandelion tea helps to diminish high cholesterol - It promotes gastrointestinal health, enhancing digestion, stimulating the appetite and treating digestive problems such as heartburn or upset stomach - Dandelion tea is suitable in diets or in fighting obesity as it helps the body eliminate water, having a detoxifying role -The tea is considered to be aliver, kidney and gallbladder tonic and it normalizes blood circulation - It is used with success in treating several skin ailments like acne, gout, atherosclerosis, varicose veins - Dandelion tea has an antirheumatic effect and some studies underlined that it also boosts the immunity - Dandelion tea also has a cosmetic  use as it improves skin clarity and cleanses complexion Side effects of Dandelion tea Although dandelion tea has many benefits, it also has several warnings that you should take into consideration. It is not advisable to use the plant after flowering. Dandelion tea can reduce the efficiency of some medicines and may interact with some drugs or other herbs. Avoid combining this tea with antibiotics, garlic, gingko biloba, blood thinners or pain relievers, as a risk of bleeding may arise. Some studies pointed out that those suffering of diabetes and low blood sugar, as well as pregnant women or breastfeeding women should consult their physician before drinking dandelion tea. If you are allergic to daisies, chrysanthemum, chamomile or marigold you may also develop same reaction for dandelion. Some people call dandelion tea the elixir of long life as it brings vitality and makes you strong if you consume it on a regular basis. However, it’s best to keep the moderation and to search for information before you decide to drink it on a regular basis.... dandelion tea


Maidenhair tree. Ginkgo biloba. Sole survivor of its own genus. Seeds, leaves.

Keynotes: brain and lungs.

Constituents: terpenes, tannins, lignans, flavonoids, and gingkolide B which is a platelet activating factor (PAF).

Action: nutritive, tuberculostatic. A compound (BN 52021) from the tree antagonises bronchospasm and tends to resolve breathing difficulties. Circulatory stimulant. Increases brain blood flow, Peripheral vasodilator, Energy enhancer. (JAM, Vol 6, No 2)

Uses: Respiratory complaints, especially asthma. Inhibits platelet clumping: of value in coronary artery disease. Tinnitus. Intermittent claudication. Raynaud’s disease. Thrombosis. Cold hands and feet. Spontaneous bruising. Early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Cerebral insufficiency in old age. Varicose veins. Some antitumor activity against sarcoma in mice recorded. Piles. Temporal arteritis. Cramp in the calves – walking-distance increased. Tired brain, impaired memory. Coronary artery disease. Hearing loss, depression, vertigo, headache. To increase resistance to adverse environmental factors. Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME). Subclinical neurosis. Headache. Depression. Impaired mental ability. Hangover. Preparations. Thrice daily. Large doses may be required.

Tea (leaves). 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup of water gently simmered 5 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup. Tablets/capsules. 250mg. Maintenance dose: one tablet or capsule increasing to two in acute cases. Chinese Medicine. “Seeds moisten the lungs, stop coughing, and strengthen the body.”

“I have seen a reduction in severity and frequency of asthma attacks and a marked reduction in use of brocho-dilating drugs by the use of Ginkgo.” (Brown D., Phytotherapy Review and Commentary, Townsend Letter to Doctors, October 1990 pp648-9)

German medicine. No drug interactions and very low levels of side-effects. Important remedy to the German Health Service at a cost of 286 million DM in 1989. (Kleijnen J. & Knipschild P. The Lancet 1992, 340, Nov 7)

Tincture. 2 tsp a.m. and p.m. ... ginkgo

Tea For Erectile Dysfunction

When it comes to erectile dysfunctions, not many men have the courage to accept the fact that there’s something wrong with their body and ask for medical assistance. However, you must know that there’s nothing to be ashamed of and that there’s a high percentage of men around the world who suffer from the same disorder you do. Scientists have proved that most erectile dysfunction causes are external and one could hardly be blamed for it. Also, the treatment is rarely painful and it’s best to cure your affection than wait for it to get worse. How a Tea for Erectile Dysfunction Works A Tea for Erectile Dysfunction’s main goal is to make your body produce enough natural enzymes and endorphins to induce a state of calmness to your male reproductive system. A Tea for Erectile Dysfunction must be rich in tannins, volatile oils, nutrients and minerals (manganese, magnesium, iron, sodium) and must not do you any harm. If you found out about a risky treatment, it’s best to avoid it and ask a specialist for assistance. Efficient Tea for Erectile Dysfunction In order to work properly, a Tea for Erectile Dysfunction needs to be both efficient and one hundred percent safe. Of course, traditional medicine has a various number of treatments in store for you, but they are not always effective, so it’s possible to ingest pills for no reason, putting your liver through an unnecessary stress. If you don’t know which teas to choose from, here’s a list for guidance: - Ginseng Tea – is best known for its contribution to a better sexual life. However, make sure you only use a small amount of herb when preparing this decoction in order to avoid nervous system ailments, such as nausea, hallucinations and severe headaches. - Gingko Tea – this Tea for Erectile Dysfunction is also a great help for memory loss, asthenia and anemia. You can drink as much as you want (however, it’s best to not exceed 6 cups per day or you’ll develop an acid foods and drinks gastric intolerance). - Catuaba Tea – is very popular in the South American regions and it’s mainly used as a sexual enhancer. However, this decoction has also healing properties, being able to induce sexual desire while calming the affected areas. Anyway, you need to pay attention to the amount of Catuaba Tea you’re ingesting, since it’s not a very safe remedy. Even better, ask for medical assistance before taking a treatment based on Catuaba Tea. - Black Cohosh- contains three classes of compounds and acts as a natural sexual enhancer, but it also has a lot of curative properties, being able to treat infertility in both men and women. However, since this treatment it’s not a very safe one, it’s best not to take it unsupervised. Tea for Erectile Dysfunction Side Effects When taken properly, these teas are one hundred percent safe. However, exceeding the number of cups recommended per day may lead to a number of problems, such as gastric problems, nausea, headaches, migraines and upset stomach. If you’ve been taking one of these teas for a while and you’re experiencing some unusual symptoms, ask for medical assistance immediately! Do not take a Tea for Erectile Dysfunction if you’re on blood thinners, anticoagulants or preparing for a surgery (some of the active constituents found in these teas may elevate your heartbeat and cause cardiac arrest). If your doctor gives you the green light, choose a Tea for Erectile Dysfunction that fits best your problems and enjoy its great health benefits!... tea for erectile dysfunction

Tea For Vertigo

Vertigo or dizziness is something everybody feels at some point, just rarely pays attention to. Described as a balance, vision and nervous system problem, vertigo is probably the most common affection in the world. The main causes for this affection are pregnancy, unbalanced diet, cancers, consisting with vomiting, nausea and even injurious falls. Although vertigo is not a disease, but only a minor symptom, it’s best to treat it at the right moment. Even if traditional medicine has developed many nausea inhibitors, alternative medicine practitioners will advice against them, saying that there’s no reason to take pills for such a minor condition. How a Tea for Vertigo Works Instead of all those traditional and expensive treatments sold in the drugstores, you may want to try a tea. In order to work properly, a Tea for Vertigo needs to contain the right amount of nutrients, natural enzymes, tannins, volatile oils and minerals (such as sodium, iron, magnesium and manganese). However, keep in mind the fact that, although you may not purchase herbal remedies from pharmacies, they’re still powerful, so you need to make sure you always follow the instructions. Efficient Tea for Vertigo In order to be efficient, a Tea for Vertigo needs to show results as soon as possible and be one hundred percent safe. If you don’t know which teas could do wonders for your health, here’s a list for guidance: - Ginger Tea – is a flavored tea with many health benefits. It has the potential to increase your vitamin level and give you an energy boost. You can also take it to treat anemia, asthenia, loss of appetite, sore throats, colds and flu. However, make sure you’re using the right amount of herbs when preparing this decoction in order to make sure you don’t develop an acid foods and drinks intolerance. - Gingko Biloba Tea – this wonderful memory loss remedy will also improve your general health and treat all vertigo symptoms. A cup of this Tea for Vertigo per day will strengthen your body and nourish your nervous system. However, in order to avoid complications, don’t take more than 1 or 2 cups per day. - Basil Tea – basil is a plant used mostly as a great culinary ingredient in cuisines around the world. Few of you know, however, that a decoction made from this plant’s leaves could make dizziness go away in no time. Basil tea is also good for loss of appetite, anemia, asthenia and other related problems. This Tea for Vertigo has an aromatic smell and it tastes a bit bitter, so feel free to add honey, lemon, mint or ginger to make it more adequate for your taste. Tea for Vertigo Side Effects When taken according to specifications, these teas are generally safe. However, exceeding the number of cups recommended per day might lead to a number of health problems, such as diarrhea, upset stomach, skin rash or migraines. If you’ve been taking a Tea for Vertigo for a while and you’re experiencing some unusual reactions, ask for medical assistance immediately. Don’t take a Tea for Vertigo if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, on blood thinners, anticoagulants or preparing for a surgery. If you have the green light from your doctor and there’s nothing that could interfere with your treatment, choose a Tea for Vertigo that fits best your problems and enjoy its great benefits!  ... tea for vertigo

Teas For Relaxing

Relaxation is the word we use when we want to describe the need to loosen up from all body tensions which accumulate during the day. Since relaxation is a big subject which involves not only the headaches, but also ailments of the entire nervous system, it is best to drink a tea which specializes in nourishing the central system, such as: - Lavender Tea - Chamomile Tea - St. John’s Wort Tea - Kava Tea. How Teas for Relaxing Work Thanks to their great alkaline level and their great amount of natural enzymes, these Teas for Relaxing have the opposite effect of those teas that are able to give you an energy boost. Unlike those, Teas for Relaxation lower your energy rush and try to maintain a medium level of adrenaline. Some of them can actually help you sleep better. It’s also good to know that some of these Teas for Relaxing are also used by the pharmaceutical companies, as an adjuvant in creams and tinctures for cuts and opened wounds. Other than that, the scientists found out that these teas, when taken properly, might also fight other ailments of your digestive and nervous systems, such as diarrhea, upset stomach, nausea, migraines and severe headaches. It is said that their action envisions a wide range of health problems which can be ameliorated in time, thanks to these Teas for Relaxing active constituents. Efficient Teas for Relaxing If you’re looking for a very efficient tea to relax your body, you may want to try one of the following: - Chamomile Tea - induces a state of relaxation and well-being, having a pleasant taste and scent and it can be bought from almost any teashop or grocery store. Not only that, but it is also one hundred percent safe, so if you’re thinking about giving up on coffee and relaxing your body, just turn Chamomile Tea into your daily habit. - Mint Tea – one of the most popular Teas for Relaxing, Mint Tea is also a great help in case you’re suffering from respiratory problems or ailments of the digestive tract, such as diarrhea, upset stomach, colds or flu. - Valerian Tea – increases your endorphin level and enhances your body’s capacity to fight bacteria and microbes. Ancient Romans used it as a sedative and sleep aid. However, when taking a treatment based on Valerian Tea, make sure you don’t exceed the number of cups recommended per day in order to avoid complications. Teas you should avoid When choosing Teas for Relaxing, it’s best to avoid decoctions and other types of remedy which could bring you an energy boost, such as: - Ginger Tea - Gingko Biloba Tea - Rosehip Tea Side Effects of Teas for Relaxing If you’re not sure about any of these Teas for Relaxing, ask a specialist in order to gather more information. When taken properly, these teas have no side effects. However, if you’ve been taking one or many of them for a while and you’re experiencing some unusual reactions, talk to a doctor as soon as possible and don’t try to treat it at home! High dosages may lead to a number of complications such as nausea, vomiting, upset stomach or skin rash. Also, make sure you’re not allergic to any of these Teas for Relaxing before starting a treatment based on one of them! But if there’s nothing to interfere with your treatment and you’re willing to give herbal treatments a try, choose one of these teas and enjoy its health benefits!... teas for relaxing



ASTHMA. Spasmodic contraction of the bronchi following exercise, emotional tension, infection, allergens, pollens, house dust, colds.

Symptoms. Obstruction of airways with wheezing, rales or whistling sounds with a sense of constriction. Often related to eczema – ‘eczema of the epithelium’. Infantile eczema treated with suppressive ointments may drive the condition ‘inwards’ and worsen asthma. “My son’s eczema has got better, but he now has asthma” is a common observation.

Causes: hypersensitivity to domestic animals, horses and pet birds. Common salt. Red or white wine allergy. An older generation of practitioners recognised a renal-bronchial asthma encouraged by faulty kidney function. With addition of a relaxing diuretic (Dandelion, Buchu or Parsley root) to a prescription, respiratory symptoms often abate.

Broncho-dilators such as Ephedra and Wild Thyme are widely used by the practitioner. To relieve spasm: Lobelia, Pleurisy root. White Horehound, Ammoniacum, Cramp bark, Garlic, Grindelia, Hyssop.

Anti-cough agents serve to remove sticky sputum: Coltsfoot, Garden Thyme, Slippery Elm bark, Maidenhair Fern, Linseed, Bayberry bark.

For the chronic asthmatic, bacterial invasion spells distress, when Echinacea or Balm of Gilead should be added. Where an irregular pulse reveals heart involvement, add: Hawthorn or Lily of the Valley.

Lobelia is of special value for the anxious patient with spasm of the bronchi. Should be tried before resorting to powerful spray mists which frequently produce gastro-intestinal disturbance.

Alternatives. Teas. Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Horehound (White), Mullein, Skullcap, Marshmallow, Thyme, Valerian, Wild Cherry bark, Elecampane, Plantain. Formula: equal parts herbs Coltsfoot, Mullein, Valerian. 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 10-15 minutes; dose, 1 cup twice daily and when necessary.

Antispasmodic Drops. See entry.

Practitioner. Ephedra, Lobelia, Gelsemium, Grindelia, Euphorbia (pill-bearing spurge), Skunk Cabbage, Senega, Pulsatilla, Lily of the Valley (cardiac asthma), Thyme. Formula. Equal parts, Tincture Lobelia simp; Tincture Belladonna; Tincture Ephedra. 5-10 drops thrice daily (maintenance), 10-20 drops for spasm.

Cockayne, Ernest, FNIMH. Hyssop tea for children throughout childhood to avoid respiratory disorders. Dr Finlay Ellingwood. Gelsemium 3.5ml; Lobelia 3.5ml. Distilled water to 120ml. One 5ml teaspoon in water every 3 hours.

Dr Alfred Vogel. Ephedra 20 per cent; Ipecac 15 per cent; Hawthorn berry 10 per cent; Blessed Thistle 5 per cent; Burnet Saxifrage 5 per cent; Garden Thyme 5 per cent; Grindelia 1 per cent. 10-15 drops in water thrice daily.

Dr Wm Thomson. 1 teaspoon Ephedra herb to cup boiling water; infuse 10-15 minutes. Half-1 cup 2-3 times daily.

Traditional. 2 teaspoons shredded Elecampane root in cup cold water; stand overnight. Next day, heat to boiling point when required. Strain. Sips, hot, with honey: 1 cup 2-3 times daily.

Potter’s Asthma & Bronchitis Compound 32. 40g medicinal teabags. Ingredients: Clove BPC 4.84 per cent; Elecampane root 17.24 per cent; Horehound 26.20 per cent; Hyssop 17.24 per cent; Irish Moss 17.24 per cent; Liquorice 17.24 per cent. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons when necessary.

Chinese Medicine. Decoction or extract from the Gingko tree widely used, as also is Ephedra, Garlic, Liquorice and Bailcalensis.

Tablets/capsules. Lobelia. Iceland Moss, (Gerard). Euphorbia (Blackmore).

Powders. Formula. Lobelia 2; Hyssop 1; Elderflowers 1; Grindelia quarter; Liquorice quarter: pinch Cayenne. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon) 2-3 times daily.

Aromatherapy. 6 drops Rosemary oil in 2 teaspoons Almond oil for massage upper chest to relieve congestion.


Nebulizer. A germicidal solution is made from 5 drops oil Eucalyptus in one cup boiling water. Use in nebulizer for droplet therapy.

Ioniser – use of.

Cider Vinegar. Sips of the vinegar in water for whoop.

Supportives. Yoga. Singing. Cures have been reported of patients on taking up singing. “During singing, up to 90 per cent of the vital capacity may be used without a conscious effort to increase tidal volume.” (Dr M. Judson, New England Journal of Medicine)

Diet. Low salt, low fat, high fibre, cod liver oil, carrots, watercress, Soya beans or flour, lecithin, sunflower seed oil, green vegetables, raw fruit, fresh fish. These foods are valuable sources of antioxidant vitamins and minerals essential for the body’s defence mechanism. A diet deficient in these reduces ability of the airways to withstand the ravages of cigarette smoke and other air pollutants.

Foods that are craved are ones often causing sensitivity. Among problem foods are: milk, corn, wheat, eggs, nuts, chocolate, all dairy products, fat of meats. Check labels for tartrazine artificial colouring.

Salt intake. Linked with chest diseases. “Those who eat a lot of salt had more sensitive airways than those with low salt intake . . . excess salt tended to cause most pronounced symptoms.” (Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Oavia, Italy)

Asthma mortality could be significantly reduced by sufferers lowering their salt consumption, an epidemiologist predicted.

Supplements. Daily. Vitamin B6 50-100mg. Vitamin C 500mg. Vitamin E 400iu. Magnesium, Zinc. Cod liver oil: 2 teaspoons.

Anti-allergic bedding. Provides a protective barrier against the house dust mite on mattresses and bedding. Droppings from the tiny pests are worse in the bedroom. ... asthenia

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