Ear-lobe creases Health Dictionary

Ear-lobe Creases: From 1 Different Sources

diagonal creases across the ear lobes, which have a statistically significant correlation with coronary atheroma. The reason is unknown.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


The term applied to the larger divisions of various organs, such as to the four lobes of the LIVER, the three lobes of the right and the two lobes of the left lung, which are separated by ?ssures from one another (see LUNGS), and to the lobes or super?cial areas into which the BRAIN is divided. The term lobar is applied to structures which are connected with lobes of organs, or to diseases which have a tendency to be limited by the boundaries of lobes, such as lobar PNEUMONIA.... lobe

Frontal Lobe

The anterior part of the cerebral hemisphere as far back as the central sulcus. It contains the motor cortex and the parts of the brain concerned with personality, behaviour and learning. (See BRAIN.)... frontal lobe

Parietal Lobe

A major section of each cerebral hemisphere (see BRAIN). The two lobes lie under the parietal bones and contain the sensory cortex.... parietal lobe

Temporal Lobe

Part of the cerebral cortex in each hemisphere of the BRAIN. Areas of the temporal lobe are involved in the understanding of sound and spoken language.... temporal lobe

Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

More accurately called complex partial seizures, this is a type of EPILEPSY in which the abnormal cerebral activity originates in the temporal lobe of the BRAIN. It is characterised by hallucinations of smell and sometimes of taste, hearing, or sight. There may be disturbances of memory, including déjà vu phenomena. AUTOMATISM may occur, but consciousness is seldom lost.... temporal lobe epilepsy

Prefrontal Lobe

the region of the brain at the very front of each cerebral hemisphere (see frontal lobe). The functions of the lobe are concerned with emotions, memory, learning, and social behaviour. Nerve tracts in the lobe are cut during the operation of prefrontal *leucotomy.... prefrontal lobe

Quadrate Lobe

one of the lobes of the *liver.... quadrate lobe

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