The meaning of the symbols of dream, dictionary/ seen in a dream.


1. Complete quarantine: The limitation of freedom of movement of such well persons or domestic animals as have been exposed to a communicable disease, for a period of time not longer than the longest usual incubation period of the disease, in such manner as to prevent effective contact with those not so exposed. 2. Modified quarantine: A selective, partial limitation of freedom of movement of persons or domestic animals, commonly on the basis of known or presumed differences in susceptibility but sometimes because of danger of disease transmission. It may be designed to meet particular situations. Examples are exclusion of children from school; or exemption of immune persons from provisions required of susceptible person, such as contact acting as food handlers; or restriction of military populations to the post or to quarters. 3. Personal surveillance: The practice of close medical or other supervision of contacts in order to promote prompt recognition of infection or illness but without restricting their movements. 4. Segregation: The separation for special consideration, control or observation of some part of a group of persons or domestic animals from the others to facilitate control of a communicable disease. Removal of susceptible children to homes of immune persons, or establishment of a sanitary boundary to protect dis infected from infected portions of a population, are examples.... quarantine


PARALYSIS of the four limbs of the body.... quadriplegia


The ?rst movements of a FETUS in the womb as experienced by the mother, usually around the 16th week of pregnancy (see PREGNANCY AND LABOUR).... quickening


An alkaloid (see ALKALOIDS) obtained from the bark of various species of cinchona trees. This bark is mainly derived from Peru and neighbouring parts of South America and the East Indies. Other alkaloids and acid substances are also derived from cinchona bark, such as QUINIDINE and cinchonine.

Quinine is generally used in the form of one of its salts, such as the sulphate of quinine, or dihydrochloride of quinine. All are sparingly soluble in water, much more so when taken along with an acid.

Action Quinine is a powerful antiseptic (see ANTISEPTICS). Its best-known action is in checking the recurrence of attacks of MALARIA, as it destroys malarial parasites in the blood. In fevers it acts as an antipyretic (see ANTIPYRETICS).

Among its side-effects are ringing in the ears, temporary impairment of vision, and sometimes disturbance of kidney function leading to renal failure.

Uses The most important use of quinine is its original one in malaria, attacks of which it quickly cuts short or prevents altogether. It has been largely replaced by more e?ective and less toxic antimalarial drugs; however, development of malarial parasites resistant to newer drugs has revived the use of quinine. For intravenous injection, when this is necessary in cases of malaria, a soluble form of quinine, the dihydrochloride, is used. Quinine can also be given in combination with other antimalarial drugs on medical advice. The drug is sometimes used in the treatment of cramps.... quinine


A corruption of ‘cynanche’, this is an old name for a PERITONSILLAR ABSCESS.... quinsy


Quality adjusted life years.... qaly


See Artemether.... qinghaosu


Inability to see in one quarter of the visual ?eld.

Homonymous quadrantanopia is loss of vision in the same quarter of the ?eld in each EYE.... quadrantanopia


(More accurately quadriceps femoris) – the large, four-headed muscle occupying the front and sides of the thigh, which straightens the leg at the knee-joint and maintains the body in an upright position. It comprises the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius and vastus medialis.... quadriceps

Qualitative Research

Involves the use of non-numerical data, such as those collected in unstructured and in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, participant observation, participatory research, and the study of documents.... qualitative research

Quality Of Life

The product of the interplay between social, health, economic and environmental conditions which affect human and social development. It is a broad-ranging concept, incorporating a person’s physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social relationships, personal beliefs and relationship to salient features in the environment. As people age, their quality of life is largely determined by their ability to access needed resources and maintain autonomy and independence.... quality of life

Quantitative Digital Radiography

A radiological technique for detecting osteoporosis (see BONE, DISORDERS OF) in which a beam of X-rays is directed at the bone-area under investigation – normally the spine and hip – and the CALCIUM density measured. If the calcium content is low, preventive treatment can be started to reduce the likelihood of fractures occurring.... quantitative digital radiography

Quantitative Research

Involves the use of data in numerical quantities such as continuous measurements or counts.... quantitative research

Quartan Fever

Description of intermittent fever with paroxysms developing every fourth day. Usually applied to MALARIA.... quartan fever


Division of the total cases or observations in a study into four groups of equal size.... quartile


Picraena excelsa. N.O. Simarubaceae.

Synonym: Bitter Wood or Bitter Ash.

Habitat: A West Indian and South American tree, is imported from Jamaica, and the wood is obtainable in small, yellow chips.

Quassia wood is very commonly used as a bitter tonic and anthelmintic.

Small cups known as "Bitter Cups" are sometimes made of the wood, and water standing in them soon acquires the medicinal properties of the wood. This water, or an infusion of 1 ounce of the chips in 1 pint of cold water is taken in wineglass doses as a remedy for indigestion and general debility of the digestive system. Quassia infusion is also given to children suffering from worms, in appropriate doses according to age. Midges, gnats, and other insect pests may be kept away by damping the hands and face with the liquid.

The history of Quassia wood as an agent in non-poisonous herbal medicine is interesting. The curative properties of the wood were first brought to general notice through a negro slave named Quassy, whose people in his native country of Surinam, used it as a remedy for the various fevers to which they were subject. Quassy communicated his knowledge of the tree's virtues to Daniel Rolander, a Swede, who brought specimens to Europe in 1755.... quassia


The description applied to a disease in an individual which is in an inactive phase and so likely to be undiagnosed.... quiescent

Chiropsalmus Quadrigatus

A multi-tentacled box-jellyfish present throughout the Indo-Pacific, and currentlybelieved to be responsible for regular deaths in many Indo-Pacific countries, amounting to many thousands of deaths over time. Looks similar to Chironex, leading to some difficulties in identification.... chiropsalmus quadrigatus

Chiropsalmus Quadrumanus

A multi-tentacled box-jellyfish present on the eastern coastline of tropical America. It has caused at least one documented death in Texas, U.S.A.... chiropsalmus quadrumanus

Chrysaora Quinquecirrha

A jellyfish very common on the eastern seaboard of the United States where vast numbers of nuisance stings occur seasonally (summer) each year. It causes mainly an irritating skin rash, but maycause systemic symptoms including painful breathing, nasal and respiratory catarrh and cough. No deaths have ever been reported. Possibly also present in Western Australia.... chrysaora quinquecirrha

Cissus Quadrangula


Synonym: Vitis quadrangula Wall.

Family: Vitaceae.

Habitat: Throughout the warmer parts of India, also cultivated in gardens.

English: Square Stalked Vine, Adamant Creeper.

Ayurvedic: Asthisamhaara, Asthisamhrita. Asthi-samyojaka, Vajravalli, Chaturdhaaraa.

Unani: Hadjod.

Siddha/Tamil: Perandai.

Action: The anabolic and steroidal principles of the aerial part showed a marked influence in the rate of fracture-healing. The drug exerts influence both on the organic and mineral phase of fracture-healing. Stem—alterative in scurvy (the plant is rich in vitamin C) and irregular menstruation.

The plant contains phytogenic steroid, ketosteroids, sitosterol, alpha- amyrin, alpha-ampyrone and tetra- cyclic triterpenoids. Phytogenic ste- riods showed bone healing properties. Coloside-A possesses smooth muscle relaxant effect. The total alcoholic extract of the plant neutralizes the anti- anabolic effect of the cortisone in healing of fractures. The aqueous extract of... cissus quadrangula

Client Quality

The outcome of care/service from an individual/user’s point of view. It is how well the care service supports the client/user to improve his/her quality of life.... client quality

Drynaria Quercifolia

(Linn.) J. Smith.

Synonym: Polypodium quercifolium

Family: Polypodiaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India, in plains and low mountains.

Ayurvedic: Ashvakatri (non- classical).

Folk: Baandar-Baashing (Maharashtra).

Action: Pectoral, expectorant. anthelmintic. Used in the treatment of chest diseases, cough, hectic fever, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, chronic jaundice and cutaneous affections. Pounded fonds are used as poultice for swellings. Peeled rhizome with sugar is prescribed for urinary disorders and in spermatorrhoea.

Aqueous extracts possess antibacterial properties.... drynaria quercifolia

Health-related Quality-of-life (hrql) Measure

Individual outcome measure that extends beyond traditional measures of mortality and morbidity to include such dimensions as physiology, function, social activity, cognition, emotion, sleep and rest, energy and vitality, health perception and general life satisfaction (some of these are also known as health status, functional status or quality-of-life measures).... health-related quality-of-life (hrql) measure

Installation- Qualification

Documented verification that all key aspects of the installation adhere to the appropriate codes and approved design intentions and that manufacturers recommendations are duly considered... installation- qualification

Medical Dictionary

Medical Dictionary

[catlist id=11 numberposts=100 pagination=yes instance=2 orderby=title order=asc]

... medical dictionary

Operation- Qualification

documented verification that the system or sub system performs as intended throughout all anticipated operating ranges... operation- qualification

Passiflora Quadrangularis


Family: Passifloraceae.

Habitat: Native of tropical America; grown in Indian gardens.

English: Giant Granadilla.

Action: Fruit—edible; contains 64 mg/100 g ascorbic acid; narcotic when eaten in excess. Leaves, the peel and seeds of green fruit, and roots—cyanogenetic. Roots— poisonous.

The root contains an alkaloid Passiflora which is identical with harman from Passiflora incarnata.... passiflora quadrangularis

Performance- Qualification

Documented verification of the appropriateness of critical process parameters, operating ranges and system reproducibility over an appropriate time period... performance- qualification

Portulaca Quadrifida


Family: Portulacaceae.

Habitat: Warmer parts of India, cultivated as a vegetable.

Ayurvedic: Laghu-lonikaa.

Siddha/Tamil: Siru Pasalai-keerai.

Action: Similar to P. oleracea. Used in asthma, cough, urinary discharges, inflammations and ulcers. A poultice of the herb is applied to haemorrhoids and erysipelas.... portulaca quadrifida

Discover Quassia Tea

If you want to try something new, drink quassia tea - an herbal tea from South America. Even if its taste is bitter, you won’t regret giving it a try thanks to its many health benefits. Read to find out more about quassia tea! About Quassia Tea Quassia tea is made from the bark of the quassia tree, which can be found in the tropical parts of South America. Quassia is a deciduous tree which can grow up to 30m in height. Its bark is grey, and it has branches full of leaves. The flowers of the tree are yellow, while the fruits are black and pea-shaped. Constituents of Quassia Tea Quassia tea has plenty of health benefits. These can be found in the tea thanks to the active constituents which are transferred from the bark of the tree. Some of the important active constituents are: various quassinoids and alkaloids, beta-sitostenone, beta-sitosterol, calcium tartrate, gallic acid, mallic acid, potassium acetate, and simalikalactone D and E (SkE). How to prepare Quassia Tea If you’re using quassia bark to make a cup of quassia tea, add two teaspoons to a mug full of freshly-boiled water and let it steep for 10 minutes. Stream and sweeten if you wish. If you use teabags, follow the instructions on the box (steeping time should be around 5-7 minutes). You can drink cold quessia tea, too. For this, just soak a handful of tree bark in a mug of cool water. Let it steep for about eight hours before you remove the bark pieces. Quessia Tea Benefits Quessia tea has plenty of health benefits, thanks to its active constituents. They should encourage you to drink this tea, despite its bitter taste. Quessia tea promotes a proper digestion. It also helps expel parasites and lice, clean the blood, and eliminate toxins and bacteria; it is recommended if you’ve got a fever. It is used in the treatment for various diseases: malaria, diarrhea, dysentery and gastric ulcers, for example. Quessia tea is also recommended if you’ve got a tumor. You can drink quessia tea when you feel nervous or stressed. This tea will help you relax, as it will sedate the nerves. It is also useful if you’ve got a bad appetite, or even if you’re suffering from anorexia. Quessia Tea Side Effects You shouldn’t drink quessia tea if you’re pregnant or breast feeding. It can affect the baby in both cases, as well as lead to cell damage and nausea. It is recommended to drink 3-4 cups of quessia tea a day. If you drink too much, you might get a few side effects. These include: irritation of the mouth, throat, and digestive tract, nausea, vomiting, headaches. Long-term consumption of quessia tea might lead to vision changes or even blindness. As quessia tea can irritate the digestive tract, it’s best that you don’t drink it if you’re suffering from digestive tract diseases, such as stomach, intestinal ulcers, or Crohn’s disease. It might worsen your condition. Quessia tea can be consumed every day with no worries. It has important health benefits which should convince you to drink it, despite its bitter taste.... discover quassia tea

Intelligence Quotient (iq)

This is the ratio between the mental age and chronological age multiplied by 100. Thus, if a boy of 10 years of age is found to have a mental age of 12 years, his IQ will be 120. On the other hand, if he is found to have a mental age of 8 years, his IQ will be 80.

The mental age is established by various tests, the most widely used of which are the Stanford-Binet Scale, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, and the Mill Hill Vocabulary Test.

Average intelligence is represented by an IQ of 100, with a range of 85 to 115. For practical purposes it is taken that the intellectual level reached by the average 15-year-old is indistinguishable from that of an adult.... intelligence quotient (iq)

Ipomoea Quamoclit


Synonym: Quamoclitpinnata Bojer.

Family: Convolvulaceae.

Habitat: Native to tropical America; grown as an ornamental.

English: Cypress Vine, Indian Pink.

Ayurvedic: Kaamalataa.

Siddha/Tamil: Kembumalligai, Mayirmanikkam.

Folk: Sitaakesh.

Action: Powdered root is given as a sternutatory. Pounded leaves are applied to bleeding piles.

The leaves and stems are reported to contain small amounts of alkaloids. Traces of hydrocyanic acid are present also in roots, stems and flowers.... ipomoea quamoclit


(Syrian) In mythology, goddess of love and sensuality

Quedesh, Qadesha, Quedesha, Qadeshia, Quedeshia, Quedeshiya... qadesh


(Arabic) Feminine form of Qadir; powerful; capable

Qadirah, Qadyra, Qadyrah, Qadiria, Qadirra, Quadira, Quadyra, Qadeera, Qadeira, Qadeara... qadira


(Arabic) Of the moon Qamrah, Qamar, Qamara, Qamrra, Qamaria, Qamrea, Qamria... qamra


(Hebrew) Form of Keturah, meaning “resembling incense” Qetura, Qeturra, Qeturia, Qeturiya, Qeterea... qeturah


(American) One who is gracious Qianah, Qiania, Qyana, Qianna, Qiannia, Qyanna, Qianne, Qiann, Qianiya... qiana


(Chinese) One who is beautiful; attractive... qiao


(Indian) A valuable woman Qimate, Qimatte, Qimata, Qimatta... qimat

Qing Yuan

(Chinese) From the clear spring... qing yuan


(Arabic) Having a nice fragrance Qitara, Qytarah, Qytara, Qitaria, Qitarra, Qitarria, Qytarra, Qytarria, Qitaria, Qytaria, Qitariya, Qitarriya... qitarah

Merremia Quinquefolia

(Linn.) Hallier f.

Family: Convolvulaceae.

Habitat: Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan.

Action: Seeds—sedative.

The seeds contain ergoline alkaloids. The alkaloids are reported to produce vasoconstrictor, uterotonic, neurohor- monic, sympathicolytic and sedative effects.

Plants of Merremia sp. are twiners and are used as diuretic, deobstruent, antirheumatic and alterative; the root is used as a mouthwash; leaves are used for burns, scalds and sores. M. vitifo- lia (Burm. F.) Hallier f. exhibits potent diuretic and antiseptic activity in strangury and urethral discharges. (Most of the twiners are known as Prasaarini in Indian medicine and are specific for rheumatic affections.)... merremia quinquefolia

Picrasma Quassioides


Family: Simaroubaceae.

Habitat: Garhwal, Himachal Pradesh and Kulu.

English: Quassia (substitute for P excelsa Lindtl).

Ayurvedic: Bhurangi, Nimbi. (Clerodendrum serratum and its related species represent Bhaargi or Bhaarangi.)

Folk: Nimatotaa.

Action: Wood—a non-astringent bitter tonic and stomachic, amoe- bicidal, anthelmintic (used as enema), insect repellent. Used as a supporting medicine for temporary relief in cirrhosis of liver.

Many indole alkaloids of beta-car- boline, canthin-6-one and beta-carbo- line dimer type, have been isolated from the wood. These are reported to increase the blood flow rate in the intestine and stomach of rabbit; also exhibited antiviral activity on Herpes simplex virus.

Nigaki lactone and methylnigaki- none, isolated from the wood, showed antigastric ulcer activity in rats. The extract of the wood is reported to prevent the secretion of gastric juice in a dose-dependent manner in rats. The extract also showed the same effects on rats having aspirin-induced gastric ulcer.

Family: Scrophulariaceae.

Habitat: The alpine Himalayas from Kashmir to Sikkim.

English: Picrorhiza.

Ayurvedic: Katukaa, Katurohini, Kattarohini, Katuki, Katukikaa, Krishnabhedaa, Kaandaruhaa, Matsyashakalaa, Chakraangi, Shat- parvaa, Arishta, Ashokarohinya, Shakuldaani.

Unani: Kutki, Kharbaq-e-Hindi.

Siddha/Tamil: Kaduguragini.

Action: Root—stomachic, antidiar- rhoeal, cholagogue, hepatoprotec- tive. Used in hepatitis, chronic dysentery, amoebiasis.

Key application: In jaundice, intermittent fever, dyspnoea and skin diseases. (The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIndia.)

The roots yield a glycosidal bitter principle, kutkin, found to be a mixture of two iridoid glycosides, picro- side I and kutkoside. Also obtained were D-mannitol, kutkiol, kutkisterol and a ketone (identical with apocynin).

Kutkin exhibited hepatoprotective activity in CCl4-induced toxic rats.

Picroliv, a standardized fraction from the alcoholic extract of the root and rhizome, containing 55-60% of a mixture of picroside I and kutkoside (1:15) showed dose-dependent protective activity on isolated hepatocytes in vitro against thiocetamide-induced hepatic damage in rat and was found to be more potent than Silymarin, a known hepatoprotective agent. Pi- croliv is reported to show protective effect against rifampicin-induced hep- atotoxicity in rats. It also exerts hy- polipidaemic effect in normal, triton- treated and cholesterol-fed rats.

Kutkin, picroside I and kutkoside exhibit anti-inflammatory property.

The phenolic glycoside, androsin, isolated from the plant, prevents allergen and platelet activating factor- induced bronchial obstruction in guinea-pigs in vitro.

Cucurbitacin glycosides, isolated from the root, exhibit liver protective, tumour inhibitory and anti-inflammatory activity.

Dosage: Root—1-3 g; 3-6 g as purgative. (CCRAS.)... picrasma quassioides


(Chechen) Resembling a dove... qoqa


Colloquial description of an unquali?ed person claiming to be a medical doctor.... quack


Colloquial name used in northern Queensland to describe the Australian jellyfish Chiropsalmus quadrigatus (there is currently some doubt about the accuracy of this species name).... quaddies


See MULTIPLE BIRTHS.... quadruplets

Qualitative Measures

Measures which describe in words or diagrams rather than using numbers.... qualitative measures

Quality Assurance (qa)

Standardized procedures, methods or philosophy for collecting, processing or analysing data, which is performed on an ongoing basis and aimed at maintaining or improving the appropriateness and reliability of health care services.... quality assurance (qa)

Quality Assessment And Performance Improvement Programme (qapi)

QAPI establishes strategies for promoting high quality health care. First, each organization must meet certain required levels of performance when providing specific health care and related services. Second, organizations must conduct performance improvement projects that are outcome-oriented and that achieve demonstrable and sustained improvement in care and services. It is expected that an organization will continuously monitor its own performance on a variety of dimensions of care and services, identify its own areas for potential improvement, carry out individual projects to undertake system interventions to improve care, and monitor the effectiveness of those interventions.... quality assessment and performance improvement programme (qapi)

Quality Circle

An instrument for quality enhancement and quality assurance which uses groups of peers to assess and discuss the quality of their own work and develop strategies for improvement.... quality circle

Quality Control (qc)

The sum of all the activities which prevent unwanted change in quality. In the health care setting, quality control requires a repeated series of feedback loops which monitor and evaluate the care of the individual (and other elements in the health care process). These feedback loops involve checking the care being delivered against standards of care, identification of any problems or opportunities for improvement, and prompt corrective action, so that the quality is maintained.... quality control (qc)

Quality Improvement / Continuous Quality Improvement

The sum of all the activities which create desired change in quality. In the health care setting, quality improvement requires a feedback loop which involves the identification of patterns of the care of individuals (or of the performance of other systems involved in care), the analysis of those patterns in order to identify opportunities for improvement (or instances of departure from standards of care), and then action to improve the quality of care for future patients. An effective quality improvement system results in step-by-step increases in quality of care.... quality improvement / continuous quality improvement

Quality Of Basic Amenities

The quality of non-clinical attributes of health care units, such as cleanliness of the facility, adequacy of the furniture and quality of the food.... quality of basic amenities

Quality Of Care

The degree to which delivered health services meet established professional standards and are judged to be of value to the consumer. Quality may also be seen as the degree to which actions taken or not taken maximize the probability of beneficial health outcomes and minimize risk and other outcomes, given the existing state of medical science and art.... quality of care

Quality-adjusted Life Years (qalys)

Years of life saved by a medical technology or service, adjusted according to the quality of those years (as determined by some evaluative measure). QALYs are the most commonly used unit to express the results in some types of cost-effectiveness analysis.... quality-adjusted life years (qalys)


(Chinese) A compassionate woman... quan


(Native American) One who is aromatic; sweet-smelling Quanah, Quanna, Quannah, Quania, Quaniya, Quanniya, Quannia, Quanea... quana


(American) A beloved companion; friend

Quandah, Quannda, Quandia, Quandiah, Quandea, Quandeah... quanda


(American) A royal hawk Quanesha, Quanisha, Quaniesha, Quaynisha, Quanishia, Quynisha, Quynishia, Queenisha, Qynisha, Qynysha, Quaneesha, Quaneasha, Quanecia, Quaneasa, Qynisha, Qynecia, Qwanisha, Quanessa, Quannezia, Queisha, Queshya, Queshia, Qeysha... quaneisha


(American) A sparkling woman Quanell, Quanel, Quanela, Quanelle, Quanele... quanella


(American) Form of Nika, meaning “displaying her true image” Quanikah, Quanica, Quanicka, Quanyka, Quanikka, Quaniqua, Quanykka, Quanique, Queenika, Quaniki, Quanyki, Quaneeka, Quaneaka... quanika


(American) A courageous queen Quantinah, Quanteena, Quanteenah, Quantyna, Quantynah, Quantiena, Quantienah, Quanteina, Quanteinah, Quanteana, Quanteanah... quantina

Quantitative Measures

Measures using numbers to attempt to measure what has occurred.... quantitative measures


(Latin) The fourth-born child Quartillah, Quartila, Quartylla, Quartyla, Quartille, Quartylle, Quartile, Quartyle... quartilla

Quassia Indica


Synonym: Samadera indica Gaertn. S. indica var. lucida Blatter. S. lucida Wall.

Family: Simaroubaceae.

Habitat: West Coast, along back waters and evergreen forests from Maharashtra southwards to Trivandrum.

English: Niepa Bark tree.

Siddha/Tamil: Nibam, Niepa, Karinjottei.

Folk: Lokhandi (Maharashtra).

Action: Bark—febrifuge; juice applied to skin diseases. An infusion of wood and bark is given as emmenagogue. Seed— emetic, purgative; used for bilious fevers. Seed oil—applied in rheumatism. Leaves— externally in erysipelas.

The bark contains the quassinoids, indaquassin, A, D, E and F; samader- ine B to E, dihydrosamaderine B, brucein D, soulameolide, cedronin and canthin-2, 6-dione.

Brucin D showed activity against Walker's carcinoma. Samaderine E, isolated from the plant, exhibits anti- leukaemic activity.... quassia indica


(Arabic) One who is agreeable; pleasing

Qubila, Quibilah, Quabila, Quabyla, Qubyla, Qubilla, Qubylla... qubilah


(English) A woman sovereign Queene, Queenie, Queeni, Queena, Queeny, Quenna, Queenika, Queenique, Queenya, Queenia, Queenette, Queeney, Queeneta, Queaney, Queany, Queani, Queanie, Queania, Queanya, Queanee, Quean... queen

Queensland Spotted Fever

A tick-borne spotted fever endemic to mainland Australia. Caused by Rickettsia australis.... queensland spotted fever


(English) One who pacifies; quiet Quell, Quelle, Quellah, Quela, Quele, Quelia, Quellia... quella


(Scandinavian) Womanly; feminine Quenbey, Quenbi, Quenbie, Quenbye, Quenbee, Queenby, Queenbey, Queenbi, Queenbie, Queenbee, Quenbea, Quenbee... quenby


(French) From the small oak tree Quennel, Quenell, Quennelle, Quynnell, Quynell, Quynele, Quynnel, Quynnelle... quennell


(Spanish) One who is dearly loved; beloved

Queridah, Queryda, Querydah, Querrida, Queridda, Querridda, Quereeda, Quereada... querida


(Latin) One who searches; a seeker Questah, Queste, Quest, Quysta, Quyste, Quessta, Questia, Questea... questa


A predetermined set of questions used to collect data – clinical data, socioeconomic status etc. The instrument is either administered by an interviewer in an interview situation or is self-administered (by a subject).... questionnaire


(Spanish) Head of the household Quetah, Quetta, Quettah... queta


(American) Living with grace; heavenly

Quianah, Quianna, Quiane, Quian, Quianne, Quianda, Quiani, Quianita, Quyanna, Quyana, Quyann, Quyanne, Quionna... quiana

Quercus Ilex


Family: Fagaceae.

Habitat: The Himalayas, from the Sutlej valley westwards and in Kashmir at altitudes of 9002,600 m.

English: Holly or Holm Oak.

Ayurvedic: Maayaaphala (var.) (galls).

Action: Leaves—antioxidant. Galls—contain 41% tannin. The bark contains 7-13%; leaves 2.1% tannin and 1.8% non-tannin.

The leaves contain alpha-tocopherol as main antioxidant. The mature leaves contain proanthocyanidins 3.3, and leucoanthocyanidins 3.4 mg/g (on dry matter basis).... quercus ilex

Quercus Incana


Synonym: Q. leucotrichophora A. Camus ex Bhadur.

Family: Fagaceae.

Habitat: Kashmir and Western Himalayas up to Nepal at altitudes of1,000-2,400 m.

English: Grey Oak.

Unani: Baloot.

Folk: Shilaa Supaari (Kashmir), Phanat (Garhwal), Shiddar (Kashmir).

Action: Acrons—diuretic, astringent. Used in indigestion and diarrhoea (after removing tannin and associated substances by the process of germination under earth). Also used in gonorrhoea.

The bark contains 6-23% of tannin. The stem bark contains friedelin, a tri- terpenoid, beta-sitosterol and a mixture of leucoanthocyanidins (including leucopelargonidin). Leaves contain flavonoids— quercetin, quercetin- 3-galacto-arabinoside.

The kernels gave fatty acids, including palmitic, lignoceric and oleic.... quercus incana

Quercus Infectoria


Family: Fagaceae.

Habitat: Indigenous to Greece, Syria and Iran. Yields oak galls.

English: Oak galls, Aleppo galls, Mecca galls.

Ayurvedic: Maajuphalaka, Maayaaphala, Maayakku.

Unani: Maazu. Maaphal.

Siddha/Tamil: Maasikkaai.

Action: Astringent. Bark and fruits—used for eczema and impetigo. Galls—used for diseases of gums and oral cavity (diluted with toothpowder or paste; also as a gargle in nasal catarrh and sore throat. An ointment (1 in 4 parts of vaseline) is applied externally in haemorrhoids. Also included in breast and vaginal firming creams. A decoction of galls is used as an enema in prolapus of rectum.

Key application: Quercus robur L. bark—externally, in inflammatory skin diseases; internally in nonspecific, acute diarrhoea, and local treatment of mild inflammation of the oral cavity and pharyngeal region, as well as of genital and anal area. (German Commission E.)

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommends the gall in leucor- rhoea, dry and itching vagina; topically for dental inflammations.

The fruits gave amentoflavone hex- amethyl ether, isocryptomerin and beta-sitosterol.

The alcoholic extract of fruits showed 36% liver protection against carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity at a dose of 800 mg/kg.

The galls contain 50-70% gallo tannic acid, gallic acid 2-4%, ellagic acid, nyctanthic acid, rubric acid, besides sugars, starch, an essential oil and an- thocyanins. Galls were also found to contain beta-sitosterol, amentoflavone, hexamethyl ether and isocryptomerin.

Quercus robur (English or European oak) is reported to be cultivated in Nil- giris. The bark contains 15-20% tannins consisting of phlobatannin, ellagi- tannins and gallic acid.

The bark is contraindicated in cardiac insufficiency and hypertonia; externally on broken skin. (Sharon M. Herr.)

Dosage: Gall—1-3 g powder. (API, Vol. IV.)... quercus infectoria


(Latin) A peaceful woman; bringer of tranquility

Quiese, Queise, Queis, Quiesse, Quiess... quies


(Incan / English) In mythology, goddess of the moon / a quill Quillah, Quila, Quilah, Quille, Quyla, Quylla, Quylle, Quyle... quilla


See Timacle.... quimaque


(Scandinavian) From the queen’s estate

Quinbey, Quinbi, Quinbie, Quinbee, Quinbea, Quynby, Quynbey, Quynbi, Quynbie, Quynbee, Quynbea... quinby


Protection, Love, Happiness... quince


(English) The fifth-born child Quincey, Quinci, Quincie, Quincee, Quincia, Quinncy, Quinnci, Quyncy, Quyncey, Quynci, Quyncie, Quyncee, Quynncy... quincy


(American) The fifth-born child Quincilla, Quincyla, Quincila... quincylla


(English) Form of Guinevere, meaning “one who is fair; of the white wave”

Quineviere, Quineverre, Quynevere, Quineveire... quinevere


A herbal drug used for two millennia in China to treat MALARIA. Its action derives from sesquiterpene lactone, a substance that cuts the number of blood-borne malarial parasites.... quinghaosu


An alkaloid (see ALKALOIDS) obtained from cinchona bark and closely related in chemical composition and in action to QUININE. It is commonly used in the form of quinidine sulphate to treat cardiac irregularities such as supraventricular tachycardia and ventricular arrhythmias (see HEART, DISEASES OF).... quinidine


(Gaelic) One who is slender and very strong

Quinnlan, Quynlan, Qwinlan, Quinlane, Quinlania, Quinlanna, Quinlann, Quinlanne... quinlan

Quillaja Saponaria


Habitat: Indigenous to Chile and Peru; introduced in India in Ootacamund.

English: Soap Bark, Quillaia Bark.

Action: Bark—cutaneous stimulant. Its liquid extract is used as a lotion for certain skin diseases of the scalp, and in antiulcer preparations.

The detergent and medicinal properties of quillaia are due to the presence of haemolytic saponins (9-10%) of which quillaia-saponin (which yields glucuronic acid and quillaic acid, a sa- pogenin, on hydrolysis) is most important.

Quillaja extracts caused marked swelling and haemorrhage in stomach and small intestines of mice after 24 hours.

An isolated saponin (QS-21) from the bark shows evidence that it might augment both antibody and cell-mediated immune response, significantly increasing antibody levels. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)... quillaja saponaria


(German) Woman who is queenly Quin, Quinne, Quina, Quynn, Qwin, Quiyn, Quyn, Quinna, Qwinn, Qwinne... quinn


A group of chemically related synthetic ANTIBIOTICS. Examples include nalidixic acid, cinoxacin and nor?oxocin which are e?ective in treating uncomplicated urinary-tract, respiratory-tract and gastrointestinal infections. They are usually e?ective against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (see GRAM’S STAIN). Many staphylococci – including METHICILLINRESISTANT STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS (MRSA) – are resistant to quinolones. This group of drugs has a range of potentially troublesome side-effects including nausea, vomiting, DYSPEPSIA, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, dizziness, sleep disorders and PRURITUS.... quinolones


(Latin / English) The fifth girl / queen’s lawn

Quintanah, Quinella, Quinta, Quintina, Quintanna, Quintann, Quintara, Quintona, Quintonice, Quyntana, Quyntanna, Quyntara, Quinela, Quynella, Quynela, Quinetta, Quinita, Quintia, Quyntina, Quyntilla, Quyntila... quintana


(Latin) Of the essence Quintessah, Quintesa, Quintesha, Quintisha, Quintessia, Quyntessa, Quintosha, Quinticia, Quintesse, Quintice, Quyntesse... quintessa


See MULTIPLE BIRTHS.... quintuplets


(American) The fifth-born child Quinyett, Quinyet, Quinyeta, Quinyette, Quinyete... quinyette


(Latin) One who is contentious Quirinah, Quiryna, Quirynah, Quireena, Quireenah, Quireina, Quireinah, Quiriena, Quirienah, Quireana, Quireanah... quirina


(Latin) A loyal citizen Quiritah, Quiritta, Quiryta, Quirytta, Quyryta, Quyrytta, Quiritte, Quirytte, Quyrytte... quirita


(Latin) In mythology, goddess of motherhood

Quiritiss, Quiritisse, Quirytis, Quirytys, Quiritys, Quirityss... quiritis


(American) Having a beautiful mind Quishah... quisha


(French) One who is peaceful; tranquil

Quiteri, Quitery, Quiterey, Quiteree, Quiterye, Quyterie, Quyteri, Quyteree, Quytery, Quyterey, Quyterye, Quiteria, Quyteria, Quita... quiterie


(Italian) From the heart Quorrah, Quora, Quorah, Quoria, Quorria, Quoriya, Quorriya... quorra

Total Quality Management (tqm)

TQM is synonymous with continuous quality improvement (CQI). It is an integrative management concept of continuously improving the quality of delivered goods and services through the participation of all level and functions of the organization to meet the needs and expectations of the customer.... total quality management (tqm)

User Quality

See “client quality”.... user quality

Xin Qian

(Chinese) Happy and beautiful woman... xin qian

Lamb’s Quarters

Known as Beth root in America and Fat Hen in the UK. Refer to entries. ... lamb’s quarters


A false claim to have the ability to diagnose and treat disease.... quackery

Quisqualis Indica


Family: Combretaceae.

Habitat: Native to Java and Malaysia; cultivated in Indian gardens.

English: Rangoon Creeper.

Ayurvedic: Rangoon-ki-Bel.

Siddha/Tamil: Irangunmalli.

Folk: Laal-chameli.

Action: Fruits and seeds— anthelmintic (particularly against ascarites and soporific). Seeds— soporific. Ripe seeds are roasted and given in diarrhoea and fever. Macerated in oil, are applied to parasitic skin diseases. Leaves— decoction prescribed in abdominal pain.

The leaves and flowers gave rutin and pelargonidin-3-glucoside, quis- qualic acid, trigonelline, L-proline and L-asparagine.

Quisqualic acid showed anthelmin- tic activity. Seeds gave arachidic, lino- leic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids.... quisqualis indica

Tea For Quitting Smoking

The decision to quit smoking if rarely strong enough to actually put a stop to this addiction. However, if you are determined and feel that this would be a good day to stop smoking, you may want to try an herbal remedy before rushing off to the pharmacy. Many people are concerned about the fact that quitting smoking will make them gain weight. That’s only partially true. Since smoking is more a social habit, some people feel the need to replace cigarettes with something else and they usually choose food. That’s why you might gain a few pounds. However, there are a number of teas capable of inhibiting this reaction, so do not despair! How a Tea for Quitting Smoking Works A Tea for Quitting Smoking’s main goal is to make the need for nicotine gone once and for all. Usually, these teas contain an important amount of active constituents which resemble a lot to nicotine, but don’t cause you any harm. They will trick your body into thinking that you’re still taking nicotine, while actually cleansing your body. Alternative medicine practitioners explain how, in time, you’ll no longer feel the need to smoke. Some say that these teas have no effect whatsoever and that if they work it’s only thanks to your power of suggestion. If it’s true or not, you be the judge of that! Efficient Tea for Quitting Smoking When choosing a Tea for Quitting Smoking, you must keep in mind the fact that it must be both one hundred percent safe and very efficient. In order to be effective, a tea needs to contain the right amount of tannins, volatile oils, acids, minerals (iron, manganese, magnesium and sodium) and nutrients. Also, a tea with an elevated level of antioxidants will help you cleanse your respiratory ways and restore your initial health. If you don’t know which teas to choose from, here’s a list to guide you on: - Mimosa Tea – can induce a calming and relaxing state thanks to its great active ingredients which can also bring relief to stress, anxiety and depression (a smoker struggles with these symptoms during the quitting process). Don’t take more than 2 cups per day in order to avoid nervous system problems, such as sleeplessness or hallucinations. - Skullcap Tea – is well known for its ability to reduce stress and nervous tension. This Tea for Quitting Smoking could also be effective if you’re suffering from anxiety, asthenia or anemia. - Chamomile Tea – the world’s greatest panacea has a few benefits in store for you in case you’re trying to quit smoking. It has a pleasant taste and a lovely smell and it’s one hundred percent safe, so you can drink as much as you want. - Jasmine Tea – probably the most aromatic tea in the world, Jasmine Tea is well known for its curative actions which include general health improvement. Add a hint of ginger, mint, honey or lemon and you’ll have a delicious drink on the table. However, make sure you don’t take more than 2 cups per day in order to avoid any nervous system complications. Tea for Quitting Smoking Side Effects When taken properly, these teas are generally safe. However, exceeding the number of cups recommended per day might lead to diarrhea, nausea, upset stomach, skin rash and hallucinations. Don’t take a Tea for Quitting Smoking if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, on blood thinners or anticoagulants. The same advice if you’re preparing for a surgery (some of the active constituents may interfere with your anesthetic). But if you have your doctor’s approval and there’s nothing that could go wrong, choose a Tea for Quitting Smoking that fits best your problems and enjoy its great benefits!... tea for quitting smoking


A surgical procedure that involves the removal of tissue in one quadrant of a breast in order to treat breast cancer. (See also lumpectomy; mastectomy.)... quadrantectomy

Quadriceps Muscle

A muscle with 4 distinct parts that is located at the front of the thigh and straightens the knee.

The most common disorder of the quadriceps is a haematoma caused by a direct blow.... quadriceps muscle


Weakness of the muscles in all 4 limbs and the trunk. (See also quadriplegia.)... quadriparesis

Any Qualified Provider

(AQP) any of a range of suitable health-care providers in a scheme operating in the National Health Service from whom patients can choose to receive their care. These include providers from outside the NHS, such as social enterprises, charities, or private sector providers.... any qualified provider

Cage Questionnaire

a screening tool for alcoholism, widely used in hospitals, primary care, and psychiatric services. The name derives from an acronym of its four questions: (1) Have you ever felt you needed to cut down on your drinking? (2) Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking? (3) Have you ever felt guilty about drinking? (4) Have you ever felt you needed a drink first thing in the morning (eye-opener) to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover? A CAGE test score of two or more yes answers indicates a reasonably high likelihood of alcohol problems.... cage questionnaire

Dermatology Life Quality Index

(DLQI) a validated questionnaire designed by Finlay in 1994 to assess the impact of skin diseases on psychological and social wellbeing. It is the most common *quality of life tool used as an endpoint in dermatology clinical trials. DLQI scores of more than 10 (indicating a severe impact on life) are required before biological treatments for psoriasis may be administered in the UK.... dermatology life quality index

Dong Quai

Angelica sinensis, Oliv. Chinese angelica. Dried root. Keynote: conditions arising from disordered female reproductive system.

Action: antispasmodic, analgesic (mild), blood purifier, circulatory stimulant, hormone regulator, nutritive.

Uses: Covers a wide range of female disorders: amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, menopause. Cramps. Hypothermia. Infertility. Sleeplessness, nerve debility, high blood pressure. Toxic shock syndrome.

Asthma. Hay fever. Osteoporosis. Anaemia; particularly in Asian women. To heighten resistance against disease. Avoid in pregnancy.

Preparations: Thrice daily.

Dried root. One heaped teaspoon in cup water gently simmered 20 minutes, dose: half a cup.

Liquid Extract (1:1) half-2ml (quarter to half a teaspoon).

Tincture (1:5) 4-6ml (1-1 and a half teaspoons).

Powder (4:1) quarter to half a gram.

Note: Referred to in the East as “female Ginseng”. Most popular “female” herb in the Far East. ... dong quai

Quinolone Drugs

A group of antibiotic drugs, often called antibacterials, that are used to treat bacterial infections. Quinolone drugs are derived from chemicals, rather than living organisms. Examples include norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and ofloxacin.

Quinolones are used in the treatment of a wide range of conditions, including urinary tract infections, acute diarrhoeal diseases (such as that caused by salmonella infections), and enteric fever. Their absorption is reduced by antacids containing magnesium and aluminium.

Quinolones should be used with caution in patients with epilepsy, during pregnancy and breast-feeding, and in children and adolescents. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, sleep disorders, dizziness, rash, and blood disorders.... quinolone drugs

Care Quality Commission

(CQC) a publicly funded independent organization established in 2009 and responsible for regulation of health and social care in England; it replaced the Healthcare Commission, the Commission for Social Care Inspection, and the Mental Health Act Commission. The responsibilities of the commission include publication of national health-care standards; annual assessment of the performance of NHS and social-care organizations; reviewing other (i.e. private and voluntary) health- and social-care organizations; reviewing complaints about the services when it has not been possible to resolve them locally; and investigating serious service failures.... care quality commission

General Health Questionnaire

(GHQ) a reliable screening tool published in 1978 for identifying minor psychiatric disorders, still frequently used for research in the general population. The 28-question version (GHQ28) is most commonly used, but the GHQ is available in lengths from 12 to 60 questions.... general health questionnaire

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire

see GAD-7.

/// ... generalized anxiety disorder questionnaire

Intelligence Quotient

(IQ) an index of intellectual development. In childhood and adult life it represents intellectual ability relative to the rest of the population; in children it can also represent rate of development (*mental age as a percentage of chronological age). The population’s IQ follows almost a normal distribution curve. Most *intelligence tests are constructed so that the resulting intelligence quotients in the general population have a *mean of about 100 and a *standard deviation of about 15. An IQ of below 80 is considered to be indicative of *learning disability.... intelligence quotient

Patient Health Questionnaire

see PHQ-9.... patient health questionnaire


quality-adjusted life years. See quality of life.

qat n. see khat....  qalys


a computer algorithm that estimates the risk of a heart attack or stroke in a person over the next ten years. QRISK2 uses traditional risk factors, such as age, systolic blood pressure, smoking status, and ratio of total cholesterol to high-density lipoprotein, together with additional risk factors, including body mass index and family history of premature ischaemic heart disease. Someone with a QRISK2 score of 20% (or more) is regarded as high risk and should consider lifestyle modification and preventative medication.... qrisk2

Quadrate Lobe

one of the lobes of the *liver.... quadrate lobe


n. any of various four-sided muscles. The quadratus femoris is a flat muscle at the head of the femur, responsible for lateral rotation of the thigh.... quadratus


combining form denoting four. Example: quadrilateral (having four sides).... quadri

Quality And Outcomes Framework

(QOF) a system, introduced as part of the new general medical services (nGMS) contract (see general practitioner), whereby practices are rewarded for implementing good medical practice. There are four main domains: clinical, organizational, patient experience, and additional services. Each domain has various criteria based on best practice, which have a number of points allocated for achievement. The points are collated at the end of the financial year and converted into payment for the practice.... quality and outcomes framework

Quality Assurance

setting, monitoring, and maintaining standards for the quality of a service. See clinical governance.... quality assurance

Queckenstedt Test

a part of the routine *lumbar puncture procedure. It is used to determine whether or not the flow of cerebrospinal fluid is blocked in the spinal canal. [H. H. G. Queckenstedt (1876–1918), German physician]... queckenstedt test

Quellung Reaction

a reaction in which antibodies against the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae combine with the bacterial capsule, which becomes swollen and visible to light microscopy.... quellung reaction


n. see antipsychotic.... quetiapine


n. the symptoms of overdosage or prolonged treatment with quinine. See cinchonism.... quinism


n. one of a group of chemically related synthetic antibiotics that includes *ciprofloxacin, *nalidixic acid, and *ofloxacin. These drugs act by inactivating an enzyme, DNA gyrase, that is necessary for replication of the microorganisms and are often useful for treating infections with organisms that have become resistant to other antibiotics. Possible side-effects of quinolones include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, headache, dizziness, and itching. Confusion, joint pains, skin troubles, and tendinitis occasionally occur.... quinolone

Quotidian Fever

see malaria.... quotidian fever

Respiratory Quotient

(RQ) the ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide transferred from the blood into the alveoli to the volume of oxygen absorbed into the alveoli. The RQ is usually about 0.8 because more oxygen is taken up than carbon dioxide excreted.... respiratory quotient

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