The meaning of the symbols of cow seen in a dream.


Cowpox is a disease affecting the udders of cows, on which it produces vesicles (see VESICLE; PAPULE). It is communicable to humans, and there has for centuries been a tradition that persons who have caught this disease from cows do not suffer afterwards from SMALLPOX. This formed the basis for Jenner’s experiments on VACCINATION.... cowpox


Primula veris. N.O. Primulaceae.

Synonym: Herb Peter, Paigles, Palsywort.

Habitat: Moist pastures and open places.

Features ? Round, downy stem rising well above the leaves, which lie, rosette-like, on the ground. Leaves grow from the root, stalkless, undivided, velvety appearance similar to primrose leaves, but shorter and rounder. Yellow, tubular flowers bunch together on one stalk, each flower emerging from the same point, outer blossoms drooping.

Part used ? Corolla.

Action: Antispasmodic, sedative.

In the reduction of involuntary spasmodic movements, restlessness and similar symptoms. Used also in insomnia. The usual herbal infusion is taken in tablespoonfuls as required.

Both cowslip and primrose were at one time prescribed for rheumatism, gout and paralysis, but their value in these diseases has long since been disproved.... cowslip

Cowper’s Glands

Also known as the bulbourethral glands, these are a pair of glands whose ducts open into the urethra at the base of the PENIS. They secrete a ?uid that is one of the constituents of the SEMEN which carries the spermatozoa and is ejaculated into the VAGINA during coitus (sexual intercourse).... cowper’s glands

Garcinia Cowa


Synonym: G. kydia Roxb.

Family: Guttiferae; Clusiaceae.

Habitat: Tropical forests of Assam, Bengal, Orissa and the Andamans.

Ayurvedic: Paaraavata, Kowaa.

Folk: Kaphal (Nepal), Kujithekera (Assam).

Action: Sun-dried slices of the fruit are used in dysentery. The latex is used as febrifuge. Gum-resin— drastic cathartic (may produce nausea and vomiting).

The fruits from Assam contain: total soluble solids 9.8, titrable acidity 4.7, total sugars 3.8% and vitamin C 8.64 mg/g

The latex gave xanthones, cowanin, cowanol, cowaxanthone and norcow- anin.

The bark contains cowanin, cow- anol, cowaxanthone and rubraxan- thone.

Cawanol and cowaxanthone are reported to exhibit moderate antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus au- reus.... garcinia cowa

Cowper’s Glands

(bulbourethral glands) a pair of small glands that open into the urethra at the base of the penis. Their secretion contributes to the seminal fluid, but less than that of the prostate gland or seminal vesicles. [W. Cowper (1660–1709), English surgeon]... cowper’s glands

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