The meaning of the symbols of building, places seen in a dream.

Building Sickness Syndrome

Work-related lethargy coming on in the afternoon may be the result of this syndrome. Air-conditioned buildings promote symptoms not encountered in naturally ventilated offices, shops, etc.

Symptoms: dry throat, eye irritation, headache, fatigue, wheezy chest and flu-like colds may be a product of modern ventilating systems. The headache may come on in the afternoon and improve on leaving work. Humidifier fever. Passive inhalation of cigarette smoke a factor.

Alternatives. Treatment. Ginseng, Iceland Moss, Irish Moss, German Chamomile tea. ... building sickness syndrome

Sick Building Syndrome

A collection of symptoms reported by some workers in office buildings.

Symptoms include loss of energy, headaches, and dry, itching eyes, nose, and throat.

The cause is unknown, but various factors are involved, including air conditioning, passive smoking, lack of natural ventilation and light, and psychological factors.... sick building syndrome

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