Womb music Health Dictionary

Womb Music: From 1 Different Sources

The name given to the playing to crying babies of sounds comparable to those by which the unborn babe is surrounded in the womb (UTERUS), such as the beating of the mother’s heart, the bowel sounds of the baby and the like. The claim is that the replaying of these brings back the ‘peaceful music of the womb’, to which they have become conditioned, and thus ‘sings’ them to sleep.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


See UTERUS.... womb

Cancer – Womb

The second most common cancer in women. The alarming aspect of national health is the almost epidemic increase of cervical malignancy in younger women due to frequency of coitus, promiscuity, early coitus and contact with the herpes virus. All are mostly squamous cell carcinoma. Research studies have demonstrated a link between cigarette smoking and cancer of the cervix. (Dr Dan Hellberg)

Symptoms. Low backache, bleeding after intercourse, between periods or after ‘the change’. Abdominal swelling after 40 years of age. Sixty per cent of patients have no symptoms. Malodorous vaginal discharge. A positive cervical “pap” smear or cone-shaped biopsy examined by a pathologist confirms. Vaginal bleeding occurs in the later stages.

A letter in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests a strong link between increased risk of cervical cancer and cigarette smoking, nicotine being detected in the cervical fluids of cigarette smokers. This form of cancer is almost unknown in virgins living in closed communities such as those of the Church.

Conventional treatment is usually hysterectomy. Whatever treatment is adopted little ground is lost by supportive cleansing herbal teas. Mullein for pain.

Sponges loaded with powdered Goldenseal held against the cervix with a contraceptive cap can give encouraging results. Replace after three days. Vitamin A supplements are valuable to protect against the disease. The vitamin may also be applied topically in creams.

This form of cancer resists chemical treatment, but has been slowed down and halted by Periwinkle (Vinchristine) without damaging normal cells.

G.B. Ibotson, MD, reported disappearance of cancer of the cervix by infusions of Violet leaves by mouth and by vaginal injection. (Lancet 1917, i, 224)

In a study group of cervical cancer patients it was found that women with carcinoma in situ (CIS) were more likely to have a total Vitamin A intake below the pooled median (3450iu). Vitamin A supplementation is indicated together with zinc. (Bio-availability of Vitamin A is linked with zinc levels.) Vitamin A and zinc may be applied topically in creams and ointments.

Orthodox treatment: radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hysterectomy. As oestrogen can stimulate dormant cells the surgeon may wish to remove ovaries also. Whatever the decision, herbal supportive treatment may be beneficial. J.T Kent, MD, recommends Thuja and Shepherd’s Purse. Agents commonly indicated: Echinacea, Wild Indigo, Thuja, Mistletoe, Wild Yam. Herbal teas may be taken with profit. Dr Alfred Vogel advises Mistletoe from the oak (loranthus europaeus).

Other alternatives:– Teas. Red Clover, Violet, Mistletoe, Plantain, Clivers. 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water. Infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup freely.

Decoctions. White Pond Lily. Thuja. Echinacea. Wild Yam. Any one.

Tablets/capsules. Echinacea. Goldenseal. Wild Yam. Thuja.

Formula No. 1. Red Clover 2; Echinacea 1; Shepherd’s Purse 1; Thuja quarter. Mix. Dose: Powders: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1-2 teaspoons. Tinctures: 1-3 teaspoons. Formula No. 2. Equal parts: Poke root, Goldenseal, Mistletoe. Mix. Dose: Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons.

Diet. Women who eat large quantities of meat and fatty foods are up to four times the risk of those eating mainly fruit and vegetables.

Vaginal injection. 1. Strong infusion Red Clover to which 10-15 drops Tincture Goldenseal is added. Follow with tampon smeared with Goldenseal Salve.

2. Strong decoction Yellow Dock to which 10-15 drops Tincture Goldenseal is added. Follow with tampon smeared with Goldenseal salve.

If bleeding is severe douche with neat distilled extract of Witch Hazel.

Chinese Herbalism. See – CANCER: CHINESE PRESCRIPTION. Also: Decoction of ssu-hsieh-lu (Galium gracile) 2-4 liang.

Advice. One-yearly smear test for all women over 40.

Diet. See: DIET – CANCER.

Treatment by a general medical practitioner or hospital oncologist. ... cancer – womb

Musician’s Cramp

Overuse syndrome.

Occupational tenosynovitis. Pain in hands, limbs, shoulders, neck.

Treatment. Radical rest, avoiding turning door handles, taps, writing, housework.

Teas, decoctions: St John’s Wort, Ginseng, Valerian, Alfalfa, Oats.

Tablets/capsules. Cramp bark. Valerian. St John’s Wort, Ginseng, Black Cohosh.

Formula. Cramp bark 1; Ginseng 1; Ginger half. Dose: Liquid Extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Powders: half a teaspoon. Thrice daily.

Topical. Arnica cream or lotion.

Supplements. Vitamins B6, C, E. Calcium, Dolomite, Magnesium. ... musician’s cramp

Musical Tinnitus

a form of tinnitus characterized by hearing snippets of music or indistinct speech, usually seen in association with significant *deafness.... musical tinnitus

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