Vulnerability Health Dictionary

Vulnerability: From 1 Different Sources

n. a position of relative disadvantage, which requires a person to trust and depend upon others. In a medical context, all patients are vulnerable to an extent and some may be particularly so owing to impaired decision-making abilities or social position. Any *exploitation of a vulnerable person is considered contrary to medical ethics. There is increasing interest in the vulnerabilities of health-care professionals themselves and the evidence for *compassion fatigue, *burnout, and *ethical erosion is strong. A number of commentators have argued that the most effective therapeutic relationships occur when both the patient and clinician are aware of their own humanity because they have each experienced being vulnerable. A number of specific services and support groups have been established to help doctors and other health-care professionals in difficulty (see Schwartz rounds). —vulnerable adj.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


A total or partial vulnerability to an infection or disorder.... susceptibility


Asthma is a common disorder of breathing characterised by widespread narrowing of smaller airways within the lung. In the UK the prevalence among children in the 5–12 age group is around 10 per cent, with up to twice the number of boys affected as girls. Among adults, however, the sex incidence becomes about equal. The main symptom is shortness of breath. A major feature of asthma is the reversibility of the airway-narrowing and, consequently, of the breathlessness. This variability in the obstruction may occur spontaneously or in response to treatment.

Cause Asthma runs in families, so that parents with asthma have a strong risk of having children with asthma, or with other atopic (see ATOPY) illnesses such as HAY FEVER or eczema (see DERMATITIS). There is therefore a great deal of interest in the genetic basis of the condition. Several GENES seem to be associated with the condition of atopy, in which subjects have a predisposition to form ANTIBODIES of the IgE class against allergens (see ALLERGEN) they encounter – especially inhaled allergens.

The allergic response in the lining of the airway leads to an in?ammatory reaction. Many cells are involved in this in?ammatory process, including lymphocytes, eosinophils, neutrophils and mast cells. The cells are attracted and controlled by a complex system of in?ammatory mediators. The in?amed airway-wall produced in this process is then sensitive to further allergic stimuli or to non-speci?c challenges such as dust, smoke or drying from the increased respiration during exercise. Recognition of this in?ammation has concentrated attention on anti-in?ammatory aspects of treatment.

Continued in?ammation with poor control of asthma can result in permanent damage to the airway-wall such that reversibility is reduced and airway-narrowing becomes permanent. Appropriate anti-in?ammatory therapy may help to prevent this damage.

Many allergens can be important triggers of asthma. House-dust mite, grass pollen and animal dander are the commonest problems. Occupational factors such as grain dusts, hard-metals fumes and chemicals in the plastic and paint industry are important in some adults. Viral infections are another common trigger, especially in young children.

The prevalence of asthma appears to be on the increase in most countries. Several factors have been linked to this increase; most important may be the vulnerability of the immature immune system (see IMMUNITY) in infants. High exposure to allergens such as house-dust mite early in life may prime the immune system, while reduced exposure to common viral infections may delay the maturation of the immune system. In addition, maternal smoking in pregnancy and infancy increases the risk.

Clinical course The major symptoms of asthma are breathlessness and cough. Occasionally cough may be the only symptom, especially in children, where night-time cough may be mistaken for recurrent infection and treated inappropriately with antibiotics.

The onset of asthma is usually in childhood, but it may begin at any age. In childhood, boys are affected more often than girls but by adulthood the sex incidence is equal. Children who have mild asthma are more likely to grow out of the condition as they go through their teenaged years, although symptoms may recur later.

The degree of airway-narrowing, and its change with time and treatment, can be monitored by measuring the peak expiratory ?ow with a simple monitor at home – a peak-?ow meter. The typical pattern shows the peak ?ow to be lowest in the early morning and this ‘morning dipping’ is often associated with disturbance of sleep.

Acute exacerbations of asthma may be provoked by infections or allergic stimuli. If they do not respond quickly and fully to medication, expert help should be sought urgently since oxygen and higher doses of drugs will be necessary to control the attack. In a severe attack the breathing rate and the pulse rate rise and the chest sounds wheezy. The peak-?ow rate of air into the lungs falls. Patients may be unable to talk in full sentences without catching their breath, and the reduced oxygen in the blood in very severe attacks may produce the blue colour of CYANOSIS in the lips and tongue. Such acute attacks can be very frightening for the patient and family.

Some cases of chronic asthma are included in the internationally agreed description CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE (COPD) – a chronic, slowly progressive disorder characterised by obstruction of the air?ow persisting over several months.

Treatment The ?rst important consideration in the treatment of asthma is avoidance of precipitating factors. When this is a speci?c animal or occupational exposure, this may be possible; it is however more di?cult for house-dust mite or pollens. Exercise-induced asthma should be treated adequately rather than avoiding exercise.

Desensitisation injections using small quantities of speci?c allergens are used widely in some countries, but rarely in the UK as they are considered to have limited value since most asthma is precipitated by many stimuli and controlled adequately with simple treatment.

There are two groups of main drugs for the treatment of asthma. The ?rst are the bronchodilators which relax the smooth muscle in the wall of the airways, increase their diameter and relieve breathlessness. The most useful agents are the beta adrenergic agonists (see ADRENERGIC RECEPTORS) such as salbutamol and terbutaline. They are best given by inhalation into the airways since this reduces the general side-effects from oral use. These drugs are usually given to reverse airway-narrowing or to prevent its onset on exercise. However, longer-acting inhaled beta agonists such as salmeterol and formoterol or the theophyllines given in tablet form can be used regularly as prevention. The beta agonists can cause TREMOR and PALPITATION in some patients.

The second group of drugs are the antiin?ammatory agents that act to reduce in?ammation of the airway. The main agents in this group are the CORTICOSTEROIDS. They must be taken regularly, even when symptoms are absent. Given by inhalation they have few side-effects. In acute attacks, short courses of oral steroids are used; in very severe disease regular oral steroids may be needed. Other drugs have a role in suppressing in?ammation: sodium cromoglycate has been available for some years and is generally less e?ective than inhaled steroids. Newer agents directed at speci?c steps in the in?ammatory pathway, such as leukotriene receptor-antagonists, are alternative agents.

Treatment guidelines have been produced by various national and international bodies, such as the British Thoracic Society. Most have set out treatment in steps according to severity, with objectives for asthma control based on symptoms and peak ?ow. Patients should have a management plan that sets out their regular treatment and their appropriate response to changes in their condition.

Advice and support for research into asthma is provided by the National Asthma Campaign.


Prognosis Asthma is diagnosed in 15–20 per cent of all pre-school children in the developed world. Yet by the age of 15 it is estimated that fewer than 5 per cent still have symptoms. A study in 2003 reported on a follow-up of persons born in 1972–3 who developed asthma and still had problems at the age of nine. By the time these persons were aged 26, 27 per cent were still having problems; around half of that number had never been free from the illness and the other half had apparently lost it for a few years but it had returned.... asthma


Within most cultures, care of the sick is seen as entailing special duties, codi?ed as a set of moral standards governing professional practice. Although these duties have been stated and interpreted in di?ering ways, a common factor is the awareness of an imbalance of power between doctor and patient and an acknowledgement of the vulnerability of the sick person. A function of medical ethics is to counteract this inevitable power imbalance by encouraging doctors to act in the best interests of their patients, refrain from taking advantage of those in their care, and use their skills in a manner which preserves the honour of their profession. It has always been accepted, however, that doctors cannot use their knowledge indiscriminately to ful?l patients’ wishes. The deliberate ending of life, for example, even at a patient’s request, has usually been seen as alien to the shared values inherent in medical ethics. It is, however, symptomatic of changing concepts of ethics and of the growing power of patient choice that legal challenges have been mounted in several countries to the prohibition of EUTHANASIA. Thus ethics can be seen as regulating individual doctor-patient relationships, integrating doctors within a moral community of their professional peers and re?ecting societal demands for change.

Medical ethics are embedded in cultural values which evolve. Acceptance of abortion within well-de?ned legal parameters in some jurisdictions is an example of how society in?uences the way in which perceptions about ethical obligations change. Because they are often linked to the moral views predominating in society, medical ethics cannot be seen as embodying uniform standards independent of cultural context. Some countries which permit capital punishment or female genital mutilation (FGM – see CIRCUMCISION), for example, expect doctors to carry out such procedures. Some doctors would argue that their ethical obligation to minimise pain and suffering obliges them to comply, whereas others would deem their ethical obligations to be the complete opposite. The medical community attempts to address such variations by establish-ing globally applicable ethical principles through debate within bodies such as the World Medical Association (WMA) or World Psychiatric Association (WPA). Norm-setting bodies increasingly re?ect accepted concepts of human rights and patient rights within professional ethical codes.

Practical changes within society may affect the perceived balance of power within the doctor-patient relationship, and therefore have an impact on ethics. In developed societies, for example, patients are increasingly well informed about treatment options: media such as the Internet provide them with access to specialised knowledge. Social measures such as a well-established complaints system, procedures for legal redress, and guarantees of rights such as those set out in the NHS’s Patient’s Charter appear to reduce the perceived imbalance in the relationship. Law as well as ethics emphasises the importance of informed patient consent and the often legally binding nature of informed patient refusal of treatment. Ethics re?ect the changing relationship by emphasising skills such as e?ective communication and generation of mutual trust within a doctor-patient partnership.

A widely known modern code is the WMA’s International Code of Medical Ethics which seeks to provide a modern restatement of the Hippocratic principles.

Traditionally, ethical codes have sought to establish absolutist positions. The WMA code, for example, imposes an apparently absolute duty of con?dentiality which extends beyond the patient’s death. Increasingly, however, ethics are perceived as a tool for making morally appropriate decisions in a sphere where there is rarely one ‘right’ answer. Many factors – such as current emphasis on autonomy and the individual values of patients; awareness of social and cultural diversity; and the phenomenal advance of new technology which has blurred some moral distinctions about what constitutes a ‘person’ – have contributed to the perception that ethical dilemmas have to be resolved on a case-by-case basis.

An approach adopted by American ethicists has been moral analysis of cases using four fundamental principles: autonomy, bene?cence, non-male?cence and justice. The ‘four principles’ provide a useful framework within which ethical dilemmas can be teased out, but they are criticised for their apparent simplicity in the face of complex problems and for the fact that the moral imperatives implicit in each principle often con?ict with some or all of the other three. As with any other approach to problem-solving, the ‘four principles’ require interpretation. Enduring ethical precepts such as the obligation to bene?t patients and avoid harm (bene?cence and non-male?cence) may be differently interpreted in cases where prolongation of life is contrary to a patient’s wishes or where sentience has been irrevocably lost. In such cases, treatment may be seen as constituting a ‘harm’ rather than a ‘bene?t’.

The importance accorded to ethics in daily practice has undergone considerable development in the latter half of the 20th century. From being seen mainly as a set of values passed on from experienced practitioners to their students at the bedside, medical ethics have increasingly become the domain of lawyers, academic philosophers and professional ethicists, although the role of experienced practitioners is still considered central. In the UK, law and medical ethics increasingly interact. Judges resolve cases on the basis of established medical ethical guidance, and new ethical guidance draws in turn on common-law judgements in individual cases. The rapid increase in specialised journals, conferences and postgraduate courses focused on ethics is testimony to the ever-increasing emphasis accorded to this area of study. Multidisciplinary practice has stimulated the growth of the new discipline of ‘health-care ethics’ which seeks to provide uniformity across long-established professional boundaries. The trend is to set common standards for a range of health professionals and others who may have a duty of care, such as hospital chaplains and ancillary workers. Since a primary function of ethics is to ?nd reasonable answers in situations where di?erent interests or priorities con?ict, managers and health-care purchasers are increasingly seen as potential partners in the e?ort to establish a common approach. Widely accepted ethical values are increasingly applied to the previously unacknowledged dilemmas of rationing scarce resources.

In modern debate about ethics, two important trends can be identi?ed. As a result of the increasingly high pro?le accorded to applied ethics, there is a trend for professions not previously subject to widely agreed standards of behaviour to adopt codes of ethical practice. Business ethics or the ethics of management are comparatively new. At the same time, there is some debate about whether professionals, such as doctors, traditionally subject to special ethical duties, should be seen as simply doing a job for payment like any other worker. As some doctors perceive their power and prestige eroded by health-care managers deciding on how and when to ration care and pressure for patients to exercise autonomy about treatment decisions, it is sometimes argued that realistic limits must be set on medical obligations. A logical implication of patient choice and rejection of medical paternalism would appear to be a concomitant reduction in the freedom of doctors to carry out their own ethical obligations. The concept of conscientious objection, incorporated to some extent in law (e.g. in relation to abortion) ensures that doctors are not obliged to act contrary to their own personal or professional values.... ethics


Impaired IMMUNITY resulting from inherited or acquired abnormalities of the immune system. This leads to increased vulnerability to infection. Important inherited examples of immunode?ciency are defects in function of GRANULOCYTES and the COMPLEMENT SYSTEM. Common acquired forms of immunode?ciency are defective function of B-type lymphocytes and hence antibody de?ciency in ‘common variable hypogammaglobulinaemia’, and grossly de?cient CD4 T-cell function – malfunctioning T-type lymphocytes – in AIDS, secondary to HIV infection (see AIDS/HIV).... immunodeficiency

Code Of Practice

National Institute of Medical Herbalists.

1. It is illegal for anyone not a registered medical practitioner to attempt to procure an abortion: a member must not knowingly administer an abortifacient or known uterine muscle stimulant remedies to a pregnant patient, nor instruments for the purpose of procuring an abortion, nor assist in any illegal operation.

2. It is required that any intimate examinations on a patient of the opposite sex be conducted in the presence of a relative of the patient or a suitable assistant.

3. A member must not treat or prescribe any remedy for gonorrhoea, syphilis, or urinary affections of a venereal nature.

4. It is the duty of the practitioner to notify the District Medical Officer regarding any disease on the current list of notifiable diseases. In cases of industrial poisoning or accident the local district branch of the Health and Safety Executive should be notified.

5. A member must consider very carefully the implications of recommending a course of treatment contrary to the advice of the patient’s registered medical practitioner or of not recommending referral to a registered medical practitioner in the case of serious disease or uncertain diagnosis. Members must be aware of their vulnerability in law on this issue and must ensure in such a case that all available information is given to the patient and that the patient makes the final decision without coercion.

6. A parent or supervising adult must be present at any treatment or examination of a child under the age of 16, or of a mentally-retarded patient.

7. The Data Protection Act means that any practitioner keeping patient’s data on computer file must register under the terms of the Act.

8. A member must become familiar with the terms of the Medicine’s Act 1968 and subsequent statutory instruments, notably the Medicines (Retail Sale or Supply of Herbal Remedies) Order 1977. Particular care should be taken to become familiar with the statutory maximum doses of those remedies listed in Schedule III of the latter order. Detailed records of prescriptions and dispensing must also be kept.

9. The Medicines Act further states that to claim exemptions from the restrictions on the supply of certain herbal remedies, the practitioner should supply said remedies from premises occupied by the practitioner and able to be closed so as to exclude the public.

10. The Medicines Act adds that to claim the said exemptions, the person supplying the remedy “sells or supplies it for administration to a particular person after being requested by or on behalf of that person and in that person’s presence to use his own judgement as to the treatment required”. The member should avoid treatment through telephone or postal contact, although repeat prescriptions may be supplied on this basis for a limited period.

11. Dispensing and labelling of medicines should at least comply with the terms of the Medicines Act. All medicines should be labelled to clearly indicate the correct dosage or other directions for use (especially for those remedies subject to a statutory maximum dose), and with the name and address of the practitioner and the date of dispensing.

12. A member should never claim verbally or in print to be able to cure any life-threatening or serious disease.

13. The distribution or display of letter headings, business cards or practice information should be compatible with the highest professional medical standards. ... code of practice


n. taking unfair advantage of another’s misfortune, weakness, or *vulnerability. In medical ethics, the principle of *nonmaleficence means that doctors have an active duty to avoid any exploitation of their patients. This is usually held to require that professional boundaries are maintained and to prohibit personal or sexual relationships between professionals and their patients. Another example of potential exploitation is the practice of holding clinical trials and conducting research in developing countries when the treatments being tested are designed for sale and use in the West and will not be made available to those who acted as research participants or subjects.... exploitation


(disorganized schizophrenia) n. an often chronic form of *schizophrenia that typically starts in adolescence or young adulthood. The most prominent features are disordered thinking, inappropriate affect, flattening or shallowness of affect, naivety and vulnerability, thoughtless cheerfulness, apathy, and aimless or disjointed behaviour. Social and occupational rehabilitation are the most important therapies for most patients; *antipsychotic drugs are also efficacious. —hebephrenic adj.... hebephrenia


n. a now obsolete name for a *neurosis characterized by emotional instability, repression, dissociation, some physical symptoms (see hysterical), and vulnerability to suggestion. Two types were recognized: conversion hysteria, now known as *conversion disorder; and dissociative hysteria, comprising a group of conditions now generally regarded as *dissociative disorders.... hysteria


n. one of the three traits used by the British psychologist Hans Eysenck in his personality model, the others being extroversion and *neuroticism. Psychoticism is a personality pattern typified by aggressiveness and interpersonal hostility. Eysenck believed that high levels of this trait were linked to increased vulnerability to *psychosis but this has never been verified by subsequent research.... psychoticism

Learning Disability

Learning disability, previously called mental handicap, is a problem of markedly low intellectual functioning. In general, people with learning disability want to be seen as themselves, to learn new skills, to choose where to live, to have good health care, to have girlfriends or boyfriends, to make decisions about their lives, and to have enough money to live on. They may live at home with their families, or in small residential units with access to work and leisure and to other people in ordinary communities. Some people with learning disabilities, however, also have a MENTAL ILLNESS. Most can be treated as outpatients, but a few need more intensive inpatient treatment, and a very small minority with disturbed behaviour need secure (i.e. locked) settings.

In the United Kingdom, the 1993 Education Act refers to ‘learning diffculties’: generalised (severe or moderate), or speci?c (e.g. DYSLEXIA, dyspraxia [or APRAXIA], language disorder). The 1991 Social Security (Disability Living Allowance) Regulations use the term ‘severely mentally impaired’ if a person suffers from a state of arrested development or incomplete physical development of the brain which results in severe impairment of intelligence and social functioning. This is distinct from the consequences of DEMENTIA. Though ‘mental handicap’ is widely used, ‘learning disability’ is preferred by the Department of Health.

There is a distinction between impairment (a biological de?cit), disability (the functional consequence) and handicap (the social consequence).

People with profound learning disability are usually unable to communicate adequately and may be seriously movement-impaired. They are totally dependent on others for care and mobility. Those with moderate disability may achieve basic functional literacy (recognition of name, common signs) and numeracy (some understanding of money) but most have a life-long dependency for aspects of self-care (some fastenings for clothes, preparation of meals, menstrual hygiene, shaving) and need supervision for outdoor mobility.

Children with moderate learning disability develop at between half and three-quarters of the normal rate, and reach the standard of an average child of 8–11 years. They become independent for self-care and public transport unless they have associated disabilities. Most are capable of supervised or sheltered employment. Living independently and raising a family may be possible.

Occurrence Profound learning disability affects about 1 in 1,000; severe learning disability 3 in 1,000; and moderate learning disability requiring special service, 1 per cent. With improved health care, survival of people with profound or severe learning disability is increasing.

Causation Many children with profound or severe learning disability have a diagnosable biological brain disorder. Forty per cent have a chromosome disorder – see CHROMOSOMES (three quarters of whom have DOWN’S (DOWN) SYNDROME); a further 15 per cent have other genetic causes, brain malformations or recognisable syndromes. About 10 per cent suffered brain damage during pregnancy (e.g. from CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV) infection) or from lack of oxygen during labour or delivery. A similar proportion suffer postnatal brain damage from head injury – accidental or otherwise – near-miss cot death or drowning, cardiac arrest, brain infection (ENCEPHALITIS or MENINGITIS), or in association with severe seizure disorders.

Explanations for moderate learning disability include Fragile X or other chromosome abnormalities in a tenth, neuro?bromatosis (see VON RECKLINGHAUSEN’S DISEASE), fetal alcohol syndrome and other causes of intra-uterine growth retardation. Genetic counselling should be considered for children with learning disability. Prenatal diagnosis is sometimes possible. In many children, especially those with mild or moderate disability, no known cause may be found.

Medical complications EPILEPSY affects 1 in 20 with moderate, 1 in 3 with severe and 2 in 3 with profound learning disability, although only 1 in 50 with Down’s syndrome is affected. One in 5 with severe or profound learning disability has CEREBRAL PALSY.

Psychological and psychiatric needs Over half of those with profound or severe – and many with moderate – learning disability show psychiatric or behavioural problems, especially in early years or adolescence. Symptoms may be atypical and hard to assess. Psychiatric disorders include autistic behaviour (see AUTISM) and SCHIZOPHRENIA. Emotional problems include anxiety, dependence and depression. Behavioural problems include tantrums, hyperactivity, self-injury, passivity, masturbation in public, and resistance to being shaved or helped with menstrual hygiene. There is greater vulnerability to abuse with its behavioural consequences.

Respite and care needs Respite care is arranged with link families for children or sta?ed family homes for adults where possible. Responsibility for care lies with social services departments which can advise also about bene?ts.

Education Special educational needs should be met in the least restrictive environment available to allow access to the national curriculum with appropriate modi?cation and support. For older children with learning disability, and for young children with severe or profound learning disability, this may be in a special day or boarding school. Other children can be provided for in mainstream schools with extra classroom support. The 1993 Education Act lays down stages of assessment and support up to a written statement of special educational needs with annual reviews.

Pupils with learning disability are entitled to remain at school until the age of 19, and most with severe or profound learning disability do so. Usually those with moderate learning disability move to further education after the age of 16.

Advice is available from the Mental Health Foundation, the British Institute of Learning Disabilities, MENCAP (Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults), and ENABLE (Scottish Society for the Mentally Handicapped).... learning disability

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