Vasopressor Health Dictionary

Vasopressor: From 1 Different Sources

Rhododendron Barbatum

Wall. ex G. Don.

Family: Ericaceae.

Habitat: The Himalayas from Kumaon to Bhutan, extending to Assam.

English: Giantblood Rhododendron.

Folk: Chimal (Nepal), Kurbak, Guraans.

Action: Respiratory depressant, emetic, toxic.

The leaves and flowers gave an- dromedotoxin which resembles tertiary amine veratrum alkaloids, particularly protoveratrine, in pharmacological action. Intravenous administration of andromedotoxin to dogs resulted in 20-40% reduction in blood pressure. It also closely resembles protoveratrine in its stimulating effect on the barostatic-pressor-reflex- mechanism, respiratory effects and emetic action. It produces reflex va- sodepressor responses in intact animals; in debuffered dogs, it produced vasopressor responses. It also produced, both direct and indirect, positive ionotropic effects, the latter being more pronounced.

The leaves contain ursolic acid, alpha-amyrin, epi-friedelinol, cam- panulin and hyperoside. Chloroform extract of the leaves and shoots showed a depressant action. The honey from flowers is poisonous; contains an- dromedotoxin.... rhododendron barbatum


A state of acute circulatory failure in which the heart’s output of blood is inadequate to provide normal PERFUSION of the major organs. It is accompanied by a fall in arterial blood pressure and is characterised by systemic arterial hypotension (arterial blood pressure less than 80 mm of mercury), sweating and signs of VASOCONSTRICTION (for example, pallor, CYANOSIS, a cold clammy skin and a low-volume pulse). These signs may be associated with clinical evidence of poor tissue perfusion, for example to the brain and kidneys, leading to mental apathy, confusion or restlessness and OLIGURIA.

Shock may result from loss of blood or plasma volume. This may occur as a result of haemorrhage or severe diarrhoea and vomiting. It may also result from peripheral pooling of blood due to such causes as TOXAEMIA or ANAPHYLAXIS. The toxaemia is commonly the result of a SEPTICAEMIA in which leakage through capillaries reduces circulating blood volume. Another form is called cardogenic shock, and is due to failure of the heart as a pump. It is most commonly seen as a result of myocardial infarction (see under HEART, DISEASES OF).

If failure of adequate blood ?ow to vital organs is prolonged, the effects can be disastrous. The ischaemic intestine permits the transfer of toxic bacterial products and proteins across its wall into the blood; renal ISCHAEMIA prevents the maintenance of a normal electrolyte and acid-base balance.

Treatment If the shock is a result of haemorrhage or diarrhoea or vomiting, replacement of blood, lost ?uid and electrolytes is of prime importance. If it is due to septicaemia, treatment of the infection is of paramount importance, and in addition, intravenous ?uids and vasopressor drugs will be required. Cardiogenic shock is treated by attention to the underlying cause. Full intensive care is likely to be required, and arti?cial ventilation and DIALYSIS may both be needed.... shock


n. a drug used in the treatment of high blood pressure (hypertension) and heart failure. It inhibits the action of angiotensin (see ACE inhibitor), which results in decreased vasopressor (blood-vessel constricting) activity and decreased aldosterone secretion. Side-effects can include a persistent dry cough, a drastic fall in blood pressure, headache, dizziness, fatigue, and diarrhoea.... enalapril

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