Ulipristal Health Dictionary

Ulipristal: From 1 Different Sources

n. a synthetic female sex hormone – a *progestogen – used for *postcoital contraception. Because it blocks the action of progesterone, ulipristal is also taken orally to treat *fibroids.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


1. n. (leiomyoma, uterine fibroid) a benign tumour of fibrous and muscular tissue, one or more of which may develop within or attached to the outside of the uterus (see illustration overleaf). Fibroids that are large or distort the uterine cavity often cause pain and excessive menstrual bleeding. There may be difficulties with fertility and childbirth. Fibroids are more common in women over 30 years of age and they shrink after the menopause unless the woman is taking HRT. Medical treatment of fibroids includes administration of *gonadorelin analogues or more recently *ulipristal. Small fibroids can be destroyed by diathermy using a hysteroscope. Larger ones may be coagulated by laparoscopic use of the Nd:YAG *laser (laparoscopic myolysis) or removed by *myomectomy or *uterine artery embolization. Otherwise hysterectomy may be necessary. If discomfort and other symptoms are absent, surgery is not required. 2. adj. resembling or containing fibres.... fibroid

Postcoital Contraception

(emergency contraception) prevention of pregnancy after intercourse has taken place. This can be achieved by two methods, which aim to prevent implantation of the fertilized ovum in the uterus: (1) an oral dose of *levonorgestrel or *ulipristal taken within 72 hours and 120 hours, respectively, of unprotected intercourse; and (2) insertion of an *IUCD within five days of unprotected intercourse.... postcoital contraception

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