Transuretero-ureterostomy Health Dictionary

Transuretero-ureterostomy: From 1 Different Sources

n. the operation of connecting one ureter to the other in the abdomen. The damaged/obstructed ureter is cut above the diseased or damaged segment and joined end-to-side to the other ureter.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


n. the surgical creation of an external opening from the ureter. This usually involves bringing the ureter to the skin surface through the abdominal wall so that the urine can drain into a suitable appliance (cutaneous ureterostomy). The divided dilated ureter can be brought through the skin to form a spout, but ureters of a normal size need to be implanted into a segment of bowel used for this purpose (see ileal conduit) to avoid narrowing and obstruction.... ureterostomy

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