Towne’s projection Health Dictionary

Towne’s Projection: From 1 Different Sources

a *posteroanterior X-ray film to show the entire skull and mandible. [E. B. Towne (1883–1957), US otolaryngologist]
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Maximum Intensity Projection

(MIP) a *post-processing technique used in CT and MRI scanning. When projecting a volume, maximum brightness encountered along the viewing plane will be displayed. This is particularly useful in vascular imaging.... maximum intensity projection


n. (in psychology) the attribution of one’s own qualities to other people. In psychoanalysis this is considered to be one of the *defence mechanisms; people who cannot tolerate their own feelings (e.g. anger) may cope by imagining that other people have those feelings (e.g. are angry).... projection

Waters’ Projection

a *posteroanterior X-ray film to show the maxillae, maxillary sinuses, and zygomatic bones. [C. A. Waters (1888–1961), US radiologist]... waters’ projection

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