Tono Health Dictionary

Tono: From 1 Different Sources


The procedure for measuring the pressure of the fluid within the eye, usually performed by an ophthalmologist during an eye examination (see eye, examination of). Tonometry is useful in diagnosing glaucoma.... tonometry

Goldmann Applanation Tonometer

see tonometer. [H. Goldmann (1899–1991), Swiss ophthalmologist]... goldmann applanation tonometer


n. a tiny fibre occurring in bundles in the cytoplasm of cells that lie in contact, as in epithelial tissue. Tonofibrils are concerned with maintaining contact between adjacent cells. See desmosome.... tonofibril


n. the measurement and recording of intraocular pressure while the eyeball is subjected to pressure over a period of several minutes. It is used to assess aqueous outflow and diagnose glaucoma. See tonometer.... tonography


(ophthalmotonometer) n. 1. a small instrument for measuring the pressure inside the eye. There are several types. The applanation tonometer measures the force required to flatten a known area of the cornea after a drop of local anaesthetic has made the cornea numb. A greater force is required when the pressure inside the eye is increased, and vice versa. The Goldmann applanation tonometer flattens a corneal area of 3 mm2. See also pneumotonometer. 2. an instrument for measuring pressure in some other part of the body.

—tonometry n.... tonometer

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