Thermocoagulation Health Dictionary

Thermocoagulation: From 1 Different Sources


(gastric antral vascular ectasia) a condition characterized by the presence of dilated capillaries or veins in the lining of the distal stomach (the gastric *antrum), which may extend to involve the whole of the stomach. It may be diffuse or it may adopt a more linear appearance like the stripes of a watermelon (watermelon stomach). Certain medical conditions (e.g. *cirrhosis, *systemic sclerosis, and chronic renal failure) are associated with this condition. It is often asymptomatic but can lead to transfusion-dependent anaemia. Treatment focuses on management of the underlying condition and endoscopic treatment of bleeding areas using *argon plasma coagulation or laser thermocoagulation.... gave


n. the act of vomiting fresh blood. The blood may have been swallowed (e.g. following a nosebleed or tonsillectomy) but more often arises from bleeding in the oesophagus, stomach, or duodenum. Common causes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding are *oesophageal varices or peptic ulcers. Vomited blood needs to be replaced by transfused blood. Gastroscopy may identify the source of bleeding and enables endoscopic treatments to arrest it. These include adrenaline injection, thermocoagulation with a *heater-probe or by *argon plasma coagulation, band ligation of oesophageal varices, glue injection for gastric varices, and the placement of metallic clips (endoclips) on bleeding vessels.... haematemesis

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