Tela Health Dictionary

Tela: From 1 Different Sources

n. any thin weblike tissue, particularly the tela choroidea, a folded double layer of *pia mater containing numerous small blood vessels that extends into several of the *ventricles of the brain.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


Abnormal dilatation of ARTERIOLES and venules (see VENULE). In the skin it is seen in spider NAEVUS and ROSACEA particularly.... telangiectasis


A cuticular thickening of the ventral wall of the spicular pouch in nematodes. Both gubernaculum and telamon are for guiding the spicules out of the body. Shape and size and number of the spicules, gubernaculum and telamon are also used for identification of the nematodes.... telamon


An increase in the size of small blood vessels beneath the surface of an area of skin, causing rednessand a “broken veins” appearance. It is most common on the nose and cheeks. There may be no obvious cause, or the condition may be due to many years of excessive alcohol consumption, rosacea, overexposure to sunlight, or a connective tissue disease such as dermatomyositis.

Telangiectasia is not a cause for concern, but the veins can be removed in some cases by electrodesiccation (electrical destruction of the upper layers of the skin). (See also spider naevus.)... telangiectasia

Ataxia Telangiectasia

an inherited (autosomal *recessive) neurological disorder. *Ataxia is usually noted early in life, and a key feature is the presence of dilated blood vessels visible in the sclerae of the eyes and on the cheeks and ears. Other symptoms may include slow slurred speech, abnormal eye movements, skin lesions, and immune deficiency. Affected individuals may develop malignant disease. A raised level of *alpha-fetoprotein is found in the blood.... ataxia telangiectasia


n. inflammation of the smallest blood vessels (see vasculitis).... telangiitis


n. see boceprevir.... telaprevir

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