Sympathy Health Dictionary

Sympathy: From 1 Different Sources


(Arabic) One who shows affection and sympathy

Ateefa, Aatifa, Atipha, Ateepha, Aatipha, Atufa, Atupha, Atufah, Atiefa, Ateifa, Atyfa, Ateafa... atifa


Psychopathic disorder is de?ned by the Mental Health Act 1983 as a persistent disorder or disability of mind (whether or not including signi?cant impairment of intelligence) which results in abnormally aggressive or seriously irresponsible conduct. The cardinal features are as follows: (1) Absence of normal feelings for other people such as love, affection, sympathy and condolence. (2) A tendency to antisocial impulsive acts with no forethought of the consequences. (3) A failure to learn by experience and to be deterred from crime by punishment.

(4) Absence of any other form of mental disorder that would explain the unusual behaviour. The corresponding American terminology is ‘antisocial personality disorder’. (See MENTAL ILLNESS.)... psychopathic


A system of medical astrology was recorded by Culpeper in his “Complete Physician”. Astrologers believe diseases vary according to movements of the stars and that in some unknown way plants are related to the heavenly bodies. Culpeper writes: “It is essential to find out what planet caused the disease and then by what planet the affected part of the body is governed.” A remedy of a contrary nature is applied: for instance, if a disease is caused by Venus, herbs under Mars are used; if under the Sun, herbs under Saturn.

In some instances a planet cures by acting in sympathy, each planet curing its own disease; i.e. Venus and diseases of the reproductive system.

It is an ancient herbal practise for herbs to be gathered when the ruling planet is in the ascendancy. Scientific inquiry fails to support this system of medical treatment. ... astrology


The acting out of a role (the pattern of behaviour expected in a given situation).

The phrase “sick role” describes the type of passive behaviour expected and allowed of a patient; people with social or emotional problems may unconsciously adopt this role to gain sympathy and understanding.... role-playing


adj. produced artificially, either deliberately or by accident, and therefore not to be taken into account when the results of an experiment are considered or a diagnosis is being made. In ICD-11 factitious disorder is one in which a person makes up physical or psychological symptoms to gain benefits, sympathy, and attention (see Munchausen’s syndrome).... factitious

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