Spell Health Dictionary

Spell: From 1 Different Sources

n. the time a patient spends in one hospital or treatment centre, from admission to discharge or transfer to another such. This may consist of one or more *finished consultant episodes. See also continuous patient pathway.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


Dyslexia is di?culty in reading or learning to read. It is always accompanied by di?culty in writing, and particularly by diffculties in spelling. Reading diffculties might be due to various factors – for example, a general learning problem, bad teaching or understimulation, or a perceptive problem such as poor eyesight. Speci?c dyslexia (‘word blindness’), however, affects 4–8 per cent of otherwise normal children to some extent. It is three times more common in boys than in girls, and there is often a family history. The condition is sometimes missed and, when a child has di?culty with reading, dyslexia should be considered as a possible cause.

Support and advice may be obtained from the British Dyslexia Association.... dyslexia


Protection, Psychic Powers, Money and Love Spells... acacia


Protection, Sea Spells, Wind Spells, Money, Psychic Powers... bladderwrack


Purification, Protection, Wind Spells, Divination... broom


This results from the action of extreme cold (below 0 °C) on the skin. VASOCONSTRICTION results in a reduced blood – and hence, oxygen

– supply, leading to NECROSIS of the skin and, in severe cases, of the underlying tissues. Chie?y affecting exposed parts of the body, such as the face and the limbs, frostbite occurs especially in people exercising at high altitudes, or in those at risk of peripheral vascular disease, such as diabetics (see DIABETES MELLITUS), who should take particular care of their ?ngers and toes when in cold environments.

In mild cases – the condition sometimes known as frostnip – the skin on exposed parts of the body, such as the cheeks or nose, becomes white and numb with a sudden and complete cessation of cold and discomfort. In more severe cases, blisters develop on the frozen part, and the skin then gradually hardens and turns black until the frozen part, such as a ?nger, is covered with a black shell of dead tissue. Swelling of the underlying tissue occurs and this is accompanied by throbbing and aching. If, as is often the case, only the skin and the tissues immediately under it are frozen, then in a matter of months the dead tissue peels o?. In the most severe cases of all, muscles, bone and tendon are also frozen, and the affected part becomes cold, swollen, mottled and blue or grey. There may be no blistering in these severe cases. At ?rst there is no pain, but in time shooting and throbbing pains usually develop.

Prevention This consists of wearing the right clothing and never venturing on even quite short expeditions in cold weather, particularly on mountains, without taking expert advice as to what should be worn.

Treatment Frostnip is the only form of frostbite that should be treated on the spot. As it usually occurs on exposed parts, such as the face, each member of the party should be on the lookout for it in another. The moment that whitening of the skin is seen, the individual should seek shelter and warm the affected part by covering it with his or her warm hand or a glove until the normal colour and consistency of the affected part are restored. In more severe cases, treatment should only be given in hospital or in a well-equipped camp. In essence this consists of warming the affected part, preferably in warm water, against a warm part of the body or warm air. Rewarming should be done for spells of 20 minutes at a time. The affected part should never be placed near an open ?re. Generalised warming of the whole body may also be necessary, using hot drinks, and putting the victim in a sleeping bag.... frostbite

Addison’s Disease

A disease causing failure of adrenal gland function, in particular deficiency of adrenal cortical hormones, mainly cortisol and aldosterone. Commonest causes are tuberculosis and auto- immune disease.

Symptoms: (acute) abdominal pain, muscle weakness, vomiting, low blood pressure due to dehydration, tiredness, mental confusion, loss of weight and appetite. Vomiting, dizzy spells. Increased dark pigmentation around genitals, nipples, palms and inside mouth. Persistent low blood pressure with occasional low blood sugar. Crisis is treated by increased salt intake. Research project revealed a craving for liquorice sweets in twenty five per cent of patients.

Herbs with an affinity for the adrenal glands: Parsley, Sarsaparilla, Wild Yam, Borage, Liquorice, Ginseng, Chaparral. Where steroid therapy is unavoidable, supplementation with Liquorice and Ginseng is believed to sustain function of the glands. Ginseng is supportive when glands are exhausted by prolonged stress. BHP (1983) recommends: Liquorice, Dandelion leaf.

Alternatives. Teas. Gotu Kola, Parsley, Liquorice root, Borage, Ginseng, Balm.

Tea formula. Combine equal parts: Balm and Gotu Kola. Preparation of teas and tea mixture: 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water: infuse 5-10 minutes; 1 cup 2 to 3 times daily.

Tablets/capsules. Ginseng, Seaweed and Sarsaparilla, Wild Yam, Liquorice. Dosage as on bottle. Formula. Combine: Gotu Kola 3; Sarsaparilla 2; Ginseng 1; Liquorice quarter. Doses. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 30-60 drops. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons 2 to 3 times daily.

Formula. Alternative. Tinctures 1:5. Echinacea 20ml; Yellow Dock 10ml; Barberry 10ml; Sarsaparilla 10ml; Liquorice (liquid extract) 5ml. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons thrice daily.

Supplementation. Cod liver oil. Extra salt. B-Vitamins. Folic acid. ... addison’s disease


An alternative spelling of cefalexin, a common cephalosporin drug.... cephalexin


An alternative spelling for colestyramine.... cholestyramine


An alternative spelling for ciclosporin.... cyclosporin


An alternative spelling for fetus.... foetus

Continuous Patient Pathway

the route that a patient takes through the health-care system, from first admission to a hospital or treatment centre to final discharge. This may consist of one or more *spells in particular hospitals and one or more *finished consultant episodes. For example, a patient admitted to a district general hospital, transferred to a tertiary hospital for a specialist procedure, and then transferred back to the district general hospital for recovery would experience one continuous patient pathway but three spells.... continuous patient pathway

Discover More About Earl Grey Tea

If you’re a fan of black tea, you must have heard of the Earl Grey tea. If not, this is your chance to find out all you need to know about this richly-flavored black tea. Read about its health benefits and side effects, as well. About Earl Grey tea Earl Grey tea is one of the most popular types of black tea, drunk by people all around the world. It has a refreshing, citrusy flavor thanks to the bergamot orange oil added in its composition. The bergamot orange is the fruit of a citrus tree which blooms during winter; it is commercially cultivated in Italy. The bergamot oil, which is responsible for the tea’s citrusy flavor, is extracted from the skin of the fruit. In America, it is sometimes misspelled as “Earl Gray”. However, this is not the generally accepted spelling of the tea’s name. The Earl Grey tea is often drank during breakfast or brunch. It makes a good team with different sweets and pastries.  It is also used to add flavor to various types of cakes. History of Earl Grey tea The Earl Grey tea is named after Charles Grey, 2nd Earl of Britain, who was Prime Minister during the 1830s. As to why it was named after him, one legend says that a Chinese merchant gave this tea to Lord Grey to show his gratefulness, as one of the lord’s men had saved his son from drowning. However, there are doubts related to the authenticity of this story, as Lord Grey had never been to China, and the Chinese hadn’t yet discovered about the use of bergamot oil as a tea ingredient. It is possible that, seeing as Earl Grey tea was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century, it was simply named after a politician who was quite well-known at that time. According to the Grey family, Lady Grey served Earl Grey tea to various guests. As it became more and more popular, she was asked if the Earl Grey tea could be sold. This is how it became a brand of the Twinings tea company. Varieties of Earl Grey tea Considering how popular the Earl Grey tea is, it isn’t surprising that there are currently quite a few varieties of this tea. One of the well-known varieties of Earl Grey tea is Lady Grey, named after Mary Elizabeth Grey, the wife of Lord Grey. Other flavors are added to the usual Earl Grey tea. Some varieties of Lady Grey include adding blue cornflower blossoms, lavender or Seville oranges. Another type of the Earl Grey tea is the Russian Earl Grey. To the usual ingredients, it adds citrus peels, vodka, and lemon grass. Other types of Earl Grey tea include flowers among its ingredients. One of them is the French Earl Grey, which uses rose petals. There are some types of Earl Grey tea where the usual black tea leaves are replaced with something else. One example is Earl Grey Green, where the bergamot oil is combined with green leaves instead of the black ones. Another example is Rooibos Earl Grey, possibly originating from Malaysia. In this case, the black leaves are replaced with Rooibos, a South-African herbal plant. Also, in various coffee shops and tea shops, you can find a drink called London Fog. It is a “tea latte” and its ingredients are Earl Grey tea, steamed milk and vanilla syrup. How to prepare Earl Grey Tea For a cup of Earl Grey tea, use one teaspoon of tea leaves, or one regular-sized teabag. Boil the water before pouring it into the cup, and then let it steep for about 5 minutes. Then, remove the tea leaves or teabag. Based on your preferences, you can add sugar, lemon or milk to your cup of Earl Grey tea. Benefits of Earl Grey Tea The Earl Grey tea comes with many health benefits, both thanks to the black tea leaves and the bergamot oil. First, the antioxidants in its composition strengthen your immune system. They help keep your body young and healthy, protecting it from various viruses. This is why people who have caught a cold or the flu, or simply have a fever, drink Earl Grey tea. The Earl Grey tea has a calming effect thanks to the bergamot oil in its composition. It helps improve your mood by fighting against anxiety, depression, stress, and mood swings. The bergamot oil in the Earl Grey tea also helps you with digestion. It’s useful when suffering from indigestion, nausea and colic. It is also recommended in the case of urinary tract infections and intestinal problems. Earl Grey tea also helps you maintain a good oral hygiene. It fights against tooth decay and oral infections, and keeps the cavities away. Side effects of Earl Grey tea Despite its many health benefits, consumption of Earl Grey tea can have a few side effects, as well. The caffeine found in the composition of Earl Grey tea can affect you negatively, especially if caffeine isn’t good for your body.  To some people it may induce anxiety and heart palpitations. It can also increase blood pressure, making it bad for people who already have a high blood pressure. Also, if you drink a large amount of Earl Grey tea for a long time and suddenly, you stop, you might experience caffeine withdrawal symptoms. They include headaches that can last for up to a week, difficulty in concentrating, nausea, depression and anxiety. Drinking a large amount of Earl Grey tea can lead to side effects, as well. You might end up suffering from headaches, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, dizziness, and irregular heartbeats. Therefore, make sure you don’t drink more than six cups of any tea, including Earl Grey tea.   Stay healthy by drinking this rich and citrusy-flavored black tea, the Earl Grey tea. Keep an eye on the side effects, but don’t let them scare you, as there are many more health benefits. So relax and enjoy your cup of Earl Grey tea with some cookies!... discover more about earl grey tea


Strengthening Spells ... echinacea


(Latin) One who performs charms or spells

Jynx, Jinxx, Jynxx... jinx


Protection, Breaking Love spells... lily


Misplacement of words, or of letters in words, or wrong spelling, or use of wrong words in writing as a result of a lesion in the speech region of the BRAIN.... paragraphia


Breaking Love Spells... pistachio

Word Blindness

Alexia: a condition in which, as the result of disease in the brain, a person becomes unable to associate their proper meanings with words, although he or she may be quite able to spell the letters.

Word deafness is an associated condition in which, although hearing remains perfect, the patient has lost the power of referring the names heard to the articles they denote. (See also DYSPHASIA.)... word blindness

Genetic Code

The message set out sequentially along the human CHROMOSOMES. The human gene map is being constructed through the work of the international, collaborative HUMAN GENOME project; so far, only part of the code has been translated and this is the part that occurs in the GENES. Genes are responsible for the PROTEIN synthesis of the cell (see CELLS): they instruct the cell how to make a particular polypeptide chain for a particular protein.

Genes carry, in coded form, the detailed speci?cations for the thousands of kinds of protein molecules required by the cell for its existence, for its enzymes, for its repair work and for its reproduction. These proteins are synthesised from the 20 natural AMINO ACIDS, which are uniform throughout nature and which exist in the cell cytoplasm as part of the metabolic pool. The protein molecule consists of amino acids joined end to end to form long polypeptide chains. An average chain contains 100–300 amino acids. The sequence of bases in the nucleic acid chain of the gene corresponds in some fundamental way to the sequence of amino acids in the protein molecule, and hence it determines the structure of the particular protein. This is the genetic code. Deoxyribonucleic acid (see DNA) is the bearer of this genetic information.

DNA has a long backbone made up of repeating groups of phosphate and sugar deoxyribose. To this backbone, four bases are attached as side groups at regular intervals. These four bases are the four letters used to spell out the genetic message: they are adenine, thymine, guanine and cystosine. The molecule of the DNA is made up of two chains coiled round a common axis to form what is called a double helix. The two chains are held together by hydrogen bonds between pairs of bases. Since adenine only pairs with thymine, and guanine only with cystosine, the sequences of bases in one chain ?xes the sequence in the other. Several hundred bases would be contained in the length of DNA of a typical gene. If the message of the DNA-based sequences is a continuous succession of thymine, the RIBOSOME will link together a series of the amino acid, phenylalanine. If the base sequence is a succession of cytosine, the ribosome will link up a series of prolines. Thus, each amino acid has its own particular code of bases. In fact, each amino acid is coded by a word consisting of three adjacent bases. In addition to carrying genetic information, DNA is able to synthesise or replicate itself and so pass its information on to daughter cells.

All DNA is part of the chromosome and so remains con?ned to the nucleus of the cell (except in the mitochondrial DNA). Proteins are synthesised by the ribosomes which are in the cytoplasm. DNA achieves control over pro-tein production in the cytoplasm by directing the synthesis of ribonucleic acid (see RNA). Most of the DNA in a cell is inactive, otherwise the cell would synthesise simultaneously every protein that the individual was capable of forming. When part of the DNA structure becomes ‘active’, it acts as a template for the ribonucleic acid, which itself acts as a template for protein synthesis when it becomes attached to the ribosome.

Ribonucleic acid exists in three forms. First ‘messenger RNA’ carries the necessary ‘message’ for the synthesis of a speci?c protein, from the nucleus to the ribosome. Second, ‘transfer RNA’ collects the individual amino acids which exist in the cytoplasm as part of the metabolic pool and carries them to the ribosome. Third, there is RNA in the ribosome itself. RNA has a similar structure to DNA but the sugar is ribose instead of deoxyribose and uracil replaces the base thymine. Before the ribosome can produce the proteins, the amino acids must be lined up in the correct order on the messenger RNA template. This alignment is carried out by transfer RNA, of which there is a speci?c form for each individual amino acid. Transfer RNA can not only recognise its speci?c amino acid, but also identify the position it is required to occupy on the messenger RNA template. This is because each transfer RNA has its own sequence of bases and recognises its site on the messenger RNA by pairing bases with it. The ribosome then travels along the chain of messenger RNA and links the amino acids, which have thus been arranged in the requisite order, by peptide bonds and protein is released.

Proteins are important for two main reasons. First, all the enzymes of living cells are made of protein. One gene is responsible for one enzyme. Genes thus control all the biochemical processes of the body and are responsible for the inborn di?erence between human beings. Second, proteins also ful?l a structural role in the cell, so that genes controlling the synthesis of structural proteins are responsible for morphological di?erences between human beings.... genetic code

Finished Consultant Episode

(FCE) the time a patient spends in the care of one consultant in one health-care provider. If a patient is transferred to a different hospital provider or a different consultant within the same hospital, a new FCE begins. In *hospital episode statistics an FCE is commonly referred to as simply an ‘episode’. A *spell may consist of several episodes. See also continuous patient pathway.... finished consultant episode



ASTHMA. Spasmodic contraction of the bronchi following exercise, emotional tension, infection, allergens, pollens, house dust, colds.

Symptoms. Obstruction of airways with wheezing, rales or whistling sounds with a sense of constriction. Often related to eczema – ‘eczema of the epithelium’. Infantile eczema treated with suppressive ointments may drive the condition ‘inwards’ and worsen asthma. “My son’s eczema has got better, but he now has asthma” is a common observation.

Causes: hypersensitivity to domestic animals, horses and pet birds. Common salt. Red or white wine allergy. An older generation of practitioners recognised a renal-bronchial asthma encouraged by faulty kidney function. With addition of a relaxing diuretic (Dandelion, Buchu or Parsley root) to a prescription, respiratory symptoms often abate.

Broncho-dilators such as Ephedra and Wild Thyme are widely used by the practitioner. To relieve spasm: Lobelia, Pleurisy root. White Horehound, Ammoniacum, Cramp bark, Garlic, Grindelia, Hyssop.

Anti-cough agents serve to remove sticky sputum: Coltsfoot, Garden Thyme, Slippery Elm bark, Maidenhair Fern, Linseed, Bayberry bark.

For the chronic asthmatic, bacterial invasion spells distress, when Echinacea or Balm of Gilead should be added. Where an irregular pulse reveals heart involvement, add: Hawthorn or Lily of the Valley.

Lobelia is of special value for the anxious patient with spasm of the bronchi. Should be tried before resorting to powerful spray mists which frequently produce gastro-intestinal disturbance.

Alternatives. Teas. Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Horehound (White), Mullein, Skullcap, Marshmallow, Thyme, Valerian, Wild Cherry bark, Elecampane, Plantain. Formula: equal parts herbs Coltsfoot, Mullein, Valerian. 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 10-15 minutes; dose, 1 cup twice daily and when necessary.

Antispasmodic Drops. See entry.

Practitioner. Ephedra, Lobelia, Gelsemium, Grindelia, Euphorbia (pill-bearing spurge), Skunk Cabbage, Senega, Pulsatilla, Lily of the Valley (cardiac asthma), Thyme. Formula. Equal parts, Tincture Lobelia simp; Tincture Belladonna; Tincture Ephedra. 5-10 drops thrice daily (maintenance), 10-20 drops for spasm.

Cockayne, Ernest, FNIMH. Hyssop tea for children throughout childhood to avoid respiratory disorders. Dr Finlay Ellingwood. Gelsemium 3.5ml; Lobelia 3.5ml. Distilled water to 120ml. One 5ml teaspoon in water every 3 hours.

Dr Alfred Vogel. Ephedra 20 per cent; Ipecac 15 per cent; Hawthorn berry 10 per cent; Blessed Thistle 5 per cent; Burnet Saxifrage 5 per cent; Garden Thyme 5 per cent; Grindelia 1 per cent. 10-15 drops in water thrice daily.

Dr Wm Thomson. 1 teaspoon Ephedra herb to cup boiling water; infuse 10-15 minutes. Half-1 cup 2-3 times daily.

Traditional. 2 teaspoons shredded Elecampane root in cup cold water; stand overnight. Next day, heat to boiling point when required. Strain. Sips, hot, with honey: 1 cup 2-3 times daily.

Potter’s Asthma & Bronchitis Compound 32. 40g medicinal teabags. Ingredients: Clove BPC 4.84 per cent; Elecampane root 17.24 per cent; Horehound 26.20 per cent; Hyssop 17.24 per cent; Irish Moss 17.24 per cent; Liquorice 17.24 per cent. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons when necessary.

Chinese Medicine. Decoction or extract from the Gingko tree widely used, as also is Ephedra, Garlic, Liquorice and Bailcalensis.

Tablets/capsules. Lobelia. Iceland Moss, (Gerard). Euphorbia (Blackmore).

Powders. Formula. Lobelia 2; Hyssop 1; Elderflowers 1; Grindelia quarter; Liquorice quarter: pinch Cayenne. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon) 2-3 times daily.

Aromatherapy. 6 drops Rosemary oil in 2 teaspoons Almond oil for massage upper chest to relieve congestion.


Nebulizer. A germicidal solution is made from 5 drops oil Eucalyptus in one cup boiling water. Use in nebulizer for droplet therapy.

Ioniser – use of.

Cider Vinegar. Sips of the vinegar in water for whoop.

Supportives. Yoga. Singing. Cures have been reported of patients on taking up singing. “During singing, up to 90 per cent of the vital capacity may be used without a conscious effort to increase tidal volume.” (Dr M. Judson, New England Journal of Medicine)

Diet. Low salt, low fat, high fibre, cod liver oil, carrots, watercress, Soya beans or flour, lecithin, sunflower seed oil, green vegetables, raw fruit, fresh fish. These foods are valuable sources of antioxidant vitamins and minerals essential for the body’s defence mechanism. A diet deficient in these reduces ability of the airways to withstand the ravages of cigarette smoke and other air pollutants.

Foods that are craved are ones often causing sensitivity. Among problem foods are: milk, corn, wheat, eggs, nuts, chocolate, all dairy products, fat of meats. Check labels for tartrazine artificial colouring.

Salt intake. Linked with chest diseases. “Those who eat a lot of salt had more sensitive airways than those with low salt intake . . . excess salt tended to cause most pronounced symptoms.” (Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Oavia, Italy)

Asthma mortality could be significantly reduced by sufferers lowering their salt consumption, an epidemiologist predicted.

Supplements. Daily. Vitamin B6 50-100mg. Vitamin C 500mg. Vitamin E 400iu. Magnesium, Zinc. Cod liver oil: 2 teaspoons.

Anti-allergic bedding. Provides a protective barrier against the house dust mite on mattresses and bedding. Droppings from the tiny pests are worse in the bedroom. ... asthenia

Myasthenia Gravis (mg)

Autoimmune disorder. Nerve weakness due to defective nerve impulse transmission. Rare. Neuro-muscular disease with spells of extreme weakness. Sight, voice and breathing are most at risk. Often misdiagnosed as neurosis. Muscles fail to respond to directions from the brain. May be associated with a tumour of the thymus, removal of which is curative.

Symptoms: weakened eye muscles producing drooping eyelids (ptosis). Double vision (diplopia). Weakness of neck muscles served by the cranial nerves. Thymus gland abnormality. Difficult swallowing, chewing, slurred speech, fatigue, ‘simply cannot hold her head up’.

Lid-lag test and Tensilon tests establish diagnosis.

Treatment should give support to the thymus gland.

Alternatives. To improve nerve transmission: but not cure. Ephedra tea BHP (1983). 1 teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes, thrice daily.

Formula. Oats 2; Ginseng 1; Sarsaparilla 1; pinch Cayenne or drops Tincture Capsicum. Dose: Liquid Extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Thrice daily.

Practitioner: Ephedrine.

Diet: Gluten-free. ... myasthenia gravis (mg)


n. a disorder of brain function characterized by recurrent seizures that have a sudden onset. The term idiopathic is used to describe epilepsy that is not associated with structural damage to the brain. Seizures may be generalized or partial. Generalized epilepsy may take the form of tonic-clonic or absence seizures. In tonic-clonic (or major) seizures (formerly called grand mal), the patient falls to the ground unconscious with the muscles in a state of spasm. The lack of any respiratory movement may result in a bluish discoloration of the skin and lips (cyanosis). This – the tonic phase – is replaced by convulsive movements (the clonic phase) when the tongue may be bitten and urinary incontinence may occur. Movements gradually cease and the patient may rouse in a state of confusion, complaining of headache, or may fall asleep. Absence seizures (formerly called petit mal in children) consist of brief spells of unconsciousness lasting for a few seconds, during which posture and balance are maintained. The eyes stare blankly and there may be fluttering movements of the lids and momentary twitching of the fingers and mouth. The electroencephalogram characteristically shows bisynchronous spike and wave discharges (3 per second) during the seizures and at other times. Attacks are sometimes provoked by overbreathing or intermittent photic stimulation. As the stream of thought is completely interrupted, children with frequent seizures may have learning difficulties. This form of epilepsy seldom appears before the age of three or after adolescence. It often subsides spontaneously in adult life, but it may be followed by the onset of major or partial epilepsy.

In partial (or focal) seizures, the nature of the seizure depends upon the location of the damage in the brain. For example, a simple partial motor seizure consists of convulsive movements that might spread from the thumb to the hand, arm, and face (this spread of symptoms is called the Jacksonian march); there is no loss of awareness. Complex partial seizures are commonly caused by damage to the cortex of the temporal lobe or the adjacent parietal lobe of the brain: this form of epilepsy is often called temporal lobe (or psychomotor) epilepsy. Symptoms may include *hallucinations of smell, taste, sight, and hearing, paroxysmal disorders of memory, and *automatism. Throughout an attack the patient is in a state of clouded awareness and afterwards may have no recollection of the event (see also déjà vu; jamais vu). A number of these symptoms are due to scarring and atrophy (mesial temporal sclerosis) affecting the temporal lobe.

The different forms of epilepsy can be controlled by the use of antiepileptic drugs (see anticonvulsant). Surgical resection of focal epileptogenic lesions in the brain is appropriate in a strictly limited number of cases. See also aura; postictal phase. —epileptic adj., n.... epilepsy

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