Semicircular canals Health Dictionary

Semicircular Canals: From 1 Different Sources

three tubes that form part of the membranous *labyrinth of the ear. They are concerned with balance and each canal registers movement in a different plane. At the base of each canal is a small swelling (an ampulla), which contains a *crista. When the head moves the fluid (endolymph) in the canals presses on the cristae, which register the movement and send nerve impulses to the brain.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Haversian Canals

The ?ne canals in BONE which carry the blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves necessary for the maintenance and repair of bone.... haversian canals

Semicircular Canal

A structure in the inner ear that plays a role in balance. There are 3 semicircular canals in each ear, at right angles to each other, and connected via a chamber called the vestibule. The fluid-filled canals contain small hairs that detect movement and acceleration, and transmit information to the brain via the vestibular nerve.... semicircular canal

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