Schistosoma Health Dictionary

Schistosoma: From 1 Different Sources

(Bilharzia) n. a genus of blood *flukes, three species of which are important parasites of humans causing one of the most serious of tropical diseases (see schistosomiasis). S. japonicum is common in the Far East; S. mansoni is widespread in Africa, the West Indies, and South and Central America; and S. haematobium occurs in Africa and the Middle East.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


A disease caused by parasites o f the genus Schistosoma , also known as bilharzia, which has an aquatic snail intermediate host.... schistosomiasis


A clinical state arising from invasive colo-rectal disease; it is accompanied by abdominal colic, diarrhoea, and passage of blood/mucus in the stool. Although the two major forms are caused by Shigella spp. (bacillary dysentery) and Entamoeba histolytica (amoebic dysentery), other organisms including entero-haemorrhagic Escherichia coli (serotypes 0157:H7 and 026:H11) and Campylobacter spp. are also relevant. Other causes of dysentery include Balantidium coli and that caused by schistosomiasis (bilharzia) – Schistosoma mansoni and S. japonicum infection.

Shigellosis This form is usually caused by Shigella dysenteriae-1 (Shiga’s bacillus), Shigella ?exneri, Shigella boydii, and Shigella sonnei; the latter is the most benign and occurs in temperate climates also. It is transmitted by food and water contamination, by direct contact, and by ?ies; the organisms thrive in the presence of overcrowding and insanitary conditions. The incubation is between one and seven days, and the severity of the illness depends on the strain responsible. Duration of illness varies from a few days to two weeks and can be particularly severe in young, old, and malnourished individuals. Complications include perforation and haemorrhage from the colo-rectum, the haemolytic uraemic syndrome (which includes renal failure), and REITER’S SYNDROME. Diagnosis is dependent on demonstration of Shigella in (a) faecal sample(s) – before or usually after culture.

If dehydration is present, this should be treated accordingly, usually with an oral rehydration technique. Shigella is eradicated by antibiotics such as trimethoprimsulphamethoxazole, trimethoprim, ampicillin, and amoxycillin. Recently, a widespread resistance to many antibiotics has developed, especially in Asia and southern America, where the agent of choice is now a quinolone compound, for example, cipro?oxacin; nalidixic acid is also e?ective. Prevention depends on improved hygiene and sanitation, careful protection of food from ?ies, ?y destruction, and garbage disposal. A Shigella carrier must not be allowed to handle food.

Entamoeba histolytica infection Most cases occur in the tropics and subtropics. Dysentery may be accompanied by weight loss, anaemia, and occasionally DYSPNOEA. E. histolytica contaminates food (e.g. uncooked vegetables) or drinking water. After ingestion of the cyst-stage, and following the action of digestive enzymes, the motile trophozoite emerges in the colon causing local invasive disease (amoebic colitis). On entering the portal system, these organisms may gain access to the liver, causing invasive hepatic disease (amoebic liver ‘abscess’). Other sites of ‘abscess’ formation include the lungs (usually right) and brain. In the colo-rectum an amoeboma may be di?cult to di?erentiate from a carcinoma. Clinical symptoms usually occur within a week, but can be delayed for months, or even years; onset may be acute – as for Shigella spp. infection. Perforation, colo-rectal haemorrhage, and appendicitis are unusual complications. Diagnosis is by demonstration of E. histolytica trophozoites in a fresh faecal sample; other amoebae affecting humans do not invade tissues. Research techniques can be used to di?erentiate between pathogenic (E. dysenteriae) and non-pathogenic strains (E. dispar). Alternatively, several serological tests are of value in diagnosis, but only in the presence of invasive disease.

Treatment consists of one of the 5nitroimidazole compounds – metronidazole, tinidazole, and ornidazole; alcohol avoidance is important during their administration. A ?ve- to ten-day course should be followed by diloxanide furoate for ten days. Other compounds – emetine, chloroquine, iodoquinol, and paromomycin – are now rarely used. Invasive disease involving the liver or other organ(s) usually responds favourably to a similar regimen; aspiration of a liver ‘abscess’ is now rarely indicated, as controlled trials have indicated a similar resolution rate whether this technique is used or not, provided a 5-nitroimidazole compound is administered.... dysentery

Katayama Syndrome

A syndrome characterised by allergic symptoms and involving the respiratory tract (i.e. fever, cough, rash and marked eosinophilia) sometimes seen in patients who have had exposure to a large number of schistosome cercariae, especially Schistosoma japonicum, sometimes S. mansoni, rarely S. haematobium. Sydrome occurs during the invasive stage of schistosomiasis from the time of cercarial penetration of the skin to the time of early egg laying in the veins.... katayama syndrome


n. see Schistosoma.... bilharzia

Liver Disease In The Tropics

ACUTE LIVER DISEASE The hepatitis viruses (A– F) are of paramount importance. Hepatitis E (HEV) often produces acute hepatic failure in pregnant women; extensive epidemics – transmitted by contaminated drinking-water supplies – have been documented. HBV, especially in association with HDV, also causes acute liver failure in infected patients in several tropical countries: however, the major importance of HBV is that the infection leads to chronic liver disease (see below). Other hepatotoxic viruses include the EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS, CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV), the ?avivirus causing YELLOW FEVER, Marburg/Ebola viruses, etc. Acute liver disease also occurs in the presence of several acute bacterial infections, including Salmonella typhi, brucellosis, leptospirosis, syphilis, etc. The complex type of jaundice associated with acute systemic bacterial infection – especially pneumococcal PNEUMONIA and pyomiositis – assumes a major importance in many tropical countries, especially those in Africa and in Papua New Guinea. Of protozoan infections, plasmodium falciparum malaria, LEISHMANIASIS, and TOXOPLASMOSIS should be considered. Ascaris lumbricoides (the roundworm) can produce obstruction to the biliary system. CHRONIC LIVER DISEASE Long-term disease is dominated by sequelae of HBV and HCV infections (often acquired during the neonatal period), both of which can cause chronic active hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma (‘hepatoma’) – one of the world’s most common malignancies. Chronic liver disease is also caused by SCHISTOSOMIASIS (usually Schistosoma mansoni and S. japonicum), and acute and chronic alcohol ingestion. Furthermore, many local herbal remedies and also orthodox chemotherapeutic compounds (e.g. those used in tuberculosis and leprosy) can result in chronic liver disease. HAEMOSIDEROSIS is a major problem in southern Africa. Hepatocytes contain excessive iron – derived primarily from an excessive intake, often present in locally brewed beer; however, a genetic predisposition seems likely. Indian childhood cirrhosis – associated with an excess of copper – is a major problem in India and surrounding countries. Epidemiological evidence shows that much of the copper is derived from copper vessels used to store milk after weaning. Veno-occlusive disease was ?rst described in Jamaica and is caused by pyrrolyzidine alkaloids (present in bush-tea). Several HIV-associated ‘opportunistic’ infections can give rise to hepatic disease (see AIDS/HIV).

A localised (focal) form of liver disease in all tropical/subtropical countries results from invasive Entamoeba histolytica infection (amoebic liver ‘abscess’); serology and imaging techniques assist in diagnosis. Hydatidosis also causes localised liver disease; one or more cysts usually involve the right lobe of the liver. Serological tests and imaging techniques are of value in diagnosis. Whilst surgery formerly constituted the sole method of management, prolonged courses of albendazole and/or praziquantel have now been shown to be e?ective; however, surgical intervention is still required in some cases.

Hepato-biliary disease is also a problem in many tropical/subtropical countries. In southeast Asia, Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis viverini infections cause chronic biliary-tract infection, complicated by adenocarcinoma of the biliary system. Praziquantel is e?ective chemotherapy before advanced disease ensues. Fasciola hepatica (the liver ?uke) is a further hepato-biliary helminthic infection; treatment is with bithionol or triclabendazole, praziquantel being relatively ine?ective.... liver disease in the tropics


Any agent capable of causing cancer. Chemicals are the largest group of carcinogens. Major types include polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which occur in tobacco smoke, pitch, tar fumes, and soot. Exposure to PAHs may lead to cancer of the respiratory system or skin. Certain aromatic amines used in the chemical and rubber industries may cause bladder cancer after prolonged exposure.

The best-known physical carcinogen is high-energy radiation, such as nuclear radiation and X-rays. Exposure may cause cancerous changes in cells, especially in cells that divide quickly: for example, changes in the precursors of white blood cells in the bone marrow causes leukaemia. The risk depends on the dosage and duration of exposure. Over many years, exposure to ultraviolet radiation in sunlight can cause skin cancer. Another known physical carcinogen is asbestos (see asbestos-related diseases).

Only a few biological agents are known to cause cancer in humans.

SCHISTOSOMA HAEMATOBIUM, one of the blood flukes responsible for schistosomiasis, can cause cancer of the bladder; and ASPERGILLUS FLAVUS, a fungus that produces the poison aflatoxin in stored peanuts and grain, is believed to cause liver cancer.

Viruses associated with cancer include strains of the human papilloma virus, which are linked to cancer of the cervix; the hepatitis B virus, which is linked to liver cancer; and a type of herpes virus which is associated with Kaposi’s sarcoma.... carcinogen


n. any of the parasitic flatworms belonging to the group Trematoda. Adult flukes, which have suckers for attachment to their host, are parasites of humans, occurring in the liver (liver flukes; see Fasciola), lungs (see Paragonimus), gut (see Heterophyes), and blood vessels (blood flukes; see Schistosoma) and often cause serious disease. Eggs, passed out with the host’s stools, hatch into larvae called *miracidia, which penetrate an intermediate snail host. Miracidia give rise asexually to *redia larvae and finally *cercariae in the snail’s tissues. The released cercariae may enter a second intermediate host (such as a fish or crustacean); form a cyst (*metacercaria) on vegetation; or directly penetrate the human skin.... fluke

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