Sardinia Health Dictionary

Sardinia: From 1 Different Sources

(Italian) Woman from a mountainous island

Sardiniah, Sardinea, Sardineah, Sardynia, Sardyniah, Sardynea, Sardyneah

Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


These are broad-spectrum antibiotics. Most are semi-synthetic derivatives of cephalosporin C, an antibiotic originally derived from a sewage outfall in Sardinia.

First-generation examples still in use include cephalexin and cefadroxil. They are orally active and, along with second-generation cefaclor, have a similar antimicrobial spectrum. They are used for ‘resistant’ urinary infections and urinary infections in pregnancy. Cephalosporins have a similar pharmacology to that of penicillin, and about 10 per cent of patients allergic to penicillin will also be hypersensitive to cephalosporins. They are e?ective in treating SEPTICAEMIA, PNEUMONIA, MENINGITIS, biliary-tract infections and PERITONITIS.

Second-generation cefuroxime and cefamandole are less vulnerable to penicillinases and are useful for treating ‘resistant’ bacteria and Haemophilus in?uenzae and Neisseria gonorrhoea. Third-generation cephalosporins include cefotaxime, ceftazidime and others; these are more e?ective than the second-generation in treating some gram-negative infections, especially those causing septicaemia.... cephalosporins


Cupressus sempervirens

FAMILY: Cupressaceae

SYNONYMS: Italian cypress, Mediterranean cypress.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A tall evergreen tree with slender branches and a statuesque conical shape. It bears small flowers and round, brownish-grey cones or nuts.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to the eastern Mediterranean; now grows wild in France, Italy, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Spain, Portugal, North Africa, England and, to a lesser degree, the Balkan countries. Cultivation and distillation usually take place in France, also Spain and Morocco.

OTHER SPECIES: There are many other species of cypress found throughout the world which are used to produce an essential oil, such as C. lusitanica found in Kenya. With regard to oil quality, however, C. sempervirens is considered superior.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: It was highly valued as a medicine and as an incense by ancient civilizations and it is still used as a purification incense by the Tibetans. It benefits the urinary system and is considered useful where there is excessive loss of fluid, such as heavy perspiration or menstrual loss and diarrhoea: ‘The cones are … very drying and binding, good to stop fluxes of all kinds.’.

The Chinese consider the nuts very nutritious, beneficial for the liver and respiratory system and to check profuse perspiration.

ACTIONS: Antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, deodorant, diuretic, hepatic, styptic, sudorific, tonic, vasoconstrictive.

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the needles and twigs. An oil from the cones is available occasionally. (A concrete and absolute are also produced in small quantities.)

CHARACTERISTICS: A pale yellow to greenish-olive mobile liquid with a smoky, sweet-balsamic tenacious odour. It blends well with cedarwood, pine, lavender, mandarin, clary sage, lemon, cardamon, Moroccan chamomile, ambrette seed, labdanum, juniper, benzoin, bergamot, orange, marjoram and sandalwood.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Pinene, camphene, sylvestrene, cymene, sabinol, among others.

SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing.


Skin Care: Haemorrhoids, oily and overhydrated skin, excessive perspiration, insect repellent, pyorrhoea (bleeding of the gums), varicose veins, wounds.

Circulation Muscles And Joints: Cellulitis, muscular cramp, oedema, poor circulation, rheumatism.

Respiratory System: Asthma, bronchitis, spasmodic coughing.

Genito-urinary system: Dysmenorrhoea, menopausal problems, menorrhagia.

Nervous System: Nervous tension and stress-related conditions.

OTHER USES: Employed in some pharmaceutical products; used as a fragrance component in colognes, after-shaves and perfumes.... cypress


Ruta graveolens

FAMILY: Rutaceae

SYNONYMS: Garden rue, herb-of-grace, herbygrass.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: An ornamental, shrubby herb with tough, woody branches, small, smooth, bluish-green leaves and greeny yellow flowers. The whole plant has a strong, aromatic, bitter or acrid scent.

DISTRIBUTION: Native to the Mediterranean region; found growing wild extensively in Spain, Morocco, Corsica, Sardinia and Algeria. It is cultivated mainly in France and Spain for its oil; also in Italy and Yugoslavia.

OTHER SPECIES: There are several different types of rue, such as the summer rue (R. montana), winter rue (R.chalepensis) and Sardinian rue (R. angustifolia), which are also used to produce essential oils.

HERBAL/FOLK TRADITION: A favoured remedy of the ancients, especially as an antidote to poison. It was seen as a magic herb by many cultures and as a protection against evil. It was also used for nervous afflictions. ‘It helps disorders in the head, nerves and womb, convulsions and hysteric fits, the colic, weakness of the stomach and bowels; it resists poison and cures venomous bites.’.

ACTIONS: Antitoxic, antitussive, antiseptic, antispasmodic, diuretic, emmenagogue, insecticidal, nervine, rubefacient, stimulant, tonic, vermifuge.

EXTRACTION: Essential oil by steam distillation from the fresh herb.

CHARACTERISTICS: A yellow or orange viscous mass which generally solidifies at room temperature, with a sharp, herbaceous-fruity acrid odour. The winter rue oil does not solidify at room temperature.

PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: Mainly methyl nonyl ketone (90 per cent in summer rue oil).

SAFETY DATA: Oral toxin (due to main constituent). Skin and mucous membrane irritant. Abortifacient. ‘Rue oil should never be used in perfumery or flavour work.’ .

AROMATHERAPY/HOME: USE None. ‘Should not be used at all in aromatherapy.’.

OTHER USES: Employed as a source of methyl nonyl ketone.... rue

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