Sacro Health Dictionary

Sacro: From 1 Different Sources

combining form denoting the sacrum. Examples: sacrococcygeal (relating to the sacrum and coccyx); sacrodynia (pain in); sacroiliac (relating to the sacrum and ilium).
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Sacroiliac Joint

One of a pair of joints between each side of the SACRUM and each ILIUM. Strong ligaments between the ilium and the sacrum stabilise the joint, permitting little movement. Childbirth or strenuous sporting activities may strain the joint, causing pain in the lower part of the back and buttocks. Such strains may take a long time to mend; PHYSIOTHERAPY is the treatment. The joint(s) may become in?amed (see SACROILEITIS).... sacroiliac joint


Inflammation of a sacroiliac joint. Causes include ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Reiter’s syndrome or arthritis associated with psoriasis. The main symptom is pain in the lower back, buttocks, groin, and back of the thigh. Treatment is with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs.... sacroiliitis


(See SACROILIAC JOINT.) In?ammation of one or both sacroiliac joints, which lie between the sacrum and the iliac bones. The condition may be the result of RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, ankylosing spondylitis (see under SPINE AND SPINAL CORD, DISEASES AND INJURIES OF), REITER’S SYNDROME, or the arthritis that occurs with PSORIASIS or infection. Sacroileitis causes pain in the lower back, buttocks, thighs, and groin. Sti?ness may occur with ankylosing spondylitis. NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS (NSAIDS) relieve the symptoms. If the cause is infection, antibiotics should be used.... sacroileitis


n. surgical treatment of *vault prolapse, which can be an abdominal or laparoscopic procedure. It involves suspending the prolapsed vaginal vault to the sacral promontory using a synthetic mesh or biological material; however, it is associated with a significant risk of haemorrhage and mesh erosion. Posterior intravaginal slingplasty (or infracoccygeal sacropexy) is a more recent technique in which a neo-uterosacral ligament (which supports the vagina) is formed. This helps to relocate the vaginal apex and restore the normal vaginal axis. The procedure appears to have similar efficacy to those currently in use but with minimal surgical morbidity.... sacrocolpopexy


n. surgery using minimally invasive techniques and liquid cement to stabilize fragile sacral fractures, which previously would have been treated with rest and analgesia.... sacroplasty

Sacrospinous Ligament Fixation

a surgical technique to correct vaginal *vault prolapse after hysterectomy. A stitch is made from the apex of the vagina to the sacrospinous ligament (which supports the vagina) approximately 2 cm medial to the ischial spine. The main complication is bleeding and formation of a haematoma.... sacrospinous ligament fixation

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