Pyrosis Health Dictionary

Pyrosis: From 2 Different Sources


Also called pyrosis. A symptom of indigestion; during the course of DIGESTION, the mouth ?lls with tasteless or sour ?uid, which is generally saliva, but is sometimes brought up from the stomach. This is accompanied by a burning pain often felt at the pit of the stomach or in the chest. The condition is a symptom of excessive acidity of the stomach contents, due sometimes to an injudicious diet, and often characteristic of a DUODENAL ULCER. (See also DYSPEPSIA.)... waterbrash


(pyrosis) n. discomfort or pain, usually burning in character, that is felt behind the breastbone and often appears to rise up from the abdomen towards or into the throat. It is usually caused by the reflux of stomach contents into the gullet and may be accompanied by the regurgitation of saliva or gastric fluid into the mouth (waterbrash).... heartburn

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