Precision attachment Health Dictionary

Precision Attachment: From 1 Different Sources

(in dentistry) a machined joint that aids the retention of certain types of removable partial *dentures. The attachment is in two parts, one fixed to the denture (usually the ‘female’ part) and the other fixed to a crown (usually the ‘male’ part) on one of the teeth abutting the denture.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


An affectionate bond between individuals, especially between a parent and child (see bonding), or a person and an object, as in a young child and a security blanket.

The term is also used to refer to the site at which a muscle or tendon is attached to a bone.... attachment


1 The quality of being sharply defined or stated. One measure of precision is the number of distinguishable alternatives from which a measurement was selected, sometimes indicated by the number of significant digits in the measurement. Another measure of precision is the standard error of measurement, the standard deviation of a series of replicate determinations of the same quantity. Precision does not imply accuracy. 2 In statistics, precision is defined as the inverse of the variance of a measurement or estimate.... precision

Attachment Disorder

a psychiatric disorder in infants and young children resulting from *institutionalization, poor parenting, emotional neglect, or *child abuse. Affected children may be withdrawn or aggressive, and fearful or attention-seeking and indiscriminately friendly. Treatment requires the provision of stable caring adults as parents over a long period of time.... attachment disorder

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