Possum scoring Health Dictionary

Possum Scoring: From 1 Different Sources

physiological and operative severity score for the enumeration of morbidity and mortality: a tool used by anaesthetists in the perioperative period to determine the risks associated with surgery in an individual patient. This can be used to guide such decisions as the appropriateness of surgery and the requirement for intensive care postoperatively.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Apache Scoring System

acute physiological and chronic health evaluation: a tool used to assess the severity of illness in a critically ill patient and to estimate mortality. The assessment uses information from 12 physiological measurements, including temperature, blood pressure, arterial pH, and certain blood results.... apache scoring system

Injury Scoring System

(injury severity scale, ISS) a system used, particularly in *triage, for grading the severity of an injury. See also abbreviated injury scale.... injury scoring system


n. a device that enables severely paralysed patients to use typewriters, adding machines, telephones, and a wide variety of other machines. Modern Possums are operated by micro-switches that require only the slightest movement in any limb. The original device worked by blowing and sucking a mouthpiece. The name derives from Patient-Operated Selector Mechanism (POSM).... possum

Scoring System

any of various methods in which the application of an agreed numerical scale is used as a means of estimating the degree of a clinical situation, e.g. the severity of an injury, the degree of patient recovery, or the extent of malignancy. Examples include the *Glasgow Coma Scale (or scoring system) and the *injury scoring system.... scoring system

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