Population Health Dictionary

Population: From 1 Different Sources

A group of individuals or items that share one or more characteristics from which data can be gathered and analysed.
Health Source: Community Health
Author: Health Dictionary

Standard Population

A population in which the age and sex composition is known precisely, as a result of a census. A standard population is used as a comparison group in the procedure for standardizing mortality rates.... standard population

Targeting / Target Population / Target Group

The group of persons for whom an intervention is planned. For example, the targeting of services to particular user groups.... targeting / target population / target group

Ageing Of The Population

See “population ageing”.... ageing of the population

Population Ageing

The increase over time in the proportion of the population of a specified older age.... population ageing

Population Dynamics

The study of changes in the number and composition of individuals in a population and the factors that influence those changes. Population dynamics involves five basic components of interest, to which all changes in populations can be related: birth, death, sex ratio, age structure and dispersal.... population dynamics

Population Pyramid

A graphic presentation of the age and sex composition of the population.... population pyramid

Population-based Services

Health services targeted at populations with specific diseases or disorders.... population-based services

Reference Population

The base population from which a sample is drawn at the time of initial sampling. The standard against which a population that is being studied can be compared. See “population”.... reference population

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