Pigeon pea Health Dictionary

Pigeon Pea: From 1 Different Sources

Peak Flow Meter

A device that measures the rate at which an individual can expel air from the LUNGS. This is an indication of the reserve in the capacity of the lungs. Narrowed airways (bronchospasm) slow the rate at which air can be expelled; the peak ?ow meter can assess the severity of the condition. ASTHMA causes bronchospasm and the device can measure the e?ectiveness of treatment with BRONCHODILATOR drugs; this should be done regularly to monitor the progress of the disease.... peak flow meter

Prickly Pear Cactus

Opuntia species

Description: This cactus has flat, padlike stems that are green. Many round, furry dots that contain sharp-pointed hairs cover these stems.

Habitat and Distribution: This cactus is found in arid and semiarid regions and in dry, sandy areas of wetter regions throughout most of the United States and Central and South America. Some species are planted in arid and semiarid regions of other parts of the world.

Edible Parts: All parts of the plant are edible. Peel the fruits and eat them fresh or crush them to prepare a refreshing drink. Avoid the tiny, pointed hairs. Roast the seeds and grind them to a flour.


Avoid any prickly pear cactus like plant with milky sap.

Other Uses: The pad is a good source of water. Peel it carefully to remove all sharp hairs before putting it in your mouth. You can also use the pads to promote healing. Split them and apply the pulp to wounds.... prickly pear cactus

Black Dragon Pearl Tea

Black Dragon Pearl tea is a type of black tea that provides a full range of benefits to consumers of all ages, worldwide. It distinguishes itself through its chocolate taste and therapeutical benefits. Black Dragon Pearl Tea description Black Dragon Pearl tea, originating from the Chinese province Yunnan, is a type of unsteady black tea, well-known in the area. Each tea pearl contains thirty hand-picked leaves and buds which are immediately rolled to prevent leaves from drying. A morning or afternoon cup of Black Dragon Pearl tea together served with fruits may be a pleasant way to relax oneself. How to prepare Black Dragon Pearl Tea Black Dragon Pearl Black tea can be infused up to three times and still keeps its malty flavor. In case of steeping too long, like any black tea, it can get bitter. When brewed, it has a reddish-brown color, whose aroma makes it identifiable for the senses and, when drunk it has a very delicate and chocolaty taste. Black Dragon Pearl Black tea can be served with or without sugar (or honey) and milk. It contains a relatively low caffeine level. When preparing Black Dragon Pearl tea:
  • Use 1 teaspoon of tea for 8 ounces of water ( 2ounces of tea equals 25-30 teaspoons)
  • Heat water until it is almost boiling (195 degrees).
  • Pour over the pearls.
  • Steep them for 3 or 4 minutes.
Black Dragon Pearl Tea benefits Studies revealed the important qualities of Black Dragon Pearl tea. Like any type of black tea, this luxurious beverage contains antioxidants - proven adjuvants in treating cancer and stopping tumors growth. This type of tea has been associated to lowering the risk of stomach, colon and breast cancer, although the connection is not fully scientifically proven. Researchers claim that a compound in Black Dragon Pearl tea caused colorectal cancer cells to disappear, whereas normal cells were not affected by it. Black Dragon Pearl tea is also recommended in dealing with:
  • poor arterial functioning that can cause heart attacks and strokes
  • inflammation
  • viruses
  • cholesterol reduction
  • teeth decay
  • blood toxins removing
  • aging effects
Black Dragon Pearl Tea side effects In case of intaking more than 3 cups of tea per day, headaches and dizziness can sometimes appear. Rarely, symptoms of upset stomach may follow Black Dragon Pearl tea consumption. A diet based on Black Dragon Pearl tea plays an important part in one’s life because it renders the sufficient quantity of antioxidants needed by human body to fight against a large array of diseases.... black dragon pearl tea


(American) A harmonious woman... peace


Love, Exorcism, Longevity, Fertility, Wishes... peach


(American) As sweet as the fruit Peeches, Peachy, Peachey, Peachee, Peachea, Peachi, Peachie... peaches

Peak Biting Time

The period during which the biting cycle of a given mosquito species when the largest number of females take blood meals.... peak biting time


(Hawaiian) Filled with happiness... peakalika


Lust, Love... pear


(Latin) A precious gem of the sea Pearla, Pearle, Pearlie, Pearly, Pearline, Pearlina, Pearli, Pearley, Pearlee, Pearlea, Pearleigh, Pearleah... pearl

Pigeon Breast

See CHEST, DEFORMITIES OF.... pigeon breast

Peau D’orange

A condition in which the skin has a normal colour but looks like orange peel. The skin’s dimpled appearance is due to fluid retention in the nearby lymph vessels.... peau d’orange

Pigeon Toes

A minor abnormality in which the leg or foot is rotated, forcing the foot and toes to point inwards.

The condition is common in toddlers.... pigeon toes

Elschnig Pearls

round or oval transparent cystic structures on the posterior capsule of the lens due to proliferation of lens epithelial cells following extracapsular *cataract extraction. They can grow to cover the central part of the capsule and cause reduction in vision. [A. Elschnig (1863–1939), German ophthalmologist]... elschnig pearls

Peak Expiratory Flow Rate

(PEFR) the maximum rate at which a person can forcibly expel air from the lungs at any time, expressed usually in litres per minute (occasionally in litres per second). A low value can help diagnose asthma in the correct clinical context, and differences between the morning and evening values can also be a feature of poor control of asthma. There is a place for PEFR in the monitoring of acute exacerbations of chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD) but not in the diagnosis of COPD.... peak expiratory flow rate

Peau D’orange

a dimpled appearance of the skin over a breast tumour, resembling the surface of an orange. The skin is thickened and the openings of hair follicles and sweat glands are enlarged.... peau d’orange

Penile Pearly Papules

pale or skin-coloured papules that cluster around the corona of the glans penis in young uncircumcised men. They are asymptomatic but may be mistaken for viral warts.... penile pearly papules

Pigeon Chest

forward protrusion of the breastbone resulting in deformity of the chest. The condition is painless and harmless. Medical name: pectus carinatum.... pigeon chest

Pigeon Toe

see in-toe gait.... pigeon toe

Twin-peak Sign

see lambda sign.... twin-peak sign

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