Pectoral girdle Health Dictionary

Pectoral Girdle: From 1 Different Sources


Effective in diseases of the chest... pectoral


n. (in anatomy) an encircling or arching arrangement of bones. see also pelvic girdle; shoulder girdle.... girdle

Hip Girdle

see pelvic girdle.... hip girdle

Pectoral Muscles

the chest muscles (see illustration). The pectoralis major is a large fan-shaped muscle that works over the shoulder joint, drawing the arm forward across the chest and rotating it medially. Beneath it, the pectoralis minor depresses the shoulder and draws the scapula down towards the chest.... pectoral muscles

Pelvic Girdle

(hip girdle) the bony structure to which the bones of the lower limbs are attached. It consists of the right and left *hip bones.... pelvic girdle

Shoulder Girdle

(pectoral girdle) the bony structure to which the bones of the upper limbs are attached. It consists of the right and left *scapulas (shoulder blades) and clavicles (collar bones).... shoulder girdle

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