Opa Health Dictionary

Opa: From 1 Different Sources

(Native American) As wise as an owl Opah, Oppa, Oppah
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Carissa Opaca

Stapf. Ex Haines.

Synonym: C. spinarum auct. non L.

Family: Apocynaceae.

Habitat: Throughout the country in dry regions, especially in Punjab and Kashmir.

Ayurvedic: Karamardikaa.

Siddha/Tamil: Chirukila Chiru.

Folk: Jangali Karondaa. Garnaa (Punjab).

Action: Plant—cardiotonic. Root— purgative.

The root contains caffeic acid, cardiac glycosides—odorosides B, C, G and H, and evomonoside.

Carissa paucinervia A. DC. is also equated with the wild var. ofKarondaa.... carissa opaca


An opaque or non-transparent area... opacity


(Sanskrit) A treasured jewel; resembling the iridescent gemstone Opall, Opalle, Opale, Opalla, Opala, Opalina, Opaline, Opaleena, Opaleene, Opalyna, Opalyne, Opel... opal


Substances which absorb X-RAYS, rather than transmitting them, appear white on X-ray ?lm and are described as radio-opaque. This is true of bones, teeth, certain types of gall-stones, renal stones and contrast media used to enhance the accuracy of radiographic imaging.... radio-opaque


A suffix that denotes a disease or disorder, as in neuropathy (a disorder of the peripheral nerves).... opathy

Posterior Capsular Opacification

progressive clouding of the posterior lens capsule due to *Elschnig pearls and proliferation of lens fibres following extracapsular *cataract extraction by *phacoemulsification. This can lead to clouding of vision and is treated with YAG laser *capsulotomy.... posterior capsular opacification

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