Oleo gum resin Health Dictionary

Oleo Gum Resin: From 1 Different Sources


These are wax-containing plant oils, often secreted to fill in injured tissues, much like a blood clot, sometimes used to protect leaves from loss of water through evaporation or to render them unpalatable. (See BALSAMICS.)... resins

Euphorbia Resinifera


Family: Euphorbiaceae.

Habitat: Native to Morocco.

English: Euphorbium.

Unani: Farfiyuun, Afarbiyuun.

Action: A drastic purgative, irritant, vesicant and toxic, proinflammatory. Internal use of the drug has been abandoned.

Dried latex gave diterpene esters; derivatives of 12-deoxyphorbol, which are pro-inflammatory, tumour promoting and cause platelet aggregation; exhibit co-carcinogenic activity.... euphorbia resinifera

Gardenia Resinifera


Synonym: G. lucida Roxb.

Family: Rubiaceae.

Habitat: Central India and Deccan Peninsula.

Ayurvedic: Naadihingu (related species), Jantuka.

Unani: Dikaamaali.

Siddha/Tamil: Kambil, Kumbai, Dikkamalli.

Action: Gum—antimicrobial, anthelmintic; used in skin diseases. Gum gave flavonoids—gardenins, wagonin derivatives, de-Me- tangeretin, nevadensin, hexacosyl- p-coumarate. See G. gummifera.... gardenia resinifera

Ion Exchange Resins

Synthetic organic substances, capable of exchanging ions – cationic or anionic – from the contents of the intestine. Originally used in the prevention of OEDEMA, they have been superseded in this role by the modern DIURETICS, and are now used chie?y in the treatment of HYPERKALAEMIA. They are usually taken by mouth or as an ENEMA.... ion exchange resins

Larch Resin Ointment

For tired or strained eyes.

Constituents: 100g contains: Ananarsa fruct. 5g; Larch Resin 2g in a base containing Lanolin and yellow soft paraffin. (Weleda) ... larch resin ointment

Acrylic Resin

a thermoplastic or thermosetting polymeric material derived from acrylic acid, methacrylic acid, or other related compounds. Acrylic resins are used in dentistry for making denture teeth, denture bases, and orthodontic appliances owing to their good biocompatibility. They are also used in orthopaedic surgery, cosmetic surgery, and ophthalmology for the same reason.... acrylic resin

Cation-exchange Resins

complex insoluble chemical compounds that may be administered with the diet to alter the *electrolyte balance of the body in the treatment of heart, kidney, and metabolic disorders. For example, in patients on a strict low-sodium diet such resins combine with sodium in the food so that it cannot be absorbed and passes out in the faeces.... cation-exchange resins

Composite Resin

a tooth-coloured restorative material for teeth. It is composed of two different materials: an inorganic filler chemically held in an organic resin. Composite resins are bonded to teeth using the *acid-etch technique and usually hardened by polymerization initiated by intense light.... composite resin


combining form denoting oil.... oleo

Preventive Resin Restoration

a hybrid between a *fissure sealant and a conventional *filling that is used to treat early dental caries involving dentine.... preventive resin restoration


a perfumery material prepared from natural resinous matter, such as balsams, gum resins, etc., by extraction with a hydrocarbon type of solvent.... resinoids

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