Odont Health Dictionary

Odont: From 1 Different Sources


Toothache... odontalgia


Any disease of the teeth... odontopathy


n. one of the cells in the pulp of a tooth that form dentine. Odontoblasts line the pulp and have small processes that extend into the dentine. The process of dentine formation is known as *dentinogenesis.... odontoblast

Odontogenic Tumour

any one of a group of neoplasm tumour-like malformations arising from odontogenic tissues or their remnants. The most important example is the *ameloblastoma.... odontogenic tumour

Odontoid Process

a toothlike process from the upper surface of the axis vertebra. See cervical vertebrae.... odontoid process


n. the study of the teeth.... odontology


n. an abnormal mass of calcified dental tissue, which usually represents a developmental abnormality. Compare hamartoma.... odontome

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