Moniliasis Health Dictionary

Moniliasis: From 4 Different Sources

Thrush. Now known as Candida. Infection caused by the organism Candida albicans, a yeast fungus. Invades parts of the body that are warm and moist.

Symptoms: white patches on background of red skin, beneath the breasts, in the groin or vagina. In babies appears as nappy rash. Internally, it may invade the urinary tract, intestines or lungs.



Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia
The infection caused by monilia, the genus of fungi now known as Candida albicans (see CANDIDA). The infection may occur in the mouth – where it is known as thrush – lungs, intestine, vagina, skin, or nails.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


Candidosis (moniliasis) is an infection with the yeast, Candida albicans. It is encouraged by pregnancy, DIABETES MELLITUS, prolonged wide-spectrum ANTIBIOTICS or CORTICOSTEROIDS therapy, and is also seen in debilitated infants, the elderly and immunocompromised patients, e.g. those with AIDS/HIV. It may cause white patches in the mouth or vulvovaginal area (thrush) and a red vesicular and scaly rash in the ?nger clefts, beneath the breasts or in the groin or anogenital folds. Fingernail-fold infection causes chronic PARONYCHIA with secondary nail DYSTROPHY and may complicate RAYNAUD’S DISEASE. CLOTRIMAZOLE and similar ‘azoles’ as creams, oral gels or vaginal pessaries are rapidly e?ective, but severe systemic infections require oral itraconazole or even intravenous AMPHOTERICIN B.... candida


Infection by the fungus

CANDIDA ALBICANS, also known as thrush or moniliasis. Candidiasis affects areas of mucous membrane in the body, most commonly the vagina and the inside of the mouth. In infants, it can occur in conjunction with nappy rash.

The fungus is normally present in the mouth and vagina but may multiply excessively if antibiotic drugs destroy the harmless bacteria that control its growth, or if the body’s resistance to infection is lowered.

Certain disorders, notably diabetes mellitus, and hormonal changes due to pregnancy or oral contraceptives, may also encourage its growth.

Candidiasis can be contracted by sexual intercourse with an infected partner.

The infection is far more common in women than in men.

Symptoms of vaginal infection include a thick, white discharge, genital irritation, and discomfort when passing urine.

Less commonly, the penis is infected in men, usually causing balanitis.

Oral candidiasis produces sore, creamy-yellow, raised patches in the mouth.

Candidiasis may spread to other moist areas of the body and may also affect the gastrointestinal tract, particularly in people with impaired immune systems.

Treatment for candidiasis is with topical preparations such as creams, pessaries, or lozenges, or with oral antifungal drugs.... candidiasis

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