Linctus Health Dictionary

Linctus: From 4 Different Sources

A thick syrupy anti-cough medicine. An electuary containing at least one expectorant or demulcent.

1. Tincture Ipecac 5 drops; Tincture Aniseed 5 drops; Syrup Squills 60 drops; Syrup Tolu 20 drops. Mix. Dose: 5-15 drops in teaspoon honey.

2. Tincture Camphor 20 drops; Oxmel of Squills 20 drops; Syrup Tolu 20 drops. Mix. Dose: 5-15 drops in teaspoon honey.

Of historic interest only. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia
A bland, usually sweetened mixture taken to soothe irritation caused by an inflamed throat.

A simple linctus contains no active drug, but linctuses are commonly used as a basis for cough suppressants (see cough remedies).

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
A term applied to any thick, syrupy medicine. Most of these are remedies for excessive coughing.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


An over-the-counter drug used to relieve dry, irritating, persistent coughs, this opioid acts as a cough suppressant. It is available either alone or in combination with other drugs in linctus, lozenges and syrups prepared to provide symptomatic relief for coughs and colds.... dextromethophan


In?uenza is an acute infectious disease, characterised by a sudden onset, fever and generalised aches and pains. It usually occurs in epidemics and pandemics (see EPIDEMIC; PANDEMIC).

Cause The disease is caused by a VIRUS of the in?uenza group. There are at least three types of in?uenza virus, known respectively as A, B and

C. One of their most characteristic features is that infection with one type provides no protection against another. Equally important is the ease with which the in?uenza virus can change its character. It is these two characteristics which explain why one attack of in?uenza provides little, if any, protection against a subsequent attack, and why it is so di?cult to prepare an e?ective vaccine against the disease.

Epidemics of in?uenza due to virus A occur in Britain at two- to four-year intervals, and outbreaks of virus B in?uenza in less frequent cycles. Virus A in?uenza, for instance, was the prevalent infection in 1949, 1951, 1955 and 1956, whilst virus B in?uenza was epidemic in 1946, 1950, 1954 and, along with virus A, in 1958–59. The pandemic of 1957, which swept most of the world, although fortunately not in a severe form, was due to a new variant of virus A

– the so-called Asian virus – and it has been suggested that it was this variant that was responsible for the pandemics of 1889 and 1918. Since 1957, variants of virus A have been the predominating causes of in?uenza, accompanied on occasions by virus B.

In 1997 and 2004, outbreaks of Chinese avian in?uenza caused alarm. The in?uenza virus had apparently jumped species from birds

– probably chickens – to infect some people. Because no vaccine is available, there was a risk that this might start an epidemic.

Symptoms The incubation period of in?uenza A and B is 2–3 three days, and the disease is characterised by a sudden onset. In most cases this is followed by a short, sharp febrile illness of 2–4 days’ duration, associated with headache, prostration, generalised aching, and respiratory symptoms. In many cases the respiratory symptoms are restricted to the upper respiratory tract, and consist of signs of irritation of the nose, pharynx and larynx. There may be nosebleeds, and a dry, hacking cough is often a prominent and troublesome symptom. The fever is usually remittent and the temperature seldom exceeds 39·4 °C (103 °F), tending to ?uctuate between 38·3 and 39·4 °C (101 and 103 °F).

The most serious complication is infection of the lungs. This infection is usually due to organisms other than the in?uenza virus, and is a complication which can have serious results in elderly people.

The very severe form of ’?u which tends to occur during pandemics – and which was so common during the 1918–19 pandemic – is characterised by the rapid onset of bronchopneumonia and severe prostration. Because of the toxic e?ect on the heart, there is a particularly marked form of CYANOSIS, known as heliotrope cyanosis.

Convalescence following in?uenza tends to be prolonged. Even after an attack of average severity there tends to be a period of weakness and depression.

Treatment Expert opinion is still divided as to the real value of in?uenza vaccine in preventing the disease. Part of the trouble is that there is little value in giving any vaccine until it is known which particular virus is causing the infection. As this varies from winter to winter, and as the protection given by vaccine does not exceed one year, it is obviously not worthwhile attempting to vaccinate the whole community. The general rule therefore is that, unless there is any evidence that a particularly virulent type of virus is responsible, only the most vulnerable should be immunised – such as children in boarding schools, elderly people, and people who suffer from chronic bronchitis or asthma, chronic heart disease, renal failure, diabetes mellitus or immunosuppression (see under separate entries). In the face of an epidemic, people in key positions, such as doctors, nurses and those concerned with public safety, transport and other public utilities, should be vaccinated.

For an uncomplicated attack of in?uenza, treatment is symptomatic: that is, rest in bed, ANALGESICS to relieve the pain, sedatives, and a light diet. A linctus is useful to sooth a troublesome cough. The best analgesics are ASPIRIN or PARACETAMOL. None of the sulphonamides or the known antibiotics has any e?ect on the in?uenza virus; on the other hand, should the lungs become infected, antibiotics should be given immediately, because such an infection is usually due to other organisms. If possible, a sample of sputum should be examined to determine which organisms are responsible for the lung infection. The choice of antibiotic then depends upon which antibiotic the organism is most sensitive to.... influenza


n. a potent opioid (see opiate) administered to relieve severe pain and as a linctus to suppress coughs in terminal illness. An opioid agonist, it can also be substituted for heroin to prevent withdrawal symptoms in heroin dependence. Digestive upsets, drowsiness, and dizziness may occur, and prolonged use may lead to dependence.... methadone

Misuse Of Drugs

See also MEDICINES. Government legislation covers the manufacture, sale and prescription of drugs in the UK. As well as stating which drugs may be sold over the counter (OTC) without a doctor’s or dentist’s prescription, and those which can be obtained only with such a prescription, government regulations determine the extent of availability of many substances which are liable to be abused – see Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (below). The Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1985 de?ne those individuals who in their professional capacity are authorised to supply and possess controlled drugs: see the schedules of drugs listed below under the 1985 regulations.

Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 This legislation forbids activities relating to the manufacture, sale and possession of particular (controlled) drugs. These are classi?ed into three grades according to their dangers if misused. Any o?ences concerning class A drugs, potentially the most damaging when abused, carry the toughest penalties, while classes B and C attract lesser penalties if abused.

Class A includes: cocaine, dextromoramide, diamorphine (heroin), lysergic acid (LSD), methadone, morphine, opium, pethidine, phencyclidine acid and injectable preparations of class B drugs.

Class B includes: oral amphetamines, barbiturates, codeine, glutethimide, marijuana (cannabis), pentazocine and pholcodine.

Class C includes: drugs related to the amphetamines, anabolic and androgenic steroids, many benzodiazepines, buprenorphine, diethyl propion, human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG), mazindol, meprobamate, pemoline, phenbuterol, and somatropin.

Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1985 These regulations de?ne those people who are authorised in their professional capacity to supply and possess controlled drugs. They also describe the requirements for legally undertaking these activities, such as storage of the drugs and limits on their prescription.

Drugs are divided into ?ve schedules and some examples follow.

I: Almost all are prohibited except in accordance with Home O?ce authority: marijuana (cannabis), LSD.

II: High potential for abuse but have

accepted medical uses: amphetamines, cocaine.

III: Lower potential for abuse: barbiturates, meprobamate, temazepam.

IV: Lower potential for abuse than I to III. Minimal control: benzodiazepines.

V: Low potential for abuse: generally compound preparations containing small amounts of opioids: kaolin and morphine (antidiarrhoeal medicine), codeine linctus (cough suppressant).

(See also CONTROLLED DRUGS.)... misuse of drugs

Pandanus Facicularis


Synonym: P. tectorius auct. non Soland ex Parkinson. P. odoratissimus Linn. f.

Family: Pandanaceae.

Habitat: Sea coast of the Indian Peninsula on both sides, and the Andaman Islands.

English: Screw Pine.

Ayurvedic: Ketaka, Ketaki, Suuchikaa pushpaa, Jambuka, Trinshunya, Ketakark, Krakchhada.

Unani: Keoraa.

Siddha/Tamil: Thazhai, Thalay.

Action: Flower—carminative, stomachic, cooling, antiseptic. Used for headache, ulcers, dysuria, scabies and other skin diseases. Root— used for osteoarthritis, leucorrhoea and amenorrhoea; contraindicat- ed during pregnancy. Leaves— used for skin diseases, small pox, scabies, leprosy. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends the decoction of the root in abdominal inflammation. Oil and otto—stimulant, antispasmodic, antirheumatic.

The chief constituent of the oil is methyl ether of beta-phenylethyl alcohol. The oil also contains diterpene, d-linalool, phenylethyl acetate, citral, phenylethyl alcohol, ester of phthalic acid, fatty acids and stearoptene.

The leaves contain the piperidine alkaloids.

Dosage: Root—29-30 g for decoction (API, Vol. I); flower linctus—25-30 ml. (CCRAS.).... pandanus facicularis


Massive and long continued medication should be avoided, parents acquiring some ability to distinguish between the purely miserable and the critically ill. It is easy to become alarmed at the sight of a child in the throes of a convulsion or feverishness when there may be a tendency to over-prescribe. German Chamomile tea is a splendid children’s remedy. Liquid Extract and Tincture doses for children are 1 drop and 2 drops, respectively, for each year of age.

Anti-depressants should not be given for bed-wetting, drugs for sleep problems or strong laxatives for the chronically constipated. Mild herbal alternatives exist. Fresh carrot juice daily helps a child to avoid some complaints. Some herbs are not advised for children under 12, except under the care of a qualified practitioner.

Parental smoking habits are known to be responsible for crying and digestive symptoms in infants. Sleeplessness. German Chamomile or Balm tea: children 2-10 years quarter to half a cup; over 10 years: 1 cup. Babies: 3-6 teaspoons in feeding bottle – sweeten with honey if necessary.

Night seizures, with screaming: Passion Flower tea. 1 heaped teaspoon to cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes. Strain. A few teaspoons at bedtime. When a brain storm starts place pinch of salt on the tongue. Calcium deficiency. Nettle tea. Carrot juice. Cod Liver oil with fresh orange juice.

Colic. Any tea: Dill, Catnep, Spearmint or Fennel. Few teaspoons frequently. Abdominal massage: 3 drops Chamomile oil in teaspoon olive oil.

Constipation. Prune or carrot juice. Dandelion coffee.

Cough. Oil of Thyme – few drops in water.

Crusta Lacta (milk rash). Weak teas: Plantain, Heartsease, Red Clover. Anoint with St John’s Wort oil. Buttermilk, Wheatgerm.

Diarrhoea. Teas: Yarrow, Tormentil. Breast feeding during the first 4-6 months of life reduces the risk of children’s diarrhoea.

Digestion, weak. Teas: Fennel, Caraway, Dill. 1 teaspoon crushed seeds to cup boiling water. Infuse 15 minutes in a covered vessel. Teaspoon doses for under 2s; half-1 cup thereafter. Also for flatulence. Feverishness. Alarm at a baby’s fever and fractiousness may attract complete medical treatment including nose drops, cough linctus, antipyretics and antibiotics, together with something to let the parents get some sleep. Avoid where possible. Mild fevers: teas – Yarrow, Marigold, Thyme, Elderflowers and Peppermint, Catmint, Carragheen Moss. Sweeten with honey. Topical: Flannels wrung out in these hot teas. Zinc can cut short the common cold. Echinacea tablets/capsules offer antiviral protection.

It is common for a child to convulse with fever. A feverish child, kept cool, is less likely to have convulsions. Remove most of child’s clothes so he can lose heat through the skin. Fruit juices (Vitamin C) in abundance. Do not feed solid foods. Wash in lukewarm (not cold) water.

Eyes. Deep hollows under the eyes reveal exhaustion, for which blood and nerve tonics and iron supplements are indicated.

Growth problems. Under-developed children respond well to herbal aids: Gentian, Ginseng, Horsetail, Marigold, Oats, German Chamomile, Wood Betony, Kelp, Alfalfa. Supplementation with brewer’s yeast, Calcium, Pollen and Zinc yield convincing results.

Hyperactivity. Nerve restoratives for highly-strung children: Teas: Lime flowers, Chamomile, Lemon Balm, B-vitamins. Porridge. Tablets: Passion flower, Valerian, Skullcap. Vitamins B6 and C. Powders: formula. Passion flower 2; Valerian 1; Liquorice 1. Dose: 250mg (one 00 capsule or one-sixth teaspoon) thrice daily.

Irritability and impaired school performance may be due to Tartrazine and other additives, sugar, and anticonvulsant drugs. See previous paragraph.

Infection. Infection of the upper respiratory tract may manifest as inflammation of the middle ear, nasal discharge or tonsillitis. Echinacea tablets, powder or liquid extract indicated. For specific infection such as measles, see under MEASLES, or other appropriate entry.

Skin. Reject cow’s in favour of goat’s milk. See appropriate entry for each skin disease (ECZEMA, etc). Care of skin after bathing: St John’s Wort oil, Evening Primrose oil. ... children

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