Leea aequata Health Dictionary

Leea Aequata: From 1 Different Sources


Synonym: L. hirta Roxb. ex Hornem.

Family: Vitaceae.

Habitat: Northern Eastern India, West Peninsula and the Andamans.

Ayurvedic: Kaakajanghaa, Nadikaantaa, Sulomaasha, Paaraa- vatapaadi.

Folk: Surapadi (Telugu).

Action: Stem and root—astringent, anthelmintic. Used for indigestion, jaundice, chronic fever and malaria. Essential oil—inhibits the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Schroeter) Lehmann & Neumann; also inhibits the growth of Micro- coccus pyogenes var. aureus and Pasteurella pestis. Root, tuber and stem—mucilaginous, astringent. Leaves and twigs—antiseptic; used for poulticing wounds.

Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Leea Crispa


Family: Vitaceae.

Habitat: North-Eastern India and in Western parts of Deccan Peninsula.

Folk: Banachelt (Maharashtra), Banachalit (Bengal), Nalugu, Nellu (Kerala).

Action: Leaves—applied to wounds. Root tubers—used for guineaworm. Plant—a host of the Indian lac insect.

Action: Root—antidiarrhoeal, antidysenteric, antispasmodic, cooling, sudorific. A decoction allays thirst. Leaves—juice of young leaves, digestive. Ointment prepared from roasted leaves relieves vertigo.

The leaves contain amorphous froth forming acid.... leea crispa

Leea Macrophylla


Family: Vitaceae.

Habitat: Throughout hotter parts of India.

Ayurvedic: Hastikanda, Hasti-karna Palaasha; Kekidandaa.

Folk: Hatkan, Dholsamudra, Haath, Kaan.

Action: Astringent, anodyne, styptic, antiseptic. Root tubers— astringent, mucilaginous; applied to wounds and sores; used for ringworm and guineaworm.... leea macrophylla

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