Jenner, edward Health Dictionary

Jenner, Edward: From 1 Different Sources

Edward Jenner was an English country practitioner (1749–1823). He had noticed that cowpox, which milkmaids caught from cattle, gave these women immunity from the scourge of SMALLPOX. In 1796 he transformed this observation into the medical technique of VACCINATION, innoculating a country boy with matter from the arm of a milkmaid infected with cowpox. Despite hostility from some doctors, Parliament voted him a grant of £10,000 for a society to promote vaccination and the technique spread worldwide, giving bene?t to an immense number of people.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Edwards’ Syndrome

a condition resulting from a genetic abnormality in which an extra chromosome is present – there are three no. 18 chromosomes instead of the usual two. Affected babies, who rarely survive, have a characteristic abnormally shaped head, low birth weight, prominent heels (‘rocker-bottom feet’), heart abnormalities, and severe learning disabilities. Prenatal screening (by *nuchal translucency scanning) and diagnosis (by *amniocentesis or *chorionic villus sampling) are possible. [J. H. Edwards (1928–2007), British geneticist]... edwards’ syndrome

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