Iscador Health Dictionary

Iscador: From 1 Different Sources

A specific developed from Mistletoe for cancer, pre-cancerous conditions, AIDS, ME (post viral fatigue syndrome) and immune system disorders. Mistletoe (Viscum album) grows on a number of trees, the one most preferred for medical purposes being that from the pine tree.

Iscador is based on the philosophy of anthroposophy founded by Dr Rudolph Steiner and requires a special process of manufacture based on time of gathering and aspect of the moon. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia

Benefits Of Mistletoe Tea

For a healthy beverage, try the mistletoe tea! You should already know the plant thanks to its association with the Christmas traditions. However, there’s more to mistletoe than just being a decorative plant. Find out about the health benefits ofmistletoe tea! About the Mistletoe Tea The main ingredient of the mistletoe tea is the hemi-parasitic plant, the mistletoe. It is an evergreen plant that usually grows on the branches of various trees, such as elms, pines or oak. The mistletoe can be found in Europe, Australia, North America, and some parts of North Asia. The woody stem has oval, evergreen leaves, and waxy, white berries. The berries are poisonous; the leaves are the ones used to produce themistletoe tea. Mistletoe is often used as a Christmas decoration. It is hung somewhere in the house, and remains so during next Christmas, when it gets replaced. It is said that it protects the house from lightning or fire. Also, legends say that a man and a woman who meet under a hanging of mistletoe are obliged to kiss. The origin of this custom may be Scandinavian, and the first documented case of a couple kissing under the mistletoe dates from 16th century England. There are two types of mistletoe that matter: the European mistletoe and the American mistletoe. Regarding their appearance, they look pretty similar. The difference is that the American mistletoe has shorter leaves, and longer clusters of 10 or more berries. Other differences between the two are related to health benefits. How to prepare Mistletoe Tea Properly preparing a cup of mistletoe tea takes some time. First, you add a teaspoon of the dried mistletoe herb to a cup of cold water. Let the cup stay overnight at room temperature. On the next day, heat the mix before drinking. To enjoy its rich flavor, don’t skip any of these steps! Benefits of Mistletoe Tea The mistletoe tea has many health benefits thanks to its main ingredient, the mistletoe. The herb includes various active constituents, such as amines, caffeic and myristic acids, mucilage, terpenoids, and tannins. Mistletoe is also an essential ingredient of the European anti-cancer extract called Iscador, which helps stimulate the immune system and kill cancer cells. Therefore, it’s said that mistletoe teahelps you fight against cancer. Another health benefit of the mistletoe tea is that it reduces symptoms associated with high blood pressure, such as irritability, dizziness, headaches, and loss of energy. This, however, applies to the mistletoe tea made leaves of European mistletoe. The leaves of the American mistletoe is said to raise blood pressure. Another health-related difference between the European and the American mistletoe is related to uterine and intestinal contractions. The European mistletoe acts as an antispasmodic and calming agent, while the American mistletoe increases uterine and intestinal contractions. Be careful with the type of mistletoe tealeavesyou use. Mistletoe tea can also help with relieving panic attacks, nervousness, and headaches. It is a useful treatment against hysteria, epilepsy, and tinnitus. It is also recommended in the treatment of type 1 and 2 diabetes, breast cancer, and to support HIV patients. Drinking mistletoe teahelps with diarrhea, as well. It is useful when it comes to menopause and pre-menstrual syndrome. It is also useful when dealing with respiratory ailments such as coughs and asthma. Side effects of Mistletoe Tea First of it, it is recommended not to have children drink mistletoe tea. Also, if you are pregnant or breast feeding, it is best that you stop drinking mistletoe tea. If you have hepatitis, you need to stay away from mistletoe tea. Consumption of mistletoe tea will only cause more damage to the liver. Also, despite being useful when treating diabetes, mistletoe tea mayinterfere with the action of anti-diabetic medications. It is best that you check with your doctor, to make sure it doesn’t cancel the effects of the medication. Cancer patients should also consult with their doctors first, before adding mistletoe tea to their daily diet. Other side effects that you might experience because of mistletoe tea are flu-like symptoms, including fever, nausea, abdominal pain, and various allergy-type symptoms. Lastly, don’t drink more than 6 cups of mistletoe tea a day. If you do, it might cause you more harm than good. You might get some of the following symptoms: headaches, dizziness, insomnia, irregular heartbeats, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite. If you get any of these symptoms, reduce the amount of mistletoe tea you drink. Also, this can apply to all types of tea, not only mistletoe tea.   Don’t just think of Christmas when you hear someone talking about mistletoe. Remember the many health benefits of mistletoe tea. Check for side effects and if it’s all safe, feel free to include mistletoe teain your daily diet. It will definitely help you stay healthy!... benefits of mistletoe tea


Arises from premalignant adenoma. About one in ten adenomatous polyps develop into a carcinoma. Simple excision of polyps with in situ carcinoma sometimes leads to complete cure.

Symptoms: bleeding, with alteration of bowel habit. Common in diverticular disease where large polyps may be undetected. Early detection by flexible sigmoidoscopy at hospital is essential to accurate diagnosis. Sudden episodes of unexplained diarrhoea and constipation.

The term refers to cancers of the ascending colon, caecum, transverse colon, hepatic flexure, descending colon, splenic flexure, sigmoid colon and rectum. The large bowel tumours are almost wholly adeno-carcinoma.

Common causes: ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, necrotic changes in polyps. The colon is at risk from cancer on a diet high in protein, fat and alcohol and which is low in fibre. An exception is the average diet in Finland where a high fat intake is present with a low incidence of cancer. Strong evidence advanced, includes the heavy consumption of yoghurt (acidophylus lacto bacillus) by the population.

A study of 8006 Japanese men living in Hawaii revealed the close relationship between cancer of the rectum and alcohol consumption. A family history of pernicious anaemia predisposes.

A 19-year prospective study of middle-aged men employed by a Chicago electric company reveals a strong correlation between colorectal cancer and Vitamin D and calcium deficiency. Results “support the suggestion that Vitamin D and calcium may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer”. (Lancet, 1985, Feb 9, i, 307)

Patients with ulcerative colitis of more than 10 years standing carry the increased risk of developing colorectal cancer. There is evidence that malignancy in the bowel may be reduced by saponins. Alternatives of possible value. Inoperable lesions may respond to: Bayberry, Goldenseal, Echinacea, Wild Yam, Stone root, Black root, Mistletoe, Clivers, Marshmallow root, Violet leaves, Chickweed, Red Clover, Thuja.

Tea. Equal parts: Red Clover, Gotu Kola, Violet leaves. 2-3 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Freely, as tolerated.

Tablets/capsules. Echinacea, Goldenseal, Wild Yam.

Formula. Echinacea 2; Bayberry 1; Wild Yam 1; Stone root 1; Goldenseal half; Liquorice quarter. Mix. Dose: Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Thrice daily and at bedtime.

Mistletoe: Injections of fresh plant (Iscador). (Dr Rudolph Steiner Institute, Switzerland)

Violet leaves: Daily irrigations of strong infusion.

Chickweed: Bathe rectum with strong infusion. Follow with Chickweed ointment.

Chinese Herbalism. (1) Tea – Pan-chih-lien (Scutellaria barbarta), 2 liang. (2) Tea. Feng-wei ts’ao (Pteris multifida) 1 liang, and po-chi (water chestnut) 2 liang. (3) Concoction of suitable amount of ts’ang-erh ts’ao, for bathing affected area. (Barefoot Doctor’s Manual)

Diagnosis. Exploration of proctosigmoidoscope to confirm.

Diet. Special emphasis on yoghurt which is conducive to bowel health; orally and by enema. A vegan uncooked raw food diet has been shown to reduce the body’s production of toxins linked with colon cancer. A switch from conventional Western cooked diet to an uncooked vegan diet reduced harmful enzymes produced by gut bacteria. (Journal of Nutrition)

A substance has been found in fish oil believed to prevent cancer of the colon. Mackerel, herring and sardines are among fish with this ingredient. Bowel cancer and additives. See: CROHN’S DISEASE (Note).

Preventive care. All 55-year-olds with this predisposing condition should be screened by sigmoidoscopy. Regular faecal occult blood tests advised.

Regular exercise helps prevent development of bowel cancer. (Nottingham University researchers) Treatment by general medical practitioner or oncologist. ... cancer-colorectal


Viscum album L. German: Mistel. French: Gui blanc. Spanish: Liga. Russian: Olma. Indian: Banda. Italian: Visco quercino. Arabian: Kishmish-j-kawaliyan. Chinese: San-shang-chi-she?ng. Leaves and terminal twigs. Practitioner use only.

Constituents: alkaloids, glycoproteins, polypeptides, flavonoids.

Action: tranquilliser, vasodilator – reducing blood pressure after an initial rise. Cardiac depressant. Used as an alternative to beta-blocking drugs when they produce sore eyes and skin rash. Stimulates the vagus nerve which slows the pulse. Contains acetylcholine. Diuretic. Immune enhancer. Anti-inflammatory. Uses. Arterial hypertension, insomnia, temporal arteritis, nervous excitability, hyperactivity, limb- twitching, epilepsy, (petit mal), chorea, tinnitus, rabies (Dr Laville). Benzodiazepine addiction – to assist withdrawal. Arteriosclerosis (with Horsetail). Headache, dizziness, fatigue.

Cancer: some success reported in isolated cases. Juice of the berries has been applied to external cancers since the time of the Druids. Present-day pharmacy: Iscador (Weleda), Viscotoxin. Pliny the Elder (AD 23-79) and Hippocrates record its use in epilepsy and for tumours. The berries may be prescribed by a medical practitioner only (UK). As an immune enhancer it is used as an adjunct to surgery and radiotherapy for patients for whom cytotoxic drugs are inappropriate because of adverse side-effects. Lymphocytes divide more readily by production of interferon.

Combinations: (1) with Skullcap and Valerian for nervous disorders (2) with Motherwort and Hawthorn for myocarditis (3) with Blue Cohosh for menstrual irregularity (4) with Hawthorn and Lime flowers for benign hypertension. Never combine with Gotu Kola. (Dr John Heinerman)

Preparations: Average dose: 2-6g, or equivalent. Thrice daily.

Tea: 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup cold water steeped 2 hours. Dose: half-1 cup.

Green Tincture. 4oz bruised freshly-gathered leaves in spring to 1 pint 45 per cent alcohol (Vodka, strong wine, etc). Macerate 8 days, shaking daily. Filter and bottle. Dose: 3-5 drops: (every 2 hours if an epileptic attack is suspected).

Powder, capsules: 300mg. 2 capsules thrice daily before meals. (Arkocaps)

Plenosol. (Madaus)

Liquid Extract (1:1): 8-10 drops.

Sale: pharmacy only. ... mistletoe

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