Io Health Dictionary

Io: From 1 Different Sources

(Greek) In mythology, a woman who was turned into a cow to elude Zeus
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


A non-metallic element which is found largely in seaweed. The body contains about 30 mg, largely concentrated in the THYROID GLAND where it is used to synthesise thyroid hormones. Iodine has a highly irritating action and, when applied to the skin, stains the latter dark brown and causes it to peel o? in ?akes, while internally it is a violent irritant poison in large doses.

Externally iodine is used as an antiseptic. Its drawback is that it is ?xed by protein, which reduces its antiseptic e?ciency in open wounds. Its main use in this sphere therefore is for sterilising the unbroken skin, as before an operation. Radioactive iodine is used for diagnosing and treating disease of the thyroid gland.... iodine


Salts of iodine, those which are especially used in medicine being the iodide of potassium and iodide of sodium. Iodides are excreted in the mucus secretions, as well as in the urine, saliva and sweat, and have an action in liquefying the mucus secretion of the bronchial tree. They are therefore used in EXPECTORANTS. They are also used to assist in providing a supply of iodine in patients with goitre, or in individuals who live in an area where goitre is liable to occur because of a de?ciency of IODINE in the drinking water. They may be given in the form of iodised salt. (See THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF – Goitre.)... iodides


(Hawaiian) God will develop Iokinah, Iokyna, Iokeena, Iokine, Iokyne, Iokeen, Iokeane, Iokeana... iokina


(Greek) Of the violet-colored dawn Iolah, Iolla, Iollah, Iole, Iolle, Inola, Inolah, Inolla, Inollah... iola


(Hawaiian) Soaring like a hawk Iolanah, Iolanna, Iolann, Iolanne, Iolane, Iolani, Iolanie, Iolanee, Iolany, Iolaney... iolana


(Greek) Resembling a violet flower Iolanda, Iolanta, Iolantha, Iolante, Iolande, Iolanthia, Iolanthea... iolanthe


(Greek) Woman from the island Ionna, Ioane, Ioann, Ioanne... iona


(Hebrew) Filled with grace Ionannah, Ionana, Ionann, Ionane, Ionanne... ionanna


(Greek) Resembling the violet flower Ionie, Ioni, Ionee, Ioney, Iony... ione


(Greek) Of the sea and islands Ionya, Ionija, Ioniah, Ionea, Ionessa, Ioneah, Ioniya... ionia

Ionidium Suffruticosum


Synonym: Hybanthus enneaspermus (Linn.) F. Muell.

Family: Violaceae.

Habitat: The warmer parts of India from Delhi to Bengal and throughout Deccan Peninsula.

Ayurvedic: Amburuha.

Siddha/Tamil: Orilaithamarai.

Folk: Ratna-purush.

Action: Diuretic, antigonorrhoetic and demulcent. Root—given in urinary infections, for bowel complaints of children.

The plant gave a dipeptide alkaloid, aurantiamide acetate and a triterpene, iso-arborinol, and beta-sitosterol.... ionidium suffruticosum


Ionisation means the breaking up of a substance in solution into its constituent.... ionisation


(Greek) A birdlike woman Iorra, Ioria, Iorea, Iore, Iorie, Iori, Iory, Iorey, Ioree... iora


(Welsh) A beautiful woman Iorwenn, Iorwenne, Iorwin, Iorwinn, Iorwinne, Iorwyn, Iorwynn, Iorwynne... iorwen


(Hawaiian) Form of Josephine, meaning “God will add” Iosephine, Iosefa, Iosefena, Iosefene, Iosefina, Iosefine, Iosepha, Iosephe, Iosephene, Iosephina, Iosephyna, Iosephyna, Iosephyne, Iosepyne, Iosapine, Iosapyne, Iosepeen, Iosapeen... iosepine


(Native American) Of the Iowa tribe; from the state of Iowa... iowa


(T3) The substance which exerts the physiological action of thyroid hormone (see THYROID GLAND). It is formed in the body cells by the de-iodination of THYROXINE (tetraiodothyronine) which is the active principle secreted by the thyroid gland. It has also been synthesised, and is now available for the treatment of hypothyroidism (see THYROID GLAND, DISEASES OF). It is three times as potent as thyroxine.... tri-iodothyronine


A device that produces ions (electrically charged particles).

Ionizers that produce negative ions can be used to neutralize positive ions in the atmosphere.

Some people believe that use of an ionizer reduces symptoms, such as headaches and fatigue, that may result from a build-up of positive ions generated by electrical machines.... ionizer

Glass Ionomer

a dental filling material that is based on a *cement of a silicate glass and an organic acid.... glass ionomer


n. iodine poisoning. The main features are a characteristic staining of the mouth and odour on the breath. Vomited material may be yellowish or bluish. There is pain and burning in the throat, intense thirst, and diarrhoea, with dizziness, weakness, and convulsions. Emergency treatment includes administration of starch or flour in water and lavage with sodium thiosulphate solution.... iodism


n. the process of producing *ions. Some molecules ionize in solution (see electrolyte). Ions can also be produced when ionizing radiation dislodges one or more electrons from an atom or molecule. This can be harmful to DNA in cells, resulting in tumours or genetic defects.... ionization


n. the technique of introducing through the skin, by means of an electric current, charged particles of a drug, so that it reaches a deep site. The method has been used to transfer salicylate ions through the skin in the treatment of deep rheumatic pain. See also cataphoresis.... iontophoresis


intraoperative ultrasound examination (see ultrasonography).... ious

Radioactive Iodine Therapy

the administration of an estimated amount of the radioactive isotope iodine-131 as a drink in order to treat an overactive thyroid gland (see thyrotoxicosis). The iodine concentrates in the thyroid and thus delivers its beta radiation locally, with little effect on other tissues. The gland will shrink and become euthyroid over the succeeding 8–12 weeks but there is a high incidence of subsequent hypothyroidism (up to 80%), which requires lifetime treatment with thyroxine. The treatment cannot be used if there is any suspicion of pregnancy, and the patient must stay away from young children and pregnant women for around 10 days after administration. Despite these drawbacks, radioactive iodine remains a popular form of treatment for any cause of hyperthyroidism.... radioactive iodine therapy

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