Institutionalization Health Dictionary

Institutionalization: From 2 Different Sources

Loss of personal independence that stems from living for long periods under a rigid regime, such as in a prison or other large institution.

Apathy, obeying orders unquestioningly, accepting a standard routine, and loss of interests are the main features.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
n. a condition produced by long-term residence in an impersonal institution (such as some residential care homes and orphanages) where stimulation is lacking. The individual adapts to the behaviour characteristic of the institution to such an extent that he or she finds it difficult to function in other environments. The features often include apathy, dependence, social withdrawal or awkwardness, and a lack of personal responsibility. The effects of institutionalization on mental health can be significant and informed the move towards more care in the community.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Attachment Disorder

a psychiatric disorder in infants and young children resulting from *institutionalization, poor parenting, emotional neglect, or *child abuse. Affected children may be withdrawn or aggressive, and fearful or attention-seeking and indiscriminately friendly. Treatment requires the provision of stable caring adults as parents over a long period of time.... attachment disorder

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