In vitro Health Dictionary

In Vitro: From 4 Different Sources

The performance of biological processes in a laboratory rather than within the body. The term in vitro literally means “in glass”.
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
A term commonly used in medical research and experimental biology. Literally ‘in a glass’, it refers to observations made outside the body: for example, on the action of drugs on bacteria. The opposite term is IN VIVO, which refers to observations of processes in the body.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
Latin: describing biological phenomena that are made to occur outside the living body (traditionally in a test-tube).
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

In Vitro Fertilization

A method of treating infertility in which an egg (ovum) is surgically removed from the ovary and fertilized outside the body.

The woman is given a course of fertility drugs to stimulate release of eggs from the ovary. This is followed by ultrasound scanning to check the eggs, which are collected by laparoscopy immediately before ovulation. They are then mixed with sperm in the laboratory. Two, or sometimes more, fertilized eggs are replaced into the uterus. If they become safely implanted in the uterine wall, the pregnancy usually continues normally.

Only about 1 in 10 couples undergoing in vitro fertilization achieves pregnancy at the 1st attempt, and many attempts may be needed before a successful pregnancy is achieved. Modifications of the technique, such as gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), are simpler and cheaper than the original method. in vivo Biological processes occurring within the body. (See also in vitro.)... in vitro fertilization

In Vitro Fertilisation (ivf)

Fertilisation of the egg (ovum) outside the body. The fertilised ovum is then incubated until the blastocyst stage develops, when it is implanted into the UTERUS. The procedure was developed in Britain and the ?rst successful in vitro baby, a girl, was born in 1978. IVF is used when a woman has blocked FALLOPIAN TUBES or when the sperm and ovum are unable to fuse in the reproductive tract. Hormone treatment results in the potential mother’s producing several mature ova, some of which are removed from the ovary using a LAPAROSCOPE and fertilised with her partner’s semen. (See ASSISTED CONCEPTION.)... in vitro fertilisation (ivf)

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