Human organs transplants act Health Dictionary

Human Organs Transplants Act: From 1 Different Sources

UK legislation that lays down the framework and rules governing organ transplantation. The UK Transplant Support Service Authority (UKTSSA), a special health authority set up in 1991, is responsible for administering the NHS Organ Donor Registry and the Act (see APPENDIX 7: STATUTORY ORGANISATIONS).
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


A chronic infectious condition caused by an anaerobic micro-organism, Actinomyces israelii, that often occurs as a COMMENSAL on the gums, teeth and tonsils. Commonest in adult men, the sites most affected are the jaw, lungs and intestine, though the disease can occur anywhere. Suppurating granulomatous tumours develop which discharge an oily, thick pus containing yellowish (‘sulphur’) granules. A slowly progressive condition, actinomycosis usually responds to antibiotic drugs but improvement may be slow and surgery is sometimes needed to drain infected sites. Early diagnosis is important. Treatment is with antibiotics such as penicillin and tetracyclines. The disease occurs in cattle, where it is known as woody tongue.... actinomycosis

Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin

A glycoprotein hormone secreted by the PLACENTA in early pregnancy, and stimulating the CORPUS LUTEUM within the ovary (see OVARIES) to secrete OESTROGENS, PROGESTERONE, and relaxin. The hormone is essential for the maintenance of pregnancy up to about 6–8 weeks of gestation. A RADIOIMMUNOASSAY can be used to detect its presence, and pregnancy can be diagnosed as early as six days after conception by testing for it in the urine. Some tumours also secrete human chorionic gonadotrophin, particularly HYDATIDIFORM MOLE, which produces large amounts.... human chorionic gonadotrophin

Actinomycin D

See DACTINOMYCIN.... actinomycin d

Human Genome

In simple terms, this is the genetic recipe for making a human being. GENOME is a combination of the words gene and chromosome, and a genome is de?ned as all the genetic material – known as deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA – in a cell. Most genes encode sequences of AMINO ACIDS, the constituents of proteins, thus initiating and controlling the replication of an organism. The identi?cation and characterisation of the human genetic puzzle have been a key bioscience research target. The Human Genome Project was launched in 1990 (and completed in 2003) to produce a full sequence of the three million base pairs that make up the human genome.

Carried out as two separate exercises – one by a privately funded American team; another by an international joint venture between tax-funded American laboratories, a charitably funded British one and several other smaller research teams from around the world – the ?rst results were announced on 26 June 2000. In February 2001 the privately funded American group, known as Celera Genomics, announced that it had identi?ed 26,558 genes. At the same time the Human Genome Project consortium reported that it had identi?ed 31,000. Allowing for margins of error, this gives a ?gure much lower than the 100,000 or more human genes previously forecast by scientists. Interestingly, genes were found to make up only 3 per cent of the human genome. The remaining 97 per cent of the genome comprises non-coding DNA which, though not involved in producing the protein-initiating genetic activity, does have signi?cant roles in the structure, function and evolution of the genome.

One surprise from the Project so far is that the genetic di?erences between humans and other species seem much smaller than previously expected. For example, the Celera team found that people have only 300 genes that mice do not have; yet, the common ancestor of mice and men probably lived 100 million years or more in the past. Mice and humans, however, have around twice as many genes as the humble fruit ?y.

Cells die out when they become redundant during embryonic development: genes also die out during evolution, according to evidence from the Genome Project – a ?nding that supports the constant evolutionary changes apparent in living things; the Darwinian concept of survival of the ?ttest.

Apart from expanding our scienti?c knowledge, the new information – and promise of much more as the Genome Project continues – should enhance and expand the use of genetic engineering in the prevention and cure of disease. Studies are in progress on the gene for a receptor protein in the brain which will shed light on how the important neurotransmitter SEROTONIN in the brain works, and this, for example, should help the development of better drugs for the treatment of DEPRESSION. Another gene has been found that is relevant to the development of ASTHMA and yet another that is involved in the production of amyloid, a complex protein which is deposited in excessive amounts in both DOWN’S (DOWN) SYNDROME and ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE.... human genome


A protein involved in muscle contraction, in which microscopic filaments of actin and another protein, myosin, slide in between each other.... actin


The common abbreviation for adrenocorticotrophic hormone (also called corticotrophin). is produced by the anterior pituitary gland and stimulates the adrenal cortex (outer layer of the adrenal glands) to release various corticosteroid hormones, most importantly hydrocortisone (cortisol) but also aldosterone and androgen hormones.

production is controlled by a feedback mechanism involving both the hypothalamus and the level of hydrocortisone in the blood. levels increase in response to stress, emotion, injury, infection, burns, surgery, and decreased blood pressure.

A tumour of the pituitary gland can cause excessive production which leads to overproduction of hydrocortisone by the adrenal cortex, resulting in Cushing’s syndrome. Insufficient production results in decreased production of hydrocortisone, causing low blood pressure. Synthetic is occasionally given by injection to treat arthritis or allergy.... acth

Human Papillomavirus

A type of virus that is responsible for warts and genital warts.

There are over 50 strains of human papillomavirus.

Infection with some of these strains is thought to be a causative factor in cervical cancer and anal cancer.... human papillomavirus

Actaea Spicata


Synonym: A. acuminata Wall. ex Royle

Family: Ranunculaceae.

Habitat: Native to Europe; grows in temperate Himalayas from Hazara to Bhutan.

English: Baneberry Grapewort.

Folk: Visha-phale (Kannada).

Action: Root—antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory, nerve sedative, emetic, purgative; used in the treatment of rheumatic fever, lumbago, scrofula, nervous disorders, chorea.

The plant is reported to contain trans-aconitic acid, which shows a strong cytostatic action. Its Me ether is active against Ehrlich's ascites tumours.

In folk medicine, roots are used in cases of ovarian neuralgia, uterine tenderness and sub-involution. They are adulterant of the roots of Helleborus niger. Berries are poisonous; used topically for skin diseases. The toxic constituent is protoanemonin (lactone). It is irritant to mucous membrane.... actaea spicata

Acth (adrenocorticotrophic Hormone)

ACTH is the commonly used abbreviation for CORTICOTROPIN.... acth (adrenocorticotrophic hormone)

Actiniopteris Dichotoma


Synonym: A. australis (L. f.) Link. A. radiata (Sw.) Link. A. dichotoma Kuhn.

Family: Adiantaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India, especially common in Kumaon Hills and the Nilgiris, below an altitude of 1,200 m.

English: Peacocks tail.

Ayurvedic: Mayurshikhaa, Madhu- chhadaa, Sahastrahi, Vahrishikhaa.

Action: Styptic, antibacterial, antipyretic.

The stems and leaves contain rutin, a styptic active principle. Anthelmintic activity, attributed to the fern, was not observed in experiments on mice.

Dosage: Root—3-5 g powder. (CCRAS.)... actiniopteris dichotoma

Actinodaphne Hookeri


Synonym: A. angustifolia Nees.

Family: Lauraceae.

Habitat: The western Ghats, Orissa and Sikkim up to 1,500 m.

Siddha/Tamil: Thali, Paratathali.

Folk: Pisaa (Maharashtra).

Action: Infusion of leaves—urinary tract disinfectant, antidiabetic, spasmolytic.

The leaves contain a very small amount of an amorphous alkaloid. They also contain beta-sitosterol, hen- triacontanone, hentriacontanol and quercetin-3-rhamnoside and hydrocarbons.

The bark gives an alkaloid, actino- daphnine.

The roots contain a flavanone glycoside.... actinodaphne hookeri

Action On Smoking And Health

See ASH.... action on smoking and health

Action Research

A family of research methodologies which pursue action (or change) and research (or understanding) at the same time.... action research

Active Ageing

The process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age.... active ageing

Activities Of Daily Living (adl)

A concept of functioning – activities of daily living are basic activities that are necessary to independent living, including eating, bathing and toileting. This concept has several assessment tools to determine an individual’s ability to perform the activity with or without assistance. See related “instrumental activities of daily living (IADL)”.... activities of daily living (adl)

Activity Coordinator

A trained staff member who is responsible for leisure activities in a health care programme. Activity coordinators develop programmes for people based on individual abilities and interests.... activity coordinator

Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (acth)

See also CORTICOTROPIN. A hormone which is released into the body during stress. Made and stored in the anterior PITUITARY GLAND, ACTH regulates the production of corticosteroid hormones from the ADRENAL GLANDS, and is vital for the growth and maintenance of the adrenal cortical cells. Its production is in part controlled by the amount of HYDROCORTISONE in the blood and also by the HYPOTHALAMUS. ACTH participates in the FEEDBACK MECHANISM of hormone production and actions involving particularly the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The hormone is used to test adrenal function and treat conditions such as ASTHMA. (See also CUSHING’S SYNDROME.)... adrenocorticotrophic hormone (acth)

Community Action For Health

Collective efforts by communities which are directed towards increasing community control over the determinants of health and thereby improving health.... community action for health

Core Activities

Activities which are essential for daily living, such as self care, mobility and communication.... core activities

Hiv (human Immunodeficiency Virus)

The name of the causative agent of AIDS.... hiv (human immunodeficiency virus)

Human Capital

Human skills and capabilities generated by investments in education and health.... human capital

Human Development Index (hdi)

A composite index that measures the overall achievements in a country in three basic dimensions of human development— longevity, knowledge and a decent standard of living. It is measured by life expectancy, educational attainment and adjusted income per capita in purchasing power parity (PPP) US dollars. The HDI is a summary, not a comprehensive measure of human development.... human development index (hdi)

Human Fertilisation & Embryology Act 1990

See ASSISTED CONCEPTION.... human fertilisation & embryology act 1990

Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority (hfea)

See ASSISTED CONCEPTION.... human fertilisation & embryology authority (hfea)

Human Immunodeficiency Virus

See AIDS/HIV.... human immunodeficiency virus

Human Leucocyte Antigen (hla)

See HLA SYSTEM.... human leucocyte antigen (hla)

Human-factor Research

The study of the interrelationships between humans, the tools they use, and the environment in which they live and work.... human-factor research

Instrumental Activities Of Daily Living (iadl)

Activities with aspects of cognitive and social functioning, including shopping, cooking, doing housework, managing money and using the telephone. See also “activities of daily living (ADLs)”.... instrumental activities of daily living (iadl)

Intersectoral Action / Multisectoral Action

A recognized relationship between part or parts of different sectors of society which has been formed to take action on an issue to achieve health outcomes or intermediate health outcomes in a way which is more effective, efficient or sustainable than might be achieved by the health sector acting alone. For practical purposes, intersectoral action and multisectoral action are synonymous terms, the former perhaps emphasizing the element of coordination, the latter the contribution of a number of sectors.... intersectoral action / multisectoral action

Multisectoral Action

See “intersectoral action”.... multisectoral action

National Plan Of Action

A broad intersectoral master plan for attaining national health goals through implementation of a strategy. It indicates what has to be done, who has to do it, during what time-frame, and with what resources. It is a framework leading to more detailed programming, budgeting, implementation and evaluation. It specifies, in operational terms, the steps to be taken in accordance with the strategy, keeping in mind the various objectives and targets to be attained and the programmes for attaining them.... national plan of action

Peripheral-blood Stem-cell Transplants

These have almost completely replaced BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT, used to treat malignancies such as LEUKAEMIA and LYMPHOMA for the past 20 years. The high doses of CHEMOTHERAPY or RADIOTHERAPY used to treat these diseases destroy the bone marrow which contains stem cells from which all the blood cells derive. In 1989 stem cells were found in the blood during recovery from chemotherapy. By giving growth factors (cytokines), the number of stem cells in the blood increased for about three to four days. In a peripheral-blood stem-cell transplant, these cells can be separated from the peripheral blood, without a general anaesthetic. The cells taken by either method are then frozen and returned intravenously after the chemotherapy or radiotherapy is completed. Once transplanted, the stem cells usually take less than three weeks to repopulate the blood, compared to a month or more for a bone marrow transplant. This means that there is less risk of infection or bleeding during the recovery from the transplant. The whole procedure has a mortality risk of less than 5 per cent – half the risk of a bone marrow transplant.... peripheral-blood stem-cell transplants

Physical Activity

Any form of exercise or movement.... physical activity

Potassium-channel Activators

Drugs that have the ability to dilate ARTERIES and VEINS and are used to relieve pain in ANGINA of the HEART. Nicorandil is the main example.... potassium-channel activators

Reflex Action

One of the simplest forms of activity of the nervous system. (For the mechanism upon which it depends, see NERVOUS SYSTEM; NEURON(E).) Re?ex acts are divided usually into three classes.

Super?cial re?exes comprise the sudden movements which result when the skin is brushed or pricked, such as the movement of the toes that results from stroking the sole of the foot.

Deep re?exes depend upon the state of mild contraction in which muscles are constantly maintained when at rest, and are obtained, as in the case of the knee-jerk (see below), by sharply tapping the tendon of the muscle in question.

Visceral re?exes are those connected with various organs, such as the narrowing of the pupil when a bright light is directed upon the EYE, and the contraction of the URINARY BLADDER when distended by urine.

Faults in these re?exes give valuable evidence as to the presence and site of neurological disorders. Thus, absence of the knee-jerk, when the patellar tendon is tapped, means some interference with the sensory nerve, nerve-cells, or motor nerve upon which the act depends – as, for example, in POLIOMYELITIS, or peripheral NEURITIS; whilst an exaggerated jerk implies that the controlling in?uence exerted by the BRAIN upon this re?ex mechanism has been cut o? – as, for example, by a tumour high up in the SPINAL CORD, or in the disease known as MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS).... reflex action

Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tpa, Tpa)

A natural PROTEIN that occurs in the body. It has the property of breaking down a THROMBUS in a blood vessel (see THROMBOLYSIS). It is e?ective only in the presence of FIBRIN and activates plasminogen, which occurs normally on the surface of the ?brin. TPA is an important thrombolytic treatment immediately after a myocardial infarction (see HEART, DISEASES OF).... tissue plasminogen activator (tpa, tpa)

Active Principle

There are active and passive (in-active) constituents in all plants. An active principle is the most active constituent.

The amount of active constituent of a plant is not constant. The percentage of active constituent varies greatly. For this reason official pharmacy standardises drugs. See: WHOLE PLANT. ... active principle


An agent which stimulates the adrenal glands thereby increasing secretion of cortisol and adrenal hormones. A herb with a mild cortico-steroid effect. Liquorice. Ginseng. Sarsaparilla. ... adrenal-activator

Mad-cow Disease, Human

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. See: BOVINE SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY. ... mad-cow disease, human

Acting Out

Impulsive actions that may reflect unconscious wishes. The term is most often used by psychotherapists to describe behaviour during analysis when the patient “acts out” rather than reports fantasies, wishes, or beliefs. Acting out can also occur as a reaction to frustrations encountered in everyday life, often taking the form of antisocial, aggressive behaviour.... acting out


Pertaining to changes caused by the ultraviolet rays in sunlight, as in actinic dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) and actinic keratosis (roughness and thickening of the skin).... actinic

Bites, Human

Wounds caused by one person biting another. Human bites rarely cause serious tissue damage or blood loss, but infection is likely, particularly if the bite is deep. There is a risk of tetanus infection. Transmission of hepatitis B, herpes simplex, and AIDS by a bite is a theoretical hazard.... bites, human

Displacement Activity

The transference of feelings from one object or person to another.

This is usually performed consciously to obtain emotional relief in a manner that will not cause harm to oneself or to another person.

Some psychotherapists believe that displacement is an unconscious defence mechanism, which prevents disturbing feelings from entering consciousness.... displacement activity

Genome, Human

The complete set of human genetic material. The human genome consists of 23 chromosomes, which, together, contain about 30,000 genes. All body cells contain 2 sets of the 23 chromosomes, one set inherited from the father and the other from the mother. An international research programme, the Human Genome Project, was launched in 1990 with the aim of identifying all the human genes. The first rough draft of the project was published in 2000.... genome, human

Gonadotrophin, Human Chorionic

A hormone produced by the placenta in early pregnancy. Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) stimulates the ovaries to produce oestrogen and progesterone, which are needed for a healthy pregnancy. HCG is excreted in the urine, and its presence in urine is the basis of pregnancy tests on urine samples. ... gonadotrophin, human chorionic

Human Leukocyte Antigen

(HLA) A type of protein belonging to the group known as histocompatibility antigens, which play a role in the immune system.... human leukocyte antigen

Plasminogen Activator

See tissue plasminogen activator.... plasminogen activator

Tissue-plasminogen Activator

A substance produced by body tissues that prevents abnormal blood clotting. Also called , it is produced by the inner lining of blood vessels. can be prepared artificially for use as a thrombolytic drug, which is called alteplase. This is used in the treatment of myocardial infarction, severe angina pectoris, and arterial embolism, including pulmonary embolism. Possible side effects include bleeding or the formation of a haematoma at the injection site and an allergic reaction. (See also fibrinolysis.)... tissue-plasminogen activator


n. a genus of Gram-negative nonmotile aerobic bacteria that are characteristically spherical or rodlike in shape but occasionally grow into branching filaments. Actinobacilli cause disease in animals that can be transmitted to humans.... actinobacillus


n. a genus of Gram-positive nonmotile fungus-like bacteria that cause disease in animals and humans. The species A. israelii is the causative organism of human *actinomycosis.... actinomyces


n. the treatment of disorders with *infrared or *ultraviolet radiation.... actinotherapy

Action Potential

the change in voltage that occurs across the membrane of a nerve or muscle cell when a *nerve impulse is triggered. It is due to the passage of charged particles across the membrane (see depolarization) and is an observable manifestation of the passage of an impulse.... action potential


adj. the ethical distinction between actively doing something to a patient and simply allowing it to happen or failing to act (the acts and omissions doctrine). For instance, doctors should act to save life if possible, but when death is inevitable it is permissible to let it happen, although the prohibition against killing would not allow active intervention. See also dying.... active/passive

Active Transport

(in biochemistry) an energy-dependent process in which certain substances (including ions, some drugs, and amino acids) are able to cross cell membranes against a concentration gradient. The process is inhibited by substances that interfere with cellular metabolism (e.g. high doses of digitalis).... active transport


n. a protein complex that enhances the biosynthesis and secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone and helps to regulate the menstrual cycle. Inhibin is closely related and exerts an opposite effect: it down-regulates FSH synthesis and inhibits FSH secretion.... activin

Activities Of Daily Living

(ADLs) the tasks of everyday life. Basic ADLs include self-care tasks, such as bathing, dressing, eating, grooming, toileting, and moving. Instrumental ADLs include housework, shopping, managing finances, taking medication, and cooking. Inability to perform ADLs is a practical measure of disability in many disorders; problems are much more prevalent in the elderly.... activities of daily living


n. a protein complex formed in muscle between actin and myosin during the process of contraction. See striated muscle.... actomyosin

Cumulative Action

the toxic effects of a drug produced by repeated administration of small doses at intervals that are not long enough for it to be either broken down or excreted by the body.... cumulative action

Department Of Health And Human Services

(HHS) the major US government agency providing health care. The department was created in 1953 and assumed its current name in 1980. HHS administers more than 300 health and health-related programmes and services, including *Medicare and *Medicaid. Other activities include research, immunization services, and providing financial assistance for low-income families. Almost a quarter of federal spending occurs through HHS.... department of health and human services

Equality And Human Rights Commission

a nondepartmental public body set up in 2007 to promote human rights and equality in regard to age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, sexual orientation, and human rights. It replaced the Commission for Racial Equality, the Disability Rights Commission, and the Equal Opportunities Commission.... equality and human rights commission

Human Chorionic Somatomammotrophin

see human placental lactogen.... human chorionic somatomammotrophin

Human Fertilisation And Embryology Acts

Acts of the UK parliament in 1990 and 2008, establishing and amending principles for the legal supervision, by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, of the creation, use, and storage of human embryos outside the body and of their use in treatment and research. The 2008 amendments included a ban on sex selection for social reasons, recognition of same-sex couples as potential legal parents, and regulations related to developing areas of research using embryos. The 1990 Act had also reduced the legal time limit for most abortions from 28 weeks gestation (as in the 1967 Abortion Act) to 24 weeks. Interpretation and regulation of principles and practice in this rapidly developing area of research and practice continue and are often controversial.... human fertilisation and embryology acts

Human Genome Project

a massive international research project to isolate all the genes in human DNA and determine the sequence of genes on human chromosomes. The project began in 1988 and the full draft sequence was published in 2001; the high-quality sequence was completed in 2003. The human genome comprises some 3 × 109 nucleotide base pairs (see DNA) forming 22,000–25,000 genes, distributed among 23 pairs of chromosomes. Knowledge of the entire human genome has already resulted in the identification of the genes associated with many hereditary disorders and revealed the existence of a genetic basis or component for many other diseases not previously known to have one. Theoretically, this would enable the development of targeted drugs and the large-scale genetic screening of populations. See pharmacogenomics; targeted agent.... human genome project

Human Immunodeficiency Virus

see HIV.... human immunodeficiency virus

Human Leucocyte Antigen System

see HLA system.... human leucocyte antigen system

Human Menopausal Gonadotrophins

commercially available preparations of *follicle-stimulating hormone and *luteinizing hormone. They are used mainly to treat infertility in women with gonadotrophin deficiency due to hypopituitarism and to stimulate superovulation in women undergoing in vitro fertilization.... human menopausal gonadotrophins

Human Placental Lactogen

(human chorionic somatomammotrophin) a protein hormone of 190 amino acids produced by the placenta during most but not all pregnancies. Despite its name it does not appear to have a role in lactation and its exact function remains obscure. It does, however, seem to contribute to the development of diabetes in some pregnancies.... human placental lactogen

Human Rights

a legal framework adopted by the United Nations following World War II that sought to define and promote fundamental entitlements, conditions, and freedoms to be afforded to all human beings. In the UK the Human Rights Act 1998 enacts the provisions of the 1950 European Convention on Human Rights, which sets out, via fourteen articles, an individual’s rights, entitlements, and freedoms.... human rights

Human Tissue Authority

the UK government agency, established by the Human Tissue Act 2004, that regulates the removal, use, and storage of human organs and tissue from both the living and the deceased for certain purposes as defined by the statute. These purposes include clinical research, clinical audit, and medical education. Anyone handling such material for those purposes should have a licence issued by the authority. Membership of the authority comprises clinical, scientific, academic, and lay representatives.... human tissue authority

Optical Activity

the property possessed by some substances of rotating the plane of polarization of polarized light. A compound that rotates the plane to the left is described as laevorotatory (or l-); one that rotates the plane to the right is described as dextrorotatory (or d-).... optical activity

Participatory Action Research

(PAR) a radical approach to public health issues that actively involves communities in collaboration, reflection, data collection, and activities that empower them to improve their own health. See empowerment.... participatory action research

Plasminogen Activators

enzymes that convert the inactive substance *plasminogen to the active enzyme *plasmin, which digests blood clots (see fibrinolysis). There are two types of plasminogen activators, *tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) and urokinase-like plasminogen activator (uPA). See blood coagulation.... plasminogen activators

Potassium-channel Activator

any one of a class of drugs that enhance the movement of potassium ions through the *ion channels in cell membranes. In the case of smooth muscle cells, such as those in the walls of arteries, their sensitivity to the normal stimuli to contract is reduced. The result is relaxation of the muscle fibres and widening of the arteries. Potassium-channel activators are used for improving the blood supply to the heart muscle in angina pectoris. Possible side-effects include headache, flushing, vomiting, dizziness, and weakness. A currently available member of the class is nicorandil.... potassium-channel activator

Platelet Activation

the process whereby platelets adhere to collagen released from endothelial cells in damaged blood vessels and aggregate to form a plug. An important metabolic pathway in platelets converts membrane phospholipids to *thromboxane A2 (TXA2), which can activate platelets. ADP, released from platelet granules, and *thrombin are other activators. The adhesive and aggregation reactions of platelets are mediated through surface membrane glycoproteins (Glp), Glp Ib and Glp IIb/IIIa. Aspirin acts as an *antiplatelet drug by irreversibly inhibiting one of the enzymes of this pathway, cyclo-oxygenase. Clopidrogel inhibits the ADP receptor on platelet membranes, and *abciximab blocks platelet aggregation by inhibiting Glp IIb/IIIa (see illustration overleaf).... platelet activation

Pulseless Electrical Activity

(electromechanical dissociation) the appearance of normal-looking complexes on the electrocardiogram that are, however, associated with a state of *cardiac arrest. It is usually caused by large pulmonary emboli (see pulmonary embolism), *cardiac tamponade, tension *pneumothorax, severe disturbance of body salt levels, severe haemorrhage, or hypothermia causing severe lack of oxygen to the heart muscle.... pulseless electrical activity

Reticular Activating System

the system of nerve pathways in the brain concerned with the level of consciousness – from the states of sleep, drowsiness, and relaxation to full alertness and attention. The system integrates information from all of the senses and from the cerebrum and cerebellum and determines the overall activity of the brain and the autonomic nervous system and patterns of behaviour during waking and sleeping.... reticular activating system

Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator

(tPA, TPA) a natural protein, found in the body and able to be manufactured by genetic engineering, that can break up a thrombus (see thrombolysis). It requires the presence of *fibrin as a cofactor and is able to activate *plasminogen on the fibrin surface, which distinguishes it from the other plasminogen activators, *streptokinase and *urokinase. tPAs include reteplase and tenecteplase, given to treat acute myocardial infarction, and *alteplase.... tissue-type plasminogen activator

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