Helle Health Dictionary

Helle: From 1 Different Sources

(Greek) In mythology, the daughter of Athamas who escaped sacrifice on the back of a golden ram
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Hellebore, Black

Protection ****TOXIC*** ... hellebore, black

Helleborus Niger


Family: Ranunculaceae.

Habitat: Native to sub-alpine woods in Southern and Eastern Europe. Grown in Indian gardens.

English: Black Hellebore, Christmas Rose.

Ayurvedic: Khuraasaani Kutaki.

Unani: Kharbaq Siyah, Kutaki.

Action: Digitalis-like action in cardiac disorders, drastic purgative, abortifacient, diuretic, local anaesthetic, narcotic.

The rhizome contains cardiac glycosides; helleborin, helleborein, hellebrin and others based on helleborigenin.

Helleborin has a burning, acrid taste and is narcotic. Helleborein has a sweetish taste and is a highly active cardiac poison. Helleborin and veratrin (steroidal saponins), helle- brin or helleborein (steroid glycoside) are main constituents of the root and leaves. The plant irritates mucous membranes.

A related species, Helleborus virdis Linn. (Bear's Foot, Green Hellebore) is known as Kaali Kutaki and Krishna- bhedi. The plant contains magno- florine and corytuberine. The roots and rhizomes gave hellebrin, desgluco- hellebrin, hellebrigenin, bufatetraeno- lide, beta-ecdysterone and 5beta-hy- droxyecdysterone.... helleborus niger

Heller’s Operation

see achalasia. [E. Heller (1877–1964), Austrian pathologist]... heller’s operation

Heller’s Test

a test for the presence of protein (albumin) in the urine. A quantity of urine is carefully poured onto the same quantity of pure nitric acid in a test tube. A white ring forms at the junction of the liquids if albumin is present. However, a similar result may be obtained if the urine contains certain drugs or is very concentrated. A dark brown ring indicates the presence of an abnormally high level of potassium indoxyl sulphate in the urine (see indicanuria). [J. F. Heller (1813–71), Austrian pathologist]... heller’s test

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