Helium Health Dictionary

Helium: From 1 Different Sources

This is the lightest gas known, with the exception of hydrogen. This property renders it of value in ANAESTHESIA, as its addition to the anaesthetic means that it can be inhaled with less e?ort by the patient. Thus it can be used in the presence of any obstruction to the entry of air to the lungs.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


The radiations of radium consist of: (1) alpha rays, which are positively charged helium nuclei; (2) beta rays – negatively charged electrons; (3) gamma rays, similar to X-RAYS but of shorter wavelength. These days the use of radium is largely restricted to the treatment of carcinoma of the neck of the womb, the tongue, and the lips. Neither X-rays nor radium supersede active surgical measures when these are available for the complete removal of a tumour.... radium


n. the destruction of diseased or unwanted tissue based on freezing. For example, prostate cryotherapy involves two alternate freeze-thaw cycles using specialized needles introduced into the prostate through the perineum to destroy cancer cells, either after failed radiotherapy or as a primary treatment. Freezing is performed by the infusion of argon gas through the needles and thawing by the infusion of helium. See also cyclocryotherapy; cryosurgery; hypothermia.... cryotherapy

Plasma Coagulation

a type of *electrocoagulation used to arrest haemorrhage or destroy abnormal tissue. A stream of inert gas, such as argon or helium, is ionized, thereby carrying electrical energy to adjacent tissue; there is no physical contact between the plasma coagulation apparatus and the tissue.... plasma coagulation


n. energy in the form of waves or particles, especially electromagnetic radiation, which includes (in order of increasing energy) radio waves, microwaves, *infrared rays (radiant heat), visible light, *ultraviolet rays, *X-rays, and *gamma rays. The latter two are described as ionizing radiation due to their effect on other atoms and are potentially harmful. Particle radiation is described as alpha (a helium nucleus), beta (an electron), or *positron emission. Only the latter is commonly used for diagnostic imaging (see positron emission tomography).... radiation

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