Hair analysis Health Dictionary

Hair Analysis: From 1 Different Sources

Hair is believed to be a “time capsule” of a person’s metabolic activity. Believed to be a useful means of acquiring information regarding the concentration of mineral nutrients and toxins. Alone, it does not provide sufficient evidence for purposes of diagnosis, but helpful in building a picture of the nutritional state of the patient. 
Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia


See SKIN; WHITE HAIR.... hair


A statistical procedure to combine results from different studies on a similar topic. The combination of results from multiple studies may produce a stronger conclusion than can be provided by any singular study. Meta-analysis is generally most appropriate when there are no definitive studies on a topic and non-definitive studies are in some disagreement.... meta-analysis


Analysis means a separation into component parts by determination of the chemical constituents of a substance. The process of analysis is carried out by various means, for example: chromatographic analysis by means of the adsorption column; colorimetric analysis by means of various colour tests; densimetric analysis by estimation of the speci?c gravity; gasometric analysis by estimation of the di?erent gases given o? in some process; polariscope analysis by means of the polariscope; and volumetric analysis by measuring volumes of liquids. Analysis is also sometimes used as an abbreviation for PSYCHOANALYSIS.... analysis

Cost-benefit Analysis

The systematic comparison, in monetary terms, of all the costs and benefits of proposed alternative schemes with a view to determining: which scheme or combination of schemes will contribute most to the achievement of predetermined objectives at a fixed level of investment; or the magnitude of the benefit that can result from schemes requiring the minimum investment. The resources required per unit of benefit must be determined, account being taken of the fact that costs and benefits accrue with time. For example, the cost of establishing a home and community care programme might be compared with the total cost of building residential facilities. Cost-benefit analysis can also be applied to specific medical tests and treatments.... cost-benefit analysis

Multivariate Analysis

A set of techniques used when the variation in several variables has to be studied simultaneously. In statistics, any analytic method that allows the simultaneous study of two or more independent variables.... multivariate analysis

Risk-benefit Analysis

The process of analysing and comparing, on a single scale, the expected positive (benefits) and negative (risks, costs) results of an action, or lack of an action.... risk-benefit analysis

Content Analysis

A systematic analysis of the content rather than the structure of a communication, such as a written work, speech or film, including the study of thematic and symbolic elements to determine the objective or meaning of the communication.... content analysis

Cost Minimization Analysis

A determination of the least costly among alternative interventions that are assumed to produce equivalent outcomes.... cost minimization analysis

Cost-effectiveness Analysis

A form of analysis that seeks to determine the costs and effectiveness of a health intervention compared with similar alternative interventions to determine the relative degree to which they will obtain the desired health outcome(s).... cost-effectiveness analysis

Cost-of-illness Analysis

A determination of the economic impact of a disease or health condition, including treatment costs.... cost-of-illness analysis

Cross-utility Analysis

A form of cost-effectiveness analysis of alternative interventions in which costs are measured in monetary units and outcomes are measured in terms of their utility, usually to the individual, e.g. using QALYs.... cross-utility analysis

Decision Analysis

An approach to decision-making that involves modelling the sequences or pathways of multiple possible strategies (e.g. of diagnosis and treatment for a particular clinical problem) to determine which is optimal. It is based upon available estimates (drawn from the literature or from experts) of the probabilities that certain events and outcomes will occur and the values of the outcomes that would result from each strategy.... decision analysis

Hair Jellyfish

The Australian colloquial term for Cyanea - also known as Lion’s Mane in many other countries.... hair jellyfish

Hair, Removal Of

See DEPILATION.... hair, removal of

Jungian Analysis

A school of ‘analytical psychology’, ?rst described by Carl Gustav Jung in 1913. It introduced the concepts of ‘introvert’ and ‘extrovert’ personalities, and developed the theory of the ‘collective unconscious’ with its archetypes of man’s basic psychic nature. In contrast with Freudian analysis (see FREUDIAN THEORY), in Jungian analysis the relationship between therapist and patient is less one-sided because the therapist is more willing to be active and to reveal information about him or herself. (See also PSYCHOANALYSIS.)... jungian analysis

Profile Analysis Or Profiling

Review and analysis of practice profiles to identify and assess patterns of health care services.... profile analysis or profiling

Regression Analysis

A tool to estimate the relationships among a dependent variable Y and one (or many) independent variable(s) X. The purpose of regression analysis is to find the “best fit” data points from a straight line drawn on an XY graph.... regression analysis

Root-cause Analysis

A process for identifying the basic or causal factor(s) that underlie variations in performance, including the occurrence or possible occurrence of an error.... root-cause analysis

Secondary Data Analysis

This type of analysis utilizes existing data sources either through synthesis or integration; meta-analysis is an example of secondary data analysis.... secondary data analysis

Unit (of Analysis)

The unit to which a performance measure is applied (e.g. subjects, patients, clinicians, group of professionals).... unit (of analysis)

Tea For Hair

Tea is a natural beverage that helps us stay healthy. It has plenty of health benefits related to our body - and this includes our hair, as well. Tea can act as a natural treatment for our hair. Find out more about teas for hair! Why choose tea for hair Tea can help you with various hair problems. Even if you do not have problems, you can use it as a natural “conditioner”. Benefits of tea for hair include: promoting hair growth, keeping your scalp clean, making your hair soft and shiny, acting as a mild, natural hair dye. Tea for hair Green tea is useful when it comes to preventing hair loss. Consumption of green tea reduces DHT levels and promotes blood circulation. To get these benefits, you can either drink green tea daily, massage your scalp after having rinsed your hair with green tea, or use hair care products which list green tea among their ingredients. Black tea also reduces hair loss. Besides this, it makes your hair soft and shiny, and it also acts as a mild, natural hair dye. Rinsing your hair with black tea can either darken it or bring out your natural highlights. Teas can help with hair growth, too. Types of tea which promote hair growth include nettle tea, lemongrass tea, rosemary tea and chamomile tea (which also helps you relax and reduces stress). Chamomile tea helps with scalp problems, as well, and so do burdock tea, comfrey root tea, calendula tea and marshmallow tea. Also, if you have problems with damaged hair, rinse it with neem tea. Side effects of tea for hair Side effects of green tea and black tea are related to the caffeine content which can be found in the Camellia Sinensis plant. If you know that coffee is not good for you, you might get some of these symptoms: dizziness, insomnia, loss of appetite and irritability. Rosemary tea should not be given to children under 18. Also, it should not be drunk by people taking blood-thinning drugs or high blood pressure medications. And as for marshmallow tea, it should not be drunk by people who suffer from diabetes or liver diseases. Tea can act as a natural conditioner for your hair. At the same time, when drinking it, you get many more health benefits, as well. Make sure you use these teas for hair!... tea for hair

White Hair

The greying or whitening of hair which takes place with age is due to a loss of its pigment, MELANIN, and the collection of air bubbles in the shaft of the hair. There is no evidence that hair ever goes white overnight, whether in response to shock, strain or any other cause. Rapid whitening may occur patchily in a matter of days, but it is more often a matter of weeks or months. In the more rapid cases the cause is thought to be a form of ALOPECIA in which the dark hairs which fall out are replaced by white hairs. An alternative cause is VITILIGO. Certain drugs, including mephenesin and CHLOROQUINE, may also cause whitening of the hair.... white hair

Hair Care

Hair, like nails and skin, is a protein material built up on amino acids. It is rich in minerals, especially sulphur. A sebaceous gland at the base of the hair follicle secretes sebum, an oily substance, which acts as a lubricant. When vital minerals and vitamins are lacking in the blood the quality of fibre and sebum deteriorates resulting in lustreless hair and change of texture. Healthy hair depends upon good personal hygiene, brushing, and washing with gentle-acting materials instead of harsh detergent shampoos which remove natural oils from the scalp and spoils its condition.

An adequate daily intake of essential fatty acids is assured by the golden oils (Sunflower, Corn, etc) which can be well supported by Evening Primrose oil capsules.

Internal: Bamboo gum. Nettle tea, Alfalfa, Horsetail, Soya.

Topical. Shampoo. Soapwort or Yucca. Chop 2 tablespoons (dry) or 1 tablespoon (fresh) leaves or root. Place in cup of warm water. Stir until a froth is produced. Decant and massage liquor into scalp.

Aloe Vera gel is noted for its moisturising effect and to provide nutrients. It may be used as a shampoo, hair set and conditioner. Jojoba oil has been used for centuries by the Mexican Indians for a healthy scalp; today, it is combined with Evening Primrose and Vitamin E with good effect. Olive oil stimulates strong growth.

One of several herbs may be used as a rinse, including Nettles, Rosemary, Southernwood, Fennel, Chamomile, Yellow Dock and Quassia. Hair should be washed not more than once weekly with warm water and simple vegetable soap; rinse four times with warm rinse, finishing off with cold. Brunettes should add a little vinegar; blondes, lemon juice. Selenium once had a reputation as a hair conditioner; recent research confirms. Selenium shampoos are available.

Supplements: Vitamins B (complex), B6, Choline, C and E. Copper, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin B12 (50mg thrice daily).

Aromatherapy. 2 drops each: Sage, Nettles, Thyme; to 2 teaspoons Gin or Vodka, and massage into the scalp daily. ... hair care

Hair – Dry

Internally, and externally where lotions, creams etc are available. Burdock root, Comfrey, Elderflowers, Geranium, Marshmallow, Nettles, Parsley, Sage.

Itchy scalp. Catmint leaves and flowers, Chamomile, Comfrey. ... hair – dry

Hair Falling

To arrest recent fall-out where baldness has not been established. See: HAIR LOSS for internal treatments.

Topical. Massage scalp with creams or lotions of Jojoba, Aloe Vera, or wash with strong teas made from Burdock, Sage, Elder leaves, Walnut leaves or Nettles. Apple Cider vinegar.

Aromatherapy. 2 drops each: Sage, Nettles, Thyme to two teaspoons Gin, Vodka or strong spirit. Massage into scalp daily.

Supplements. Biotin, a growth factor, seems to slow down hair loss and is a substitute for oestrogen in a penetrating cream applied to the scalp. Inositol 300mg; Zinc 15mg, daily. ... hair falling

Hair – Greying

Rinse hair with strong decoction of Rosemary, Red Sage or Oak bark: believed to temporarily allay greying of the hair.

Supplements: PABA, Vitamin B-complex, Kelp, Selenium, Zinc. ... hair – greying

Hair – Oily

To condition. Calendula, Clary, all kinds of mints, Horsetail, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Rosemary, Southernwood. Internal and external. ... hair – oily

Hair Loss

Alopecia. Baldness. Shedding of the hair in patches leaving glossy bald areas. It is normal to lose about one hundred hairs a day, but severe stress such as unemployment, divorce or death in a family may considerably increase hair loss. Losses of long-standing are seldom recovered.

Causes: hormone deficiency (Agnus Castus) in females, where it may be associated with failing thyroid or ovarian function. In such cases, other agents include: Helonias, Motherwort, Black Haw bark. Other causes may be pregnancy, the menopause, or simply discontinuing The Pill. Certain skin diseases predispose: ringworm (Thuja), eczema (Yellow Dock), from thyroid disorder (Kelp, Blue Flag root).

Exposure to some cosmetics, excessive sunlight, strong chemicals and treatment of cancer with cytotoxic drugs may interfere with nutrition of the hair follicles. To ensure a healthy scalp a correct mineral balance is essential calling for supplementation of the diet with vitamins, selenium, zinc and silica. Yellow Dock is believed to counter toxicity of chemicals; Pleurisy root opens the pores to promote sweat and action of surface capillaries.

Baldness sometimes happens suddenly; eye-lashes or beard may be affected. Though emotional stress and a run-down condition is a frequent cause, most cases are not permanent, returning to normal with adequate treatment.

Baldness of the eyebrows alerts us to a lowered function of the thyroid gland, being an early outward sign of myxoedema. A pony-tail hair style or the wearing of a crash helmet may cause what is known as traction alopecia. Heavy coffee drinkers invariably lose hair lustre.

Soviet Research favours silica-rich plants internally and as a lotion: Horsetail, Burdock, Nettles, Bamboo gum.

Growth of hair is assisted by improving surface circulation of the scalp which is beneficial for conveying nutrients to the hair roots and facilitating drainage. Herbal vasodilators stimulate hair follicle nutrition and encourage growth: Cayenne, Pleurisy root, Black Cohosh and Prickly Ash, taken internally. A convenient way of taking Cayenne is the use of a pepper-shaker at table.

Topical. Hair rinse. 2-3 times weekly. Infusion: equal parts Yarrow, Sage and Rosemary. 1oz (30g) to 1 pint (500ml) water. Simmer gently five minutes. Allow to cool. Strain before use.

Cider vinegar – minimal success reported.

Day lotion. Liquid Extract Jaborandi half an ounce; Tincture Cantharides half an ounce; Oil Jojoba to 4oz. Shake well before use.

Oily lotion. Equal parts Olive and Eucalyptus oils.

Bay Rhum Lotion. Oil of Bay 50 drops; Olive oil half an ounce; Rum (Jamaica or other) to 4oz. Shake well before use.

Oil Rosemary: rub into hair roots.

Russian Traditional. Castor oil half an ounce; Almond oil 1oz; Oil Geranium 15 drops; Vodka to 6oz. Rub into hair roots.

Aromatherapy. To 1oz Castor oil and 1oz Olive oil add, 10 drops each – Oils Neroli, Lavender and Rosemary.

Gentian plant extract. Japanese scalp massage with extract from roots to thicken thinning hair. Some success reported.

Supplements. B-vitamins, Kelp, Silicea Biochemic salt. Zinc. Low levels of iron and zinc can cause the condition.

Note: Studies show that male occipital baldness confers a risk of heart disease, being associated with a higher total cholesterol and diastolic blood pressure than men with a full head of hair. Frontal baldness has not been found to be associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarct. “It seems prudent for bald men to be specially vigorous in controlling risk factors for such conditions.” (S.M. Lesko, Journal of the American Medical Association, Feb 24, 1993, 269: 998-1003) ... hair loss

Hair – Surplus


HAKIMS. A group of herbal therapists, usually Indian or Muslim, who practise the Ayurvedic system of medicine. See: AYURVEDIC.

HALFA SUDANI. Sudanese grass. Hamareb. Traditional reputation in Egypt and the Sudan for breaking- up gravel and stone. Due to high salt content in soil and water, gravel is a common native affliction.

Tea: whole plant: 1oz to 1 pint water simmered 5 minutes. 1 cup freely until all is taken during the day. Continue until positive results ensue. ... hair – surplus

Analysis, Chemical

Determination of the identity of a substance or of the individual chemical constituents of a mixture. Analysis may be qualitative, as in determining whether a particular substance is present, or it may be quantitative, that is, measuring the amount or concentration of one or more constituents. (See also assay.)... analysis, chemical

Analysis, Psychological

See psychoanalysis.... analysis, psychological

Dream Analysis

The interpretation of a person’s dreams as part of psychoanalysis or psychotherapy.

First developed by Sigmund Freud, it is based on the idea that repressed feelings and thoughts are revealed, in a disguised manner, in dreams.... dream analysis

Hair Removal

Hair is usually removed from the body for cosmetic reasons.

It may also be shaved from around an incision site before surgery.

Temporary methods include shaving, waxing, depilatory creams, and waxing; electrolysis is the only permanent method of removal.... hair removal

Lanugo Hair

Fine, soft, downy hair that covers a fetus. Lanugo hair first appears in the 4th or 5th month of gestation and usually disappears by the 9th month. It can still be seen in some premature babies. Lanugo hair sometimes reappears in adults who have cancer. It may also occur in those with anorexia nervosa or be a side effect of certain drugs, especially ciclosporin.... lanugo hair

Seminal Fluid Analysis

Analysis of sperm concentration, shape, and motility (ability to move).

It is used to investigate male infertility and is also done some weeks after vasectomy to ensure that the semen no longer contains sperm.... seminal fluid analysis

Hair Follicle

a sheath of epidermal cells and connective tissue that surrounds the root of a *hair.... hair follicle

Hair Papilla

a projection of the dermis that is surrounded by the base of the hair bulb. It contains the capillaries that supply blood to the growing *hair.... hair papilla

Chromosome Analysis

Study of the chromosomes in body cells to discover whether a chromosomal abnormality is present or to establish its nature. Fetal cells for analysis can be obtained in the uterus by amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. If a serious abnormality such as Down’s syndrome is identified, termination of the pregnancy and genetic counselling is offered. Chromosome analysis is also carried out when a baby is stillborn without an obvious cause, or is born with abnormal physical characteristics that suggest a chromosomal defect, such as Turner’s sydrome.

Chromosome analysis in children and adults uses white blood cells taken from a blood sample. Analysis of the sex chromosomes may be carried out to establish the chromosomal sex of a child in cases where the genitals have an ambiguous appearance (see genitalia, ambiguous); to confirm or exclude the diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities; or to investigate infertility.... chromosome analysis

Hair Transplant

A cosmetic operation in which hairy sections of scalp are removed and transplanted to hairless areas to treat alopecia (baldness). There are several different techniques.

In strip grafting, a strip of skin and hair is taken from a donor site, usually at the back of the scalp or behind the ears. The removed hairs and their follicles are then inserted into numerous incisions made in a bald area, known as the recipient site. The procedure usually takes 60–90 minutes. The patient is given a mild sedative and anaesthetic on the donor and recipient sites. The donor site heals in about 5 days. Transplanted hairs fall out shortly afterwards, but new hairs grow from the follicles 3 weeks to 3 months later.

Other transplant techniques include punch grafting, in which a punch is used to remove small areas of bald scalp, which are replaced with areas of hairy scalp; flap grafting, in which flaps of hairy skin are lifted, rotated, and stitched to replace bald areas; and male pattern baldness reduction, which involves cutting out areas of bald skin and stretching surrounding areas of hair-bearing scalp to replace them.... hair transplant

Intention To Treat Analysis

a research process in which results are reported according to the treatment arm to which a research subject was assigned, rather than the treatment eventually received. Intention to treat analysis is very widely used in clinical research as a method of avoiding *bias resulting from nonrandom withdrawal from the trial or crossover between treatment arms.... intention to treat analysis

Menkes Kinky-hair Disease

a genetic disorder characterized by severe learning disabilities, seizures, poor vision, colourless fragile hair, and chubby red cheeks. It is inherited as an X-linked (see sex-linked) recessive characteristic. There is no treatment and affected infants usually die before the age of three. [J. H. Menkes (1928–2008), US neurologist]... menkes kinky-hair disease

Northern Blot Analysis

a technique for identifying a specific form of messenger RNA in cells. It uses a gene *probe known to match the RNA being sought. Compare Southern blot analysis; Western blot analysis.... northern blot analysis

Seminal Analysis

analysis of a specimen of semen, which should be obtained after five days of abstinence from coitus, in order to assess male fertility. Normal values are as follows: volume of ejaculate: 2–6.5 ml; liquefaction complete in 30 minutes; sperm concentration: 20–200 million spermatozoa per ml (sperm count refers to the total number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate); motility: 60% moving progressively at 30 minutes to 3 hours; abnormal forms: less than 20%. Analysis of three separate specimens is necessary before confirming the presence of an abnormal result.... seminal analysis

Six-category Intervention Analysis

a framework for exploring how care is delivered, based on the idea that there are six main styles of interaction (prescriptive, informative, confronting, cathartic, catalytic, and supportive). The analysis is widely used to help health-care professionals develop an understanding of interpersonal relationships, reflect on their own practice, and enhance their interactions with clients.... six-category intervention analysis

Southern Blot Analysis

a technique for identifying a specific form of DNA in cells. The DNA is extracted from the cells and restriction enzymes used to cut it into small fragments. The fragments are separated and a gene *probe known to match the DNA fragment being sought is used. Compare Northern blot analysis; Western blot analysis. [E. M. Southern (1938– ), US biologist]... southern blot analysis

Western Blot Analysis

a technique for the detection of specific proteins. After separation by *electrophoresis, the proteins are bound to radioactively labelled antibodies and identified by X-ray. Compare Northern blot analysis; Southern blot analysis.... western blot analysis

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