Gubernaculum Health Dictionary

Gubernaculum: From 2 Different Sources

n. (pl. gubernacula) either of a pair of fibrous strands of tissue that connect the gonads to the inguinal region in the fetus. In the male they guide and possibly move the testes into the scrotum before birth. In the female the ovaries descend only slightly within the abdominal cavity and the gubernacula persist as the round ligaments connecting the ovaries and uterus to the abdominal wall.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


A cuticular thickening of the ventral wall of the spicular pouch in nematodes. Both gubernaculum and telamon are for guiding the spicules out of the body. Shape and size and number of the spicules, gubernaculum and telamon are also used for identification of the nematodes.... telamon

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