Grade Health Dictionary

Grade: From 2 Different Sources

n. 1. the severity of a malignant tumour according to its degree of *differentiation. Low-grade tumours (grade 1) closely resemble normal tissues, are well differentiated, and have a good prognosis. High-grade tumours (grade 3) show a poor resemblance to normal tissues, are poorly differentiated, and have a poor prognosis. Benign tumours are not graded. 2. the severity of a non-neoplastic disease.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Gleason Grade

the grade (from one to five) given to an area of prostate cancer, reflecting the level of differentiation of the tumour. The tumour pattern is assessed by examining the gland at low magnification. Higher grades indicate poorer differentiation. [D. F. Gleason (1920–2008), US pathologist]... gleason grade

Graded Self-exposure

a technique used in the *behaviour therapy of phobias. A hierarchy of fears (increasingly fearful stimuli) is set up and the patients expose themselves to each level of the hierarchy in turn. Exposure continues until *habituation occurs; the patient then proceeds to the next highest level of the hierarchy. The patient is ultimately able to cope with the feared object or situation.... graded self-exposure

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