Eye drops Health Dictionary

Eye-drops: From 3 Different Sources


1. Liquid Extract Witch Hazel 60 drops; Liquid Extract Goldenseal 20 drops; 4oz pure spring water, or distilled water. Mix. For conjunctivitis. Instil 3-5 drops, 3-4 times daily.

2. Tincture Goldenseal 5 drops; Liquid Extract Eyebright 30 drops; Rosewater (or pure spring water) 3oz. Mix. (A. Barker FNIMH) Apply, as above. For eye infections.

3. Teas made from any of the following: Raspberry leaves, Eyebright, Clary Sage, Chamomile, Mullein, Plantain, Elderflowers. Prepare: 1 teaspoon to each cup boiling water, infuse 15 minutes. Strain. Half fill eyebath for tepid douche, freely. For tired strained eyes.

4. Soothing eye-drops for inflammation: 1-2 drops Castor oil. Administering eye drops can be an awkward procedure. To overcome problems of direction and dose an eye-drop dispenser has been developed by Dispomed Ltd, 114 Northgate Street, Chester, UK. The device, Opticare, is on prescription in the UK. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia
Medication in solution used to treat eye disorders or to aid in diagnosis.

Examples of drugs given in this form are antibiotic drugs, corticosteroid drugs, antihistamine drugs, and drugs used to dilate or constrict the pupil.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
Eye drops and ointment are used extensively in the treatment of eye disease. They should be used as instructed by the prescribing physician. Most can be used for one month after the bottle has been opened but should then be discarded and a repeat prescription obtained if necessary. Any eye drops or ointment can have side-effects, and any di?culty with them should be referred to the prescribing physician.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary


An excessive accumulation of clear or watery fluid in any of the tissues or cavities of the body... dropsy

Cardiac Dropsy

Dropsy of heart origin is distinguished from renal dropsy by an increase in oedema as the day proceeds. In the morning there may be no swelling but by the evening legs become swollen from the ankles upwards. Fluids stagnate in the tissues from inability of the heart to perform efficiently as a pump. The condition is a symptom of heart failure with increasing breathlessness which may lead to general dropsy.

Symptoms: worse after exercise, breathlessness, headache, general weakness, feeble pulse, pale face, skin cold, swollen tissues pit on pressure.

Treatment. Alternatives:– Teas. Black Cohosh, Broom tops, Buchu, Dandelion, Hawthorn, Parsley root. Tea. Formula. Equal parts: Broom tops, Motherwort, Yarrow. 2 teaspoons to each cup water brought to boil and simmered 5 minutes in covered vessel. 1 cup 3-4 times daily.

Tablets/capsules. Buchu, Dandelion, Hawthorn, Juniper, Motherwort.

Formula. Dandelion 2; Hawthorn 2; Stone root 1. Mix. Dose: Powders: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Thrice daily.

Practitioner. Lily of the Valley, BPC 1934: 5-20 drops, 2-3 times daily.

Squills, tincture: resembles Digitalis in action. Dose: 1-3 drops, as prescribed.

Tinctures. Dandelion 2; Lily of the Valley 2; Stone root 1; Cayenne (tincture) quarter. Mix. Dose: 1 to 2 teaspoons thrice daily.

Popular formula. Tincture Scilla 5.0; Tincture Crataegus 10.0; Tincture Valerian to make 30.0. 15 drops thrice daily. (German Extemporaneous Formulae)

Diet. High protein. See: DIET – HEART AND CIRCULATION. ... cardiac dropsy

Dropsy: Cardiac

 Oedema (excess fluid in the tissues) may be due to poor circulation from impaired heart action. The condition is worse at the end of the day.

Treatment. Agents in frequent use: Broom, Lily of the Valley, Hawthorn (blossoms or berries), Motherwort.

Tea. Combine equal parts: Dandelion root, Motherwort, Yarrow. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes; 1 cup thrice daily.

Powders. Equal parts: Dandelion root, Juniper berries, Hawthorn berries. Mix. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon).

Practitioner. Lily of the Valley. Dose as BHP (1983): Liquid Extract: 1:1 in 25 per cent alcohol, 0.6-2ml. Tincture: 1:5 in 40 per cent alcohol, 0.5-1ml. Thrice daily.

Dropsy in children: cucumber juice extracted from vegetable with aid of a juicer. As many cupfuls as well-tolerated. If vomiting is induced, it should be regarded as favourable.

Diet. Lacto-vegetarian, salt-free, bottled or spring water, honey. ... dropsy: cardiac

Dropsy, Renal

 Oedema. Hydrops. Not a disease but a condition. An abnormal accumulation of fluid in a body cavity or beneath the skin. Due to weakened walls of capillaries caused by circulating toxins obstructing the flow of blood or lymph. Gross oedema of nephrotic syndrome associated with low plasma protein level and high proteinuria.

Renal dropsy is worse in the early morning, with loose tissues under the eyes.

Treatment. When fluid rapidly collects it may have to be aspirated (drawn off) but before this stage is reached herbal diuretics and cardiac tonics have much to offer. In acute conditions, sweat glands should be stimulated by suitable diaphoretics to assist elimination of excess fluid through the skin. Attention to the bowels is important; a timely copious bowel action greatly assisting elimination. A well-known diuretic for dropsy is Juniper, 3 to 5 drops taken in honey 2 or 3 times daily.

Alternatives. Teas. (Simple infusions): Agrimony, Bearberry, Boldo, Boneset, Borage, Buchu, Celery seed, Clivers, Corn Silk, Dandelion leaves, Parsley leaves, Elderflowers, Bogbean, Heartsease, Lime flowers, Parsley Piert, Pellitory, Plantain, Sea Holly, Wild Carrot, Yarrow.

Decoctions. Broom tops, Lovage, Burdock root, Couchgrass, Dandelion root, Juniper berries, Blue Flag root.

Bean Cure (Phaseolus vulgaris). 1 tablespoon kidney (haricot) bean pods, sliced, in cup water simmered gently for 5 minutes. 1 cup morning and mid-day.

Sassafras root. An old Swedish colonist of the late 18th century related how his mother cured many cases of dropsy with a decoction of Sassafras root. (American Indian Medicine. Virgil Vogel, p.363) Of historic interest only, this root is no longer used in herbal practice.

Tablets/capsules. Buchu. Dandelion. Juniper. Celery. Garlic. Blue Flag.

Powders. Equal parts: Buchu, Dandelion root, Stone root, Senna leaf. Mix. Dose: 500-750mg (2 × 3 × 00 capsules or one-third to half a teaspoon) thrice daily.

Liquid Extracts. Equal parts: Buchu, Clivers, Blue Flag. Mix. 30-60 drops, thrice daily.

Practitioner. Alternatives with a record of efficacy. Tinctures.

Formula 1. Burdock, 20ml; Buchu, 20ml; Bearberry, 20ml; Aqua to 100ml. Dose: 5ml 3 times daily in water.

Formula 2. Juniper, 10ml; Buchu, 20ml; Broom, 10ml; Dandelion, 10ml. Aqua to 100ml. Dose: 5ml, 3 times daily, in water.

Topical. Poultice over kidney area: quarter of an ounce Irish Moss gently simmered in half a pint water to a jellied mass and applied on linen or suitable material to the small of the back. Repeat 2 or 3 times with fresh hot poultices.

Diet. High protein, low salt. Fresh conservatively-cooked vegetables, polyunsaturated oils. Bottled or spring water.

Supplementation. Vitamin A, B-complex, B1, B6, C, E, Potassium.

General. Elevation of affected limbs above level of abdomen.

This condition should be treated by or in liaison with a qualified medical practitioner. ... dropsy, renal

Ear Drops

Used for a number of purposes from softening wax to arresting a discharge. Alternatives: 1. Oil Cajeput 4 per cent; Oil Rosemary 4 per cent; Oil of Almond (or Mullein) to 100 per cent. For infection.

2. 30 drops Goldenseal; 30 drops Tincture Myrrh; half an ounce Almond oil. For pus-discharging infection. Otorrhoea.

3. Practitioner: Effective stock ear drops: Oil Cajeput 2 per cent; Oil Tea-Tree 2 per cent; Menthol 2 per cent; Oil of Almond (or Mullein) to 100 per cent.

4. Garlic capsule. Pierce tip and squeeze contents into the ear for staphylococcus aureus.

5. Vitamin E capsule. For tinnitus.

Wash hands; lie or sit down; tilt head to bring ear uppermost; pull ear backwards; insert 3-4 drops. Remain in same position for 2 minutes. ... ear drops

Life Drops

A combination of tinctures devised to stimulate a healthy reaction from the major organs of the body. For promoting body warmth in winter; mobilising resources to fight off colds, chills, or threatening infection. When the fires of life burn low, a few drops in a cup of tea has power to revive and rouse the vital force.

Ingredients: Tincture Capsicum fort 70 per cent, (general stimulant). Ess Menth Pip 20 per cent (stomach and intestines). Tincture Elder flowers 5 per cent (to promote vigorous peripheral circulation). Tincture Cola vera 2 per cent (to activate brain cells). Tincture Hawthorn (or Cactus grand) 3 per cent (to sustain the heart).

Formula: Edgar G. Jones MNIMH ... life drops

Nose Drops Drill

To have effect upon the nasal mucosa, drops for congestion of the upper respiratory tract should be correctly instilled otherwise they may arrive in the stomach. The patient should lie on his back with his head hanging over the edge of the bed. Drops, blood heat, should be instilled into the nostrils and the patient remain in the same position for two minutes. Drops should be used in this way for no more than three days. Ephedrine BPC, Garlic, Lobelia, Menthol, etc.

Effective oil: Tea Tree oil (1 part) to 20 parts Almond, Olive or Corn oil.

Alternative. Adopt Mecca position. Kneel down, place head on ground and tuck under. The spray will reach the maximum surface of action in the nasal cavity. ... nose drops drill

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