Ectoderm Health Dictionary

Ectoderm: From 3 Different Sources

The outer of the three germ layers of the EMBRYO during its early development. The ectoderm develops into the nervous systems, organs of sensation, teeth and lining of mouth, and the SKIN and its associated structures such as hair and nails.
Health Source: Dictionary of Tropical Medicine
Author: Health Dictionary
The outer tissues of an organism from which nerve, gland and nematocyst cells will develop.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. the outer of the three *germ layers of the early embryo. It gives rise to the nervous system and sense organs, the teeth and lining of the mouth, and to the *epidermis and its associated structures (hair, nails, etc.). —ectodermal adj.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Germ Layer

Any one of the three discrete varieties of body tissue that develop in the early stages of growth of the EMBRYO. Development of the layers can be followed throughout the embryo’s stages of growth and specialisation into the body’s full range of tissues and organs (see ECTODERM; ENDODERM; MESODERM).... germ layer


A thumbnail description of the somatotype who is dominated by the ectoderm, specifically the skin, nervous system, and endocrine glands. Less arcane, a tall and thin person, with long limbs, narrow chest, and a somewhat oversensitive nervous system.... ectomorph


The name given to the unborn child after the eighth week of development. Humans, like all animals, begin as a single cell, the OVUM, in the ovary (see OVARIES). After FERTILISATION with a SPERMATOZOON, the ovum becomes embedded in the mucous membrane of the UTERUS, its covering being known as the decidua. Increase in size is rapid, and development of complexity is still more marked. The original cell divides repeatedly to form new cells, and these become arranged in three layers known as the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. The ?rst produces the skin, brain and spinal cord, and the nerves; the second the bones, muscles, blood vessels and connective tissues; while the third develops into the lining of the digestive system and the various glands attached to it.

The embryo develops upon one side of the ovum, its ?rst appearance consisting of a groove, the edges of which grow up and join to form a tube, which in turn develops into the brain and spinal cord. At the same time, a part of the ovum beneath this is becoming pinched o? to form the body, and within this the endoderm forms a second tube, which in time is changed in shape and lengthened to form the digestive canal. From the gut there grows out very early a process called the allantois, which attaches itself to the wall of the uterus, developing into the PLACENTA (afterbirth), a structure well supplied with blood vessels which draws nourishment from the mother’s circulation via the wall of the womb.

The remainder of the ovum – which within two weeks of conception has increased to about 2 mm (1/12 inch) in size – splits into an outer and inner shell, from the outer of which are developed two covering membranes, the chorion and amnion; while the inner constitutes the yolk sac, attached by a pedicle to the developing gut of the embryo. From two weeks after conception onwards, the various organs and limbs appear and grow. The human embryo at this stage is almost indistinguishable in appearance from the embryo of other animals. After around the middle of the second month, it begins to show a distinctly human form and then is called the fetus. The property of ‘life’ is present from the very beginning, although the movements of the fetus are not usually felt by the mother until the ?fth month.

During the ?rst few days after conception the eye begins to be formed, beginning as a cup-shaped outgrowth from the mid-brain, its lens being formed as a thickening in the skin. It is very soon followed by the beginnings of the nose and ear, both of which arise as pits on the surface, which increase in complexity and are joined by nerves that grow outward from the brain. These three organs of sense have practically their ?nal appearance as early as the beginning of the second month.

The body closes in from behind forwards, the sides growing forwards from the spinal region. In the neck, the growth takes the form of ?ve arches, similar to those which bear gills in ?shes. From the ?rst of these the lower jaw is formed; from the second the hyoid bone, all the arches uniting, and the gaps between them closing up by the end of the second month. At this time the head and neck have assumed quite a human appearance.

The digestive canal begins as a simple tube running from end to end of the embryo, but it grows in length and becomes twisted in various directions to form the stomach and bowels. The lungs and the liver arise from this tube as two little buds, which quickly increase in size and complexity. The kidneys also appear very early, but go through several changes before their ?nal form is reached.

The genital organs appear late. The swellings, which form the ovary in the female and the testicle (or testis) in the male, are produced in the region of the loins, and gradually descend to their ?nal positions. The external genitals are similar in the two sexes till the end of the third month, and the sex is not clearly distinguishable till late in the fourth month.

The blood vessels appear in the ovum even before the embryo. The heart, originally double, forms as a dilatation upon the arteries which later produce the aorta. These two hearts later fuse into one.

The limbs appear at about the end of the third week, as buds which increase quickly in length and split at their ends into ?ve parts, for ?ngers or toes. The bones at ?rst are formed of cartilage, in which true bone begins to appear during the third month. The average period of human gestation is 266 days – or 280 days from the ?rst day of the last menstrual period. The average birth weight of an infant born of a healthy mother (in the UK) is 3,200 g (see table).

The following table gives the average size and weight of the fetus at di?erent periods:

(See also PREGNANCY AND LABOUR.)... fetus


Reduced activity of the sweat glands.

Hypohidrosis is a feature of hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, a rare, inherited, incurable condition that is characterized by reduced sweating and is accompanied by dry, wrinkled skin, sparse hair, small, brittle nails, and conical teeth.

Other causes of hypohidrosis include exfoliative dermatitis and some anticholinergic drugs.... hypohidrosis

Body Type

(somatotype) the characteristic anatomical appearance of an individual, based on the predominance of the structures derived from the three germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm). The three types are described as *ectomorphic, *mesomorphic, and *endomorphic.... body type

Neural Crest

the two bands of ectodermal tissue that flank the *neural plate of the early embryo. Cells of the neural crest migrate throughout the embryo and develop into sensory nerve cells and peripheral nerve cells of the autonomic nervous system.... neural crest

Neural Plate

the strip of ectoderm lying along the central axis of the early embryo that forms the *neural tube and subsequently the central nervous system.... neural plate


n. the tissue that covers the external surface of the body and lines hollow structures (except blood and lymphatic vessels). It is derived from embryonic ectoderm and endoderm. Epithelial cells may be flat and scalelike (squamous), cuboidal, or columnar. The latter may bear cilia or brush borders or secrete mucus or other substances (see goblet cell). The cells rest on a common basement membrane, which separates epithelium from underlying *connective tissue. Epithelium may be either simple, consisting of a single layer of cells; stratified, consisting of several layers; or pseudostratified, in which the cells appear to be arranged in layers but in fact share a common basement membrane (see illustration). See also endothelium; mesothelium. —epithelial adj.... epithelium

Neural Tube

the embryological structure from which the brain and spinal cord develop. It is a hollow tube of ectodermal tissue formed when two edges of a groove in a plate of primitive neural tissue (neural plate) come together and fuse. Failure of normal fusion results in a number of congenital defects (see neural tube defects).... neural tube

Pachyonychia Congenita

a rare genetically determined skin disorder (see genodermatosis) characterized by thickening of the nails together with other ectodermal abnormalities.... pachyonychia congenita


n. any of the thickened areas of ectoderm in the embryo that will develop into nerve ganglia or the special sensory structures of the eye, ear, or nose.... placode

Primitive Streak

the region of the embryo that proliferates rapidly, producing mesoderm cells that spread outwards between the layers of ectoderm and endoderm.... primitive streak


n. the site of the embryonic anus, marked by a depression lined with ectoderm. The membrane separating it from the hindgut breaks down in the third month of gestation. Compare stomodeum.... proctodeum


n. the body wall of the early embryo, which consists of a simple layer of ectoderm lined with mesoderm. The amnion is a continuation of this structure outside the embryo. Compare splanchnopleure.... somatopleure


n. the site of the embryonic mouth, marked by a depression lined with ectoderm from which the teeth develop. The membrane separating it from the foregut breaks down by the end of the first month of pregnancy. Compare proctodeum.... stomodeum

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