The meaning of the symbols of dreams/dreams/ seen in a dream.


(Plural: xanthomata.) A deposit of fatty material in the skin, subcutaneous fat and tendons. The presence of a xanthoma may be the ?rst sign that a person has primary or secondary HYPERLIPIDAEMIA – a raised concentration of lipids (see LIPID) in the blood. This can lead to ATHEROMA, and appropriate clinical and laboratory examinations should be done to determine the diagnosis and treatment.

When fatty deposits occur in various parts of the body – skin, brain, cornea, internal organs and tendons – the condition is called xanthomatosis. Treatment is of the underlying conditions, an important aim being to lower the concentrations of fats in the body.

Xanthomata have a variety of manifestations which may point to the underlying cause. These include:

Eruptive Eruptive yellow papules on the buttocks.

Plane Yellow plaques or macules in the skin.

Tuberous Nodules on the elbows or knees.

Tendinous Subcutaneous nodules ?xed to tendons, particularly those on the back of the ?ngers and the ACHILLES TENDON.... xanthoma


This is a blinding eye disease, almost exclusively of infants and young children, which results from vitamin A deficiency, associated with protein-calorie-malnutrition. Xerophthalmia literally means ‘dryness’ of the conjunctiva.... xerophthalmia


Dryness of the mouth due to lack of SALIVA. Its most extreme form occurs following radiotherapy of the mouth, and in the condition known as Sjögren’s syndrome. No satisfactory substitute for natural saliva has been found though some ?nd a methyl-cellulose substitute gives partial relief, as may a glycerin mouthwash.... xerostomia


See XIPHOID PROCESS.... xiphisternum


See SLEEP.... dreams


A method used in the diagnosis of Chagas’ Disease (South American Trypanosomiasis), in which vector reduviid bugs are allowed to suck the blood from patients suspected of having the infection. The insects are subsequently examined for the presence of trypanosomes in their gut to confirm infection.... xenodiagnosis


A transplant (see TRANSPLANTATION) from one animal to another of a di?erent species. It is also known as a heterograft.... xenograft


A genus of fleas infesting rats. The tropical rat flea, Xenopsylla cheopis and other species of the genus are major vectors of Bubonic Plague and murine typhus.... xenopsylla

Xenotrans Plantation

TRANSPLANTATION of organs from one species to another – for example, from pigs to humans. The use of organs from appropriately cloned animals was seen as a possible solution to the shortage of human organs for transplantation; however, research has shown that rejection remains a problem and there is also an unresolved possibility that diseases might be transmitted across the species barrier. It seems likely that STEM CELL research will provide a more realistic source of tissues for transplantation to replace diseased organs in humans.... xenotrans plantation


The term means dry skin. Normal skin may become dry when exposed to very low ambient humidity and is then vulnerable to irritation by soaps, detergents and other chemicals which cause ‘chapping’. Dryness of the skin may also be a feature of skin disease, especially atopic eczema (see ATOPY; DERMATITIS). Genetically determined xeroderma is called ICHTHYOSIS.... xeroderma

Xeroderma Pigmentosum

A rare disease in which DNA repair mechanisms fail, rendering the skin especially vulnerable to damage from ultraviolet light (see ULTRAVIOLET RAYS (UVR)). Extreme photosensitivity begins in infancy; later, marked freckling occurs and premature CARCINOGENESIS in the skin usually leads to early death. There may also be neurological complications.... xeroderma pigmentosum


Abnormal dryness, especially of the eye.... xerosis

Xiphoid Process

Also known as the xiphisternum or xiphoid cartilage, this is the small oval-shaped projection forming the lowest of the three parts of the STERNUM or breastbone.... xiphoid process


A sugar containing ?ve carbon atoms involved in the metabolic conversion of carbohydrates (see CARBOHYDRATE) inside cells. Xylose is used in diagnostic tests on the functioning of the INTESTINE.... xylose


A condition in which deposits of yellowish, fatty material develop in various parts of the body, particularly in the skin, internal organs, corneas of the eyes, brain, and tendons. The deposits may occur only in the eyelids (see xanthelasma). A key feature of xanthomatosis is the tendency for fatty material to be deposited in the linings of blood vessels, leading to generalized atherosclerosis. Xanthomatosis is often associated with hyperlipidaemias.

Treatment aims to lower the levels of fats in the blood by means of a diet that is low in cholesterol and high in polyunsaturated fat, and by drug treatment.... xanthomatosis


A decongestant drug used in the form of a spray or drops to relieve nasal congestion caused by a common cold, sinusitis, or hay fever (see rhinitis, allergic). Xylometazoline is also used as an ingredient of eye-drops in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis.

Excessive use of xylometazoline may cause headache, palpitations, or drowsiness. Long-term use of the drug may cause nasal congestion to worsen when treatment is stopped.

yawning An involuntary act, or reflex action, usually associated with drowsiness or boredom. The mouth is opened wide and a slow, deep breath is taken through it in order to draw air into the lungs. The air is then slowly released. Yawning is accompanied by a momentary increase in the heart-rate, and, in many cases, watering of the eyes.

The purpose of yawning is unknown, but one theory suggests it is triggered by raised levels of carbon dioxide in the blood; thus, its purpose could be to reduce the level of carbon dioxide and increase that of oxygen in the blood.... xylometazoline

Garcinia Xanthochymus

Hook. f. ex T. And.

Synonym: G. tinctoria (DC.) W. F. Wt.

Family: Guttiferae; Clusiaceae.

Habitat: The lower hill forests of Eastern Himalayas, Peninsular India, Orissa, Maharashtra and the Andamans.

English: Egg tree.

Ayurvedic: Tamaal (var.), Vrk- shaamla (var.).

Siddha/Tamil: Kulavi, Malaippachai, Mukki, Tamalam

Folk: Amsul (Maharashtra).

Action: Fruit—anthelmintic, improves appetite. Also used as a car- diotonic. Fruit gave xanthochymol and isoxanthymol (polyprenylat- ed benzophenone derivatives), flavones and xanthones.... garcinia xanthochymus

Radermachera Xylocarpa

(Roxb.) K. Schum.

Synonym: Bignonia xylocarpa Roxb. Stereospermum xylocarpum (Roxb.) Wt.

Family: Bignoniaceae.

Habitat: Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu.

English: Padri tree.

Siddha/Tamil: Vedanguruni, Pathiri.

Folk: Paadiri. Kharsing, Kadashing, Bairsinge (Maharashtra).

Action: Plant—antiseptic. Resin— used for the treatment of skin diseases. Rootbark—bitter, astringent; used as substitute for Stereospermumpersonatum (Hassk.) D. Chatterjee and S. suaveolens DC. (Trumpet-Flower, Yellow Snake tree, also known as Padri).

The leaves gave flavonoids, dinatin and its glycoside. Roots yielded O- acetyl oleanolic acid, stigmasterol and a red pigment, radermachol.... radermachera xylocarpa

Solanum Xanthocarpum

S. & W.

Synonym: S. surattense Burm.f. S. virginianum Linn. S. maccanni Sant.

Family: Solanaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India.

English: Wild Eggplant, Yellow- Berried Nightshade.

Ayurvedic: Kantakaari, Kan- takaarikaa, Vyaaghri, Nidigdhikaa, Nidigdhaa, Duhsparshaa, Dhaa- vani, Kshudraa, Keteri (Smallar var.), Bhatakataiyaa. Used as Lakshmanaa.

Unani: Kataai Khurd, Hadaq.

Action: Stimulant, expectorant, diuretic, laxative, febrifuge. Used in the treatment of cough, bronchitis, asthma, for dislodging tenacious phlegm; also used against rheumatism, enlargement of liver and spleen, vomiting, difficult urination, bladder stones, skin diseases. Fruit—used as an adjuvant for promoting conception.

Fruits gave solasonine, solamargine, beta-solamargine and solasodine; petals yielded apigenin; stamens gave quercetin diglycoside and sitosterol. The glycoalkaloid content of fruits collected from Jammu and Kashmir is reported to be 3.5% (total alkaloids, 1.1%). The presence of diosgenin in the plant has been reported.

Both glycoalkaloid and fatty acid fractions of the plants extracts cause liberation of histamine from chopped lung tissue. The beneficial effect of the drug on bronchial asthma may be attributed to the depletion of histamine from bronchial and lung tissue.

Dosage: Whole plant—20-30 g for decoction. (API, Vol. I.)... solanum xanthocarpum


(Latin) Form of Sabrina, meaning “a legendary princess” Xabrinah, Xabreena, Xabryna, Xabriena, Xabreina... xabrina


(American) From the Adriatic Xadrianne, Xadriane, Xadrien, Xadrienne, Xadriene, Xadrean, Xadreane... xadrian


(Spanish) Form of Salvadora, meaning “savior”

Xalvadorah, Xalbadora, Xalbadorah, Xalvadoria, Xalbadoria... xalvadora


(African) From the exotic paradise... xanadu


(Greek) Form of Alexandra, meaning “helper and defender of mankind” Xandrah, Xander, Xandria, Xandrea, Xandreia, Xandrya, Xandy, Xandie, Xandi, Xandey, Xandy, Xandee... xandra


(American) Ancient goddess Xanon, Xannan, Xanan, Xannen, Xanen, Xannin, Xanin... xannon


(American) Protector of the Earth Xantarah, Xanterra, Xantera, Xantarra, Xantarrah, Xanterah, Xanterrah... xantara


(Greek) Yellow-haired woman; blonde Xantha, Xanthia, Xana, Xanna, Xanne, Xanthippe, Xantippie... xanthe

Xanthelasma Palpebrarum

These yellow smooth nodules of LIPID-laden cells occur in and around the eyelids (see EYE). Blood lipids are usually normal, but there is an association with hypercholesterolaemia (see CHOLESTEROL; HYPERLIPIDAEMIA) in a minority of sufferers.... xanthelasma palpebrarum


(Galician) Form of Jacqueline, meaning “the supplanter” Xaqueline, Xaqueleena, Xaquelyna, Xaquelayna, Xaqueleana... xaquelina


(Hebrew) Form of Sarah, meaning “princess; lady”

Xarah, Xarra, Xarya, Xarie, Xarri, Xarrie, Xarry, Xari, Xary, Xaria, Xarria... xara


(Basque / Arabic) Feminine form of Xavier; owner of a new house; one who is bright

Xaviere, Xavierra, Xavierre, Xavyera, Xavyere, Xiveria, Xavia, Xavaeir, Xaviar, Xaviara, Xavior, Xaviero, Xavian, Xavyer, Xavery, Xaver, Xavon, Xabier, Xzavier, Xxavier, Xizavier, Xevera, Xeveria... xaviera


(Greek) One who is hospitable; welcoming

Xena, Xenea, Xenya, Xinia, Xeniah, Xeenia, Xenah, Xina, Xyna, Xene, Xeena, Xia... xenia

Tea For Lucid Dreams

Having a lucid dream means dreaming while being aware of the fact that you are dreaming. However, many people become lucid in the middle of the dream or, on the contrary, fall lose reality contact after being lucid at first. Although traditional medicine can’t be very helpful in these cases, alternative medicine has a few tricks up its sleeve. How a Tea for Lucid Dreams Works A Tea for Lucid Dreams’ main purpose is to make you recall what you have dreamed by calming your nervous system and improving your memory function. These teas are good for a number of other diseases, such as memory loss, headaches or migraines. However, talk to an herbalist or to your doctor before starting any kind of herbal treatment in order to make sure everything will be alright. Efficient Tea for Lucid Dreams In order to work properly, a Tea for Lucid Dreams needs to be both very efficient and one hundred percent safe (since lucid dreams are not exactly a medical problem, you may want to avoid developing one). A tea that is rich in antioxidants, nutrients, tannins, volatile oils and minerals (sodium, magnesium, iron, manganese) would be very adequate. You may want to avoid teas with a large amount of acid agents (they could cause stomach pain). If you don’t know which teas could be useful for lucid dreams, here’s a list for guidance: - Green Tea – contains all the ingredients necessary to sustain life, so it’s useful for a wide range of ailments, not just lucid dreams. If you’re suffering from infertility, anemia, asthenia, loss of appetite, digestive tract complaints or nervous system failure, this decoction could also be useful. However, you must avoid it at all costs if you’re experiencing some menstrual or menopausal symptoms. The same advice if you’re pregnant (it may cause uterine contractions and therefore miscarriage). - Valerian Tea – was been used as a sleep aid since ancient times, when the Romans and the Greeks took it before going to bed. This Tea for Lucid Dreams, thanks to its active compounds, is a mild sedative and could also work miracles on your nervous system. However, you need to make sure that you don’t exceed the number of cups recommended per day in order to avoid hallucinations, tiredness or even death. - Chamomile Tea – of course, the world’s greatest panacea shouldn’t be left aside. If you’re having trouble remembering your dreams, try a cup of Chamomile Tea before you go to bed! This Tea has a great fragrance and a pleasant smell. Plus, it’s one hundred percent safe so you can drink as much as you want. Tea for Lucid Dreams Side Effects When taken according to specifications, these teas are generally safe. However, exceeding the number of cups recommended per day may lead to a number of health problems, such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach or even death! If you’ve been taking one of these decoctions for a while and you’re experience a negative response from your body, ask for medical assistance right away! Don’t take a Tea for Lucid Dreams if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, on blood thinners or anticoagulants. The same advice in case you’re preparing for a surgery. If your doctor says it’s ok to start an herbal treatment, choose a tea that fits best your requirements and enjoy its wonderful benefits!  ... tea for lucid dreams

Xanthium Strumarium


Synonym: X. indicum Koenig. ex Roxb.

Family: Compositae; Asteraceae.

Habitat: Tropical India.

English: Cocklebur, Burweed.

Ayurvedic: Shankheshwara, Arishta, Aartagala.

Siddha/Tamil: Maruloomatham, Marlumutta.

Folk: Bana-okraa.

Action: Plant—used for leucoderma, ulcers, abscesses, strumous and malignant diseases.

Root—antitumour. Leaves and shoots—applied externally on venereal sores, herpes and scrofula.

Leaves contain seaquiterpene lac- tones—xanthinin, xanthumin, xan- thanol and iso-xanthanol. Leaves also contain isohexacosane, chlorobu- tanol, stearyl alcohol, beta-sitosterol and palmitic acid. A highly toxic compound, carboxyatractyloside, has been isolated from the plant.

Beta-sitosterol glucoside is anti-inflammatory, xanthumin is a central nervous system depressant. Alcoholic solution of xanthinin shows strong antibacterial activity against Gramnegative bacteria and fungi. A cy- totoxic compound, xanthatin (a seco- 4,5-guaianolide) has been detected in the resin.

The root gave n-heptacosanol, stig- masterol, 3,4,-dihydro oxycinnamic acid, beta-sitosterol and its D-gluco- side, and campesterol.

Xanthium spinosum Linn. (introduced from Europe into West Bengal and Assam), known as Spiny Clotbur, is used as a diuretic, antiperiodic (also in intermittent fevers), sudorific, antidiarrhoeal and styptic.

The whole plant gave several xan- thanolides. The sesquiterpene lac- tones, xanthinin, solstitialin and sti- zolicin, isolated from the plant, demonstrated limited antitumour action in vitro. Xanthatin has also been isolated.... xanthium strumarium


(Greek) Form of Zenobia, meaning “sign or symbol”

Xenobiah, Xenobya, Xenobe, Xenobie, Xenobey, Xenovia, Xenobee, Xenoby, Xenobea, Xenobeah... xenobia


(Latin) Form of Serena, meaning “sign or symbol”

Xerenah, Xerene, Xeren, Xereena, Xeryna, Xereene, Xerenna... xerena


A plant that is adapted to, and needs, dry desert climate or is particularly hardy in periodic droughts.... xerophyte


(African) A female twin Xetsah, Xetse, Xetseh... xetsa


(American) Form of Celia, meaning “one who is blind” Xexila, Xexilea, Xexileah, Xexilya... xexilia


(African) Leader of a nation Xosa, Xhose, Xhosia, Xhosah, Xosah... xhosa


(Chinese) Having a nice fragrance Xyang, Xeang, Xhiang, Xhyang, Xheang... xiang

Xiao Hong

(Chinese) Of the morning rainbow... xiao hong


(Spanish) Form of Simone, meaning “one who listens well” Ximenah, Xymena, Ximono, Xymona... ximena

Ximenia Americana


Synonym: X. spinosa Salisb.

Family: Olacaceae.

Habitat: Both the Peninsulas and the Andaman Islands.

English: Tallow-Wood, False Sandal-Wood.

Siddha/Tamil: Chiru-illantai, Kadaranji, Siruyilandai.

Action: Fruits—known as Wild Plum or Wild Olive, are used as a substitute for lemon. Fruits and seeds—laxative. Root and leaves— decoction given in jaundice, diarrhoea and during fevers. Root—used for venereal diseases. Bark—astringent, applied to sores. Wood—used as a substitute for sandalwood.

The root contains fat, rich in acety- lenic acids, including ximenynic acid. The bark contains 17% tannin. An extract of leaves gave positive test for presence of free triterpenoids.

Alcoholic extract of the plant showed antiviral and hypotensive activity in primary tests on animals.

A cyanogenic and antimicrobial constituent, sambunigrin, is present in the plant. Natural lignified products from the plant significantly stimulate iodination of human peripheral blood polymorphonuclear cells.

The fruit contains 60.3 mg/100 g ascorbic acid.... ximenia americana


(African) A mother; to propagate Xinavana, Xinavania, Xinavain, Xinavaine, Xinavaen, Xinavaene... xinavane


(Chinese) A star Xhing... xing

Xing Xing

(Chinese) Twin stars Xhing Xhing... xing xing


(Spanish / Teutonic) Famous in battle / from the glorious forest Xiomarah, Xiomayra, Xiomaris, Xiomaria, Xiomarra, Xiomarrah... xiomara

Xiphoid Cartilage

See XIPHOID PROCESS.... xiphoid cartilage


(Greek) Form of Sirena, meaning “a seductive and beautiful woman” Xirenah, Xireena, Xirina, Xirene, Xyrena, Xyreena, Xyrina, Xyryna, Xyrine, Xyrene, Xyren... xirena


(Aztec) Resembling a flowery feather; in mythology, the goddess of love, flowers, and the earth... xochiquetzal


(Native American) From the place of many flowers Xochilt, Xochilth, Xochil, Xochiti... xochitl


(African) Stay in peace Xolah, Xolia, Xolla, Xollah... xola


(African) One who asks forgiveness Xolanie, Xolaney, Xolany, Xolanee, Xolanea, Xolneah... xolani


(Vietnamese) Born in the spring Xuana, Xuania, Xuanne, Xuane... xuan


(Portuguese) Form of Susanna, meaning “resembling a graceful white lily” Xuxah, Xuxxa, Xuxia... xuxa


(Greek) One who lives in the forest Xylina, Xyliana, Xylinia, Xylona, Xileana, Xileena, Xilina, Xilyna, Xyleana, Xylyna, Xilona, Xilonia, Xylonia, Xylonya, Xyleen, Xyleene, Xylin, Xyline, Xyleana, Xylyn, Xylyne, Xilean, Xileane, Xileen, Xileene, Xilin, Xiline, Xilyne, Xylean, Xilon, Xylone, Xilone, Xylon... xyleena


(Greek) Form of Sylvia, meaning “a woodland dweller” Xiliah, Xilya, Xilia... xylia

Xylia Xylocarpa

(Roxb.) Taub.

Synonym: X. dolabriformis Benth.

Family: Mimosaceae.

Habitat: Peninsular India.

Siddha/Tamil: Irul.

Folk: Jambu, Suriaa.

Action: Bark—anthelmintic, antidiarrhoeal. Seed oil—an- tirheumatic. Bark and seed oil— antileprotic, used for ulcers and piles. A decoction of the bark powder is given with honey as a vermifuge.

The leaves contain beta-sitosterol and t-5-hydroxypipecolic acid which was shown to be an inhibitor of blood platelet aggregation.

The bark from South India gave tannin 17.1 and non-tans 11.1%; also contains triterpenes. The leaves contain 2.8% of tannins.

The seed yielded oil with oleic 21.5, linoleic 34.8, behenic 21.3 and ligno- ceric 10.2% fatty acids.... xylia xylocarpa

Xylocarpus Granatum


Synonym: Carapagranatum (Koen.) Alston.

Habitat: Coastal regions of India, especially in Tamil Nadu.

Siddha/Tamil: Somanthiri, Kan- lolanyey.

English: The Puzzle Fruit tree.

Folk: Pussur, Dhundul.

Action: Bark—astringent, an- tidysenteric, febrifuge.

The bark and leaves contain friede- lin, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol; te- tranorterpenoids—oxomeliac derivatives. Bark, in addition, contains tri- acontanol. The heartwood contains beta-sitosterol and gedunin. Different parts of the plant contain tannins— fruit pulp 8.57, leaves 7.92, twig bark 14.82, branch bark 20.58, bole bark 23.73, branch wood 4.67 and bole wood 4.94%.

A closely related species X.gange- ticus Prain occurs in West Bengal and the Andamans.... xylocarpus granatum


(Greek) One who loves the forest Xylophiah, Xylophila, Xilophia, Xilophila... xylophia

Xylopia Parviflora

Hook. f. Thoms.

Family: Annonaceae.

Habitat: Evergreen forests of Kerala up to an altitude of 600 m.

Folk: Saanthu, Kalpottan (Kerala), Kalpootha, Chiddavintai (Tamil Nadu), ulli (Karnataka).

Action: Root bark—antiseptic, used for ulcers. Root bark, flowers, fruits—used for oral hygiene.

Fruits of Xylopia aromatica are chewed with betel leaves; also used in cough and cold. The fruits, known as Suvaali Pippali, have no relationship with Pippali of Indian medicine. The plant contains pinenes.... xylopia parviflora

Xyris Commplanata

R. Br.

Synonym: X. anceps HK. f.

Family: Xyridaceae.

Habitat: South India.

Folk: Kochelachi-pullu (Kerala).

Action: Herb—antiseptic. Bruised leaves and their juice, dried into powder and mixed with brandy, are used for ringworm, itches, leprosy and other skin diseases.... xyris commplanata


(Gothic) Of the sea Xyzah... xyza

Xylosma Longifolium


Family: Flacourtiaceae.

Habitat: Shady ravines of the Western Himalayas from Kashmir to Kumaon and on low hills up to an altitude of 1,500 m.

Folk: Sallu (Kumaon), Sailu (Himachal Pradesh, North India), Dandal (North India), Katahaar (Assam).

Action: An extract of young and tender leaves resembles opium in action and is used in Assam for intoxication. The herb exhibits antispasmodic, narcotic and sedative activity. It is prescribed in dysentery, restlessness and insomnia.... xylosma longifolium

Xyris Indica


Synonym: X. robusta Mart.

Family: Xyridaceae.

Habitat: West Bengal, Assam and Western Peninsula, generally on sandy soils and salt marshes.

Ayurvedic: Daadmaari, Dhobi Deeb.

Folk: Haabiduuba (Bengal), Kochelachi-pullu (Malayalam).

Action: Plant—used for ringworm, itches and leprosy.

Xyris pauciflora Willd. (marshy areas in Bihar, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu) is prescribed as a sedative for... xyris indica


A thiazide diuretic drug used to treat oedema (accumulation of fluid in tissues) and high blood pressure.

Side effects may include dizziness and mild gastrointestinal disturbances.... xipamide


A naturally occurring carbohydrate that is only partially absorbed by the body and is sometimes used as a sweetener by people with diabetes. Xylitol chewing gum has been shown to reduce recurrent ear infections in some children. Excess xylitol may lead to abdominal discomfort and flatulence.... xylitol


(carotenaemia) n. the presence in the blood of the yellow pigment *carotene, from excessive intake of carrots, tomatoes, or other vegetables containing the pigment.... xanthaemia


n. yellow *plaques occurring symmetrically around the eyelids. It is quite common in elderly people and of no more than cosmetic importance, but in some cases it may be a manifestation of disorders of fat metabolism (hyperlipidaemia). The plaques may be removed surgically or by careful use of saturated trichoracetic acid.... xanthelasma


n. a nitrogenous breakdown product of the purines adenosine and guanine. Xanthine is an intermediate product of the breakdown of nucleic acids to uric acid.... xanthine


n. excess of the purine derivative *xanthine in the urine, usually the result of an inborn defect of metabolism. It is both rare and symptomless.... xanthinuria


combining form denoting yellow colour.... xantho


n. yellow discoloration, such as may affect the skin (for example, in jaundice) or the cerebrospinal fluid (when it contains the breakdown products of haemoglobin from red blood cells that have entered it).... xanthochromia


n. a member of a class of yellow carotenoid pigments found in green leaves. Examples of xanthophylls are *lutein, zeaxanthin, and *mesozeaxanthin.... xanthophyll


n. yellow vision: the condition in which all objects appear to have a yellowish tinge. It is sometimes experienced in digitalis poisoning.... xanthopsia


n. see capecitabine.... xeloda


combining form denoting different; foreign; alien.... xeno


adj. describing grafted tissue derived from a donor of a different species.... xenogeneic


n. a radioactive isotope that has a half-life of about five days and is used in ventilation scanning of the lungs in nuclear medicine (see ventilation-perfusion scanning). It gives off beta particles, which are responsible for the relatively high radiation dose compared to *krypton-81m. Symbol: Xe-133.... xenon-133


n. excessive fear of strangers and foreigners. See phobia.... xenophobia


combining form denoting a dry condition.... xero


n. a type of X-ray imaging in which a picture of the body is recorded on paper rather than on film. A plate of selenium, which rests on a thin layer of aluminium oxide, is charged uniformly by passing it in front of a scorotron. As X-ray photons impinge on this, charges diffuse out in proportion to the energy content of the X-ray. An imprint is formed by the charge distribution on the plate, which attracts toner particles and is transferred to reusable paper plates. Unlike conventional X-ray imaging, xeroradiography does not require photographic developers. The technique does, however, require more radiation exposure. It was widely used in mammography prior to the advent of digital mammography.... xeroradiography


(xipho-) combining form denoting the xiphoid process of the sternum. Example: xiphocostal (relating to the xiphoid process and ribs).... xiphi


n. see omalizumab.... xolair


(dimethylbenzene) n. a liquid used for increasing the transparency of tissues prepared for microscopic examination after dehydration. See clearing.... xylene

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