Diverticulitis Health Dictionary

Diverticulitis: From 3 Different Sources

Inflammation of diverticula in the intestine, particularly in the colon. It is a form of diverticular disease and a complication of diverticulosis. Diverticula may perforate and abscesses may form in the tissue around the colon, leading to peritonitis. Other complications include intestinal bleeding, narrowing in the intestine, or a fistula.

Symptoms include fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, and rigidity of the abdomen.

Intestinal haemorrhage may cause bleeding from the rectum.

Diverticulitis usually subsides with bed rest and antibiotics.

In severe cases, a liquid diet or intravenous infusion may be required.

Surgery may be needed, in which case, the diseased section of the intestine is usually removed and the remaining sections are joined together.

Some patients are given a temporary colostomy.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
In?ammation of diverticula (see DIVERTICULUM) in the large intestine. It is characterised by pain in the left lower side of the abdomen, which has been aptly described as ‘left-sided appendicitis’ as it resembles the pain of appendicitis but occurs in the opposite side of the abdomen. The onset is often sudden, with fever and constipation. It may, or may not, be preceded by DIVERTICULOSIS. Treatment consists of rest, no solid food but ample ?uid, and the administration of tetracycline. Complications are unusual but include ABSCESS formation, perforation of the colon, and severe bleeding.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. inflammation of a *diverticulum, most commonly of one or more colonic diverticula. Faecal stasis or obstruction in a colonic diverticulum predisposes to bacterial infection and ischaemia, precipitating acute inflammation. Clinical symptoms include abdominal pain and fever with or without a change in bowel habit. Blood tests reveal leucocytosis. A minority of patients may develop complications, including abscess formation, rectal bleeding, fistulae, *strictures, and peritonitis. Surgery is often required in complicated diverticulitis. Compare diverticular disease.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


Having congenital pouches of the type found in many organs, particularly the colon, that are benign, but, being little cul-de-sacs, are likely to become inflamed from time to time. Diverticulitis is the term for inflamed diverticula.... diverticulosis

Diverticular Disease

The presence of numerous diverticula (sacs or pouches) in the lining of the COLON accompanied by spasmodic lower abdominal pain and erratic bowel movements. The sacs may become in?amed causing pain (see DIVERTICULITIS).... diverticular disease

Abdomen, Diseases Of


Various processes that can occur include in?ammation, ulceration, infection or tumour. Abdominal disease may be of rapid onset, described as acute, or more long-term when it is termed chronic.

An ‘acute abdomen’ is most commonly caused by peritonitis – in?ammation of the membrane that lines the abdomen. If any structure in the abdomen gets in?amed, peritonitis may result. Causes include injury, in?ammation of the Fallopian tubes (SALPINGITIS), and intestinal disorders such as APPENDICITIS, CROHN’S DISEASE, DIVERTICULITIS or a perforated PEPTIC ULCER. Disorders of the GALLBLADDER or URINARY TRACT may also result in acute abdominal pain.

General symptoms of abdominal disease include:

Pain This is usually ill-de?ned but can be very unpleasant, and is termed visceral pain. Pain is initially felt near the mid line of the abdomen. Generally, abdominal pain felt high up in the mid line originates from the stomach and duodenum. Pain that is felt around the umbilicus arises from the small intestine, appendix and ?rst part of the large bowel, and low mid-line pain comes from the rest of the large bowel. If the diseased organ secondarily in?ames or infects the lining of the abdominal wall – the PERITONEUM – peritonitis occurs and the pain becomes more de?ned and quite severe, with local tenderness over the site of the diseased organ itself. Hence the pain of appendicitis begins as a vague mid-line pain, and only later moves over to the right iliac fossa, when the in?amed appendix has caused localised peritonitis. PERFORATION of one of the hollow organs in the abdomen – for example, a ruptured appendix or a gastric or duodenal ulcer (see STOMACH, DISEASES OF) eroding the wall of the gut – usually causes peritonitis with resulting severe pain.

The character of the pain is also important. It may be constant, as occurs in in?ammatory diseases and infections, or colicky (intermittent) as in intestinal obstruction.

Swelling The commonest cause of abdominal swelling in women is pregnancy. In disease, swelling may be due to the accumulation of trapped intestinal contents within the bowel, the presence of free ?uid (ascites) within the abdomen, or enlargement of one or more of the abdominal organs due to benign causes or tumour.

Constipation is the infrequent or incomplete passage of FAECES; sometimes only ?atus can be passed and, rarely, no bowel movements occur (see main entry for CONSTIPATION). It is often associated with abdominal swelling. In intestinal obstruction, the onset of symptoms is usually rapid with complete constipation and severe, colicky pain. In chronic constipation, the symptoms occur more gradually.

Nausea and vomiting may be due to irritation of the stomach, or to intestinal obstruction when it may be particularly foul and persistent. There are also important non-abdominal causes, such as in response to severe pain or motion sickness.

Diarrhoea is most commonly due to simple and self-limiting infection, such as food poisoning, but may also indicate serious disease, especially if it is persistent or contains blood (see main entry for DIARRHOEA).

Jaundice is a yellow discoloration of the skin and eyes, and may be due to disease in the liver or bile ducts (see main entry for JAUNDICE).

Diagnosis and treatment Abdominal diseases are often di?cult to diagnose because of the multiplicity of the organs contained within the abdomen, their inconstant position and the vagueness of some of the symptoms. Correct diagnosis usually requires experience, often supplemented by specialised investigations such as ULTRASOUND. For this reason sufferers should obtain medical advice at an early stage, particularly if the symptoms are severe, persistent, recurrent, or resistant to simple remedies.... abdomen, diseases of

Allspice Tea: A Tasty Choice

Allspice tea is well known for its healing properties and, it proved to be an important ingredient when cooking stews, soups but not only. Allspice Tea description The Allspice plant was discovered by Christopher Columbus on a Jamaican island, in 1494. The Spaniards called it “pimienta” (pepper) and started to use it widely when cooking. It is a small berry, tasting like a mixture of pepper, cloves, juniper, nutmeg and cinnamon. Nowadays, this plant is added to recipes and brewes in order to obtain a healing beverage. Due to its taste, Allspice is commonly used to flavor stews and soups. Rice dishes become tastier when this spice is added. Allspice tea is best known for its aid in digestive processes but not only. Allspice Tea brewing To prepare Allspice tea:
  • place 1 or 2 teaspoons of dried allspice fruit (or powder) in 1 cup of boiling water
  • steep them for 10 to 20 minutes
  • drink the tea (sugar or honey might be added)
Allspice Tea benefits Allspice tea is said to:
  • facilitate and promote good digestion
  • help bloating, belching and flatulence
  • help in preventing allergies
  • help lower blood sugar
  • help relieve toothache and muscle/joint pain
  • help uplift the mood and relax the body
Allspice Tea side effects Breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women must not take allspice in any form. Allspice tea may cause serious allergic reactions in hypersensitive individuals. It is contraindicated for those with chronic gastrointestinal conditions such as duodenal ulcers, reflux disease, spastic colitis, diverticulitis, disarticulates and ulcerative colitis. It should not be consumed by patients with cancer. Also, allspice tea should not be intaken by people with a high risk of cancer. Discovered by Christopher Columbus, allspice plant was firstused in cooking recipes and afterwards, the resulting beverage turned out to be a useful aid in treating several ailments. Allspice tea is a good choice to treat oneself and to strengthen the body.... allspice tea: a tasty choice

Meckel’s Diverticulum

A hollow pouch sometimes found attached to the small INTESTINE. It is placed on the small intestine about 90–120 cm (3–4 feet) from its junction with the large intestine, is several centimetres long, and ends blindly. It is lined with cells similar to those which line the stomach, and so may produce acid. This leads to occasional illness – Meckel’s diverticulitis with ulceration, which causes abdominal pain and fever (sometimes referred to as ‘left-sided appendicitis’). Perforation may result in PERITONITIS and, rarely, may be the lead point of an INTUSSUSCEPTION.... meckel’s diverticulum

Bistort Tea For Stomach Ailments

Bistort tea is widely known as an adjuvant in the areas of treating stomach, respiratory and bleeding problems. It can be intaken two or three times a day to fully enjoy its healthy benefits. Bistort Tea description Bistort is a perennially-growing plant from the Northern Hemisphere. It is normally grown as an ornamental plant because of its small white and pink blooms. It contains vitamins A and C, mucilage and antioxidants, acknowledged for their anti-cancer action. However, Bistort is also cultivated for medicinal purposes, being well-known as one of the most astringent herb. Bistort tea is the beverage resulting from brewing the abovementioned plant. Bistort Tea brewing Bistort tea can be made as a decoction:
  • Place one teaspoonful of the dried bistort rhizome in a 250 ml cup of water and boil the mix.
  • Let it steep for about 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Strain the liquid.
Bistort tea can be consumed twice or thrice a day. It can also be used as a gargle or mouthwash to treat infections inside the mouth. Bistort Tea benefits Bistort tea has been successfully used to:
  • treat diarrhea, dysentery and irritable bowel syndrome
  • aid in the treatment of diverticulitis
  • help treating oral and tongue inflammations
  • help fighting pharyngitis and sore throat
  • help in the treatment of jaundice
  • aid fighting measles and smallpox
  • fight hemorrhoids
  • ease menstrual bleeding
  • help in the healing of wounds, skin ruptures and burstings (when applied topically)
Bistort tea may also help expel worms. Bistort Tea side effects A long-term administration of Bistort tea is not recommended. Pregnant and nursing women are advised not to intake this tea. Bistort tea is a medicinal remedy against several digestive problems and, it also proved to be effective in treating menstrual bleeding, but not only.... bistort tea for stomach ailments

Plantago Ovata


Synonym: P. Ispaghula Roxb.

Family: Plantaginaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated In Parts Of Rajasthan And Maharashtra.

English: Ispaghula, Spogel Seeds, Blond Psyllium.

Ayurvedic: Ashvagola. Ashwakarna (Also Equated With Shorea Robusta).

Unani: Aspaghol.

Siddha/Tamil: Isapppa.

Folk: Isabgol.

Action: Seed And Husk—Laxative, Diuretic, Demulcent, Bechic, Cholinergic. Used In Inflammatory Conditions Of The Mucous Membrane Of Gastrointestinal And Genitourinary Tract, Chronic Amoebic And Bacillary Dysentery; Also In Hypercholesterolemia.

Key Application ? In Chronic Constipation And Irritable Bowel. (German Commission E.) Also In Constipation Due To Duodenal Ulcer Or Diverticulitis (Who.) German Commission E Also Noted That Blond Psyllium Seed Lowers Serum Cholesterol Levels. It Has Also Been Shown To Slow Sugar Absorption Thereby Reducing Blood Glucose. (Escop.) Use Of Blond Psyllium Husk Up To Six Months Did Not Clinically Alter Vitamin Or Mineral Status In A Review Of Eight Human Trials. It Did Not Reduce Absorption Of Calcium. (J Am Geriatr Soc, 43, 1995; Am J Clin Nutr, 71, 2000; Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)

The Seed Contains Amino Acids Including Valine, Alanine, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Cystine, Lysine, Leucine And Tyrosine; And A Mucilage Consisting Of A Mixture Of Polysaccharides Composed Mainly Of Xylose, Arabinose And Galacturonic Acid; Rhamnose And Galactose Are Also Present. The Seeds Also Gave Aucubin, The Antibacterial Principle. The Seed Coat Contains Fatty Acids Mainly Linoleic, Oleic And Palmitic Acids In Decreasing Concentrations.

The Seeds Show A Liver Protective Effect On Induced Hepatotoxicity In Mice. In China, The Plant Is Used Clinically To Treat Certain Types Of Hepatitis (Activity Due To Aucubin Content).

Dosage: Husk—5-10 G. (Ccras.)... plantago ovata

Abdominal Pain

(Acute). Sudden unexplained colicky pain with distension in a healthy person justifies immediate attention by a doctor or suitably trained practitioner. Persistent tenderness, loss of appetite, weight and bowel action should be investigated. Laxatives: not taken for undiagnosed pain. Establish accurate diagnosis.

Treatment. See entries for specific disorders. Teas, powders, tinctures, liquid extracts, or essential oils – see entry of appropriate remedy.

The following are brief indications for action in the absence of a qualified practitioner. Flatulence (gas in the intestine or colon), (Peppermint). Upper right pain due to duodenal ulcer, (Goldenseal). Inflamed pancreas (Dandelion). Gall bladder, (Black root). Liver disorders (Fringe Tree bark). Lower left – diverticulitis, colitis, (Fenugreek seeds). Female organs, (Agnus Castus). Kidney disorders, (Buchu). Bladder, (Parsley Piert). Hiatus hernia (Papaya, Goldenseal). Peptic ulcer, (Irish Moss). Bilious attack (Wild Yam). Gastro-enteritis, (Meadowsweet). Constipation (Senna). Acute appendicitis, pain central, before settling in low right abdomen (Lobelia). Vomiting of blood, (American Cranesbill). Enlargement of abdominal glands is often associated with tonsillitis or glandular disease elsewhere which responds well to Poke root. As a blanket treatment for abdominal pains in general, old-time physicians used Turkey Rhubarb (with, or without Cardamom seed) to prevent griping.

Diet: No food until inflammation disperses. Slippery Elm drinks. ... abdominal pain


Herb Bennet. Colewort. Geum urbanum L. German: Nelkenwurz. French: Herb de St Benoi?t. Italian: Ambretta salvatica. Spanish: Gariofilea. Dried leaves and stems.

Action: anti-haemorrhagic, anti-inflammatory to the intestines and bowel. Gentle astringent, stomachic, antiseptic.

Uses: Ulcerative colitis, diarrhoea, diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease. Combines well with Agrimony for these complaints.

Preparations: Dosage: 1-2 teaspoons herb to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup 3-4 times daily. For fresh plant, double quantity of herb. Liquid Extract (herb or root), dose: 2-5ml. ... avens

Amoebic Liver Abscess

Usually contracted in a tropical country during foreign travel. Likely to be associated with amoebic dysentery by the organism Entamoeba histolytica from contaminated drinking water or decaying foods (uncooked vegetables), foods exposed to flies. Onset of the disease may not be apparent until years after original infection. It presents with tenderness over the liver. On palpation, liver area is tender and the diaphragm elevated.

Symptoms. Fever, sweating, constitutional upset.

Differential diagnosis: diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease, salmonella, carcinoma, bacillary dysentery.

Alte rnative s:– Blue Flag, Boneset, Burdock, Chaparral, Echinacea, Elecampane, Elder flowers, Eucalyptus, Fringe Tree, Milk Thistle, Marshmallow, Queen’s Delight, Thyme (garden), Wild Indigo, Wild Yam, Yarrow, Yellow Dock.

Tea. Combine: equal parts, Yarrow, Burdock leaves, Marshmallow leaves. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water: infuse 10-15 minutes; 1 cup freely.

Decoction. Echinacea 2; Fringe Tree bark 1; Yellow Dock root 1. 2 teaspoons to 2 cups water gently simmered 20 minutes. Half a cup freely.

Formula: Combine: Echinacea 2; Fringe Tree bark 1; Boneset 1; Goldenseal quarter. Dose: Liquid Extracts: 2-4ml. Tinctures: 4-8ml. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules, or one-third teaspoon). In water, honey, or cup of Fenugreek tea.

Cold puree. Pass Garlic corm through food blender. Eat with a spoon as much as tolerated. Blend with adjutants: carrots, raisins, apple. ... amoebic liver abscess


Inflammation of the vermiform appendix – a small worm-like offshoot from the gut at the junction of the colon and small intestine, in the low right fossa of the abdomen. Blockage leads to stasis and infection. Pain starts from the centre of the abdomen and moves down towards the low right groin focusing on a sensitive spot known as McBurney’s point (midway between the naval and the right groin). Possible history of constipation.

Symptoms. Attack may be sudden, with acute low right abdominal pain. Lost appetite. Vomiting occurs usually only once. Nausea. Temperature slightly raised (102°). Muscles rigid and boardlike. The sufferer tries to find relief by lying on his back with right leg drawn up. Rapid heartbeat.

May lapse into abscess, perforation or peritonitis. If neglected, gangrene is a possibility, therefore a modern hospital is the safest place. In any case surgical excision may be necessary to prevent a burst when pus would discharge into the surrounding cavity causing peritonitis.

Differential diagnosis. Inflammation of the right ovary, gall bladder or kidney, ileitis, diverticulitis, perforated peptic ulcer.

Skin temperature aids diagnosis. Application of Feverscan thermometer detects local skin temperature over the right iliac fossa and records at least 1°C warmer than that on the left.

An added aid to diagnosis is the facial expression which predominantly conveys an aura of malaise with an obvious upward curving of the upper lip. This is not a wince or grimace but a slower reaction, and occurs on gentle pressure over the appendix. Rectal tenderness may indicate peritonitis.

A practitioner’s prescription would be raised according to the individual requirements of each case; some calling for support of nervous system (Skullcap, Lady’s Slipper) or for the heart (Hawthorn, Motherwort), etc.

To be treated by or in liaison with a qualified medical practitioner.

Treatment. Acute stage – immediate hospitalisation.

Tea. Formula. For non-acute stage: equal parts – German Chamomile, Yarrow, Black Horehound. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes. 1 cup thrice daily.

Tea: children. Agrimony.

Tablets/capsules. (non-acute stage), Goldenseal, Blue Flag root, Calamus, Cranesbill, Wild Yam. Juice: Aloe Vera.

Chinese medicine. Fenugreek seeds: 2 teaspoons to each cup water simmer 5 minutes. 1 cup thrice daily, consuming the seeds.

Powders. Formula. Echinacea 2; Myrrh half; Wild Yam half; trace of Cayenne. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon) thrice daily. Every 2 hours for acute cases.

Tinctures. Formula. Echinacea 2; Wild Yam half; Elderflowers 1; few drops Tincture Capsicum (cayenne). Dose: 1-2 teaspoons in water or herb tea thrice daily or every 2 hours for acute cases.

Finlay Ellingwood MD. Equal parts, Liquid Extract Bryonia and Echinacea. Dose: 20 drops in water, hourly. For prevention of sepsis and pus formation.

Eric F.W. Powell, MNIMH. 1 teaspoon Tincture Echinacea; 10 drops Tincture Myrrh; 2 drops Tincture

Capsicum; in wineglassful hot water. Each wineglass taken in sips; dose repeated hourly until pain eases; then less frequently.

Frank Roberts, MNIMH. Liquid extracts: Equal parts, Wild Yam, Echinacea, Lobelia. Mix. 30-60 drops in wineglassful water, sipped 4 times daily.

John Cooper MD, Waldron, Arkansas, USA. 20 grains Epsom’s salts in hot water every 2 hours until pain ceases, then continue half that quantity. To control pain: Tincture Belladonna, 8 drops in water, when necessary.

Enema. Large enemas are not indicated. Warm strong infusion of German Chamomile proves helpful (50 flowers to 1 pint boiling water). Inject with 1 tablespoon warm olive oil.

Topical. Castor oil packs. Chamomile, Catnep, or Linseed poultices. In France, cases of acute appendicitis are treated with Tea Tree oil by abdominal massage as an alternative to surgery; good results reported.

Diet. No solid food taken as long as raised temperature persists. Herb tea and fruit-juice fast.

Remission of fever or after surgery: Slippery Elm gruel. Convalescent stage requires extra protein to make good muscle wastage and loss of weight. Low fibre.

Supplements. Daily. Beta-carotene 300,000iu. Vitamin C 2-3g. Vitamin E 400-800iu. Child: quarter of adult dose.

Acute stage: until the doctor comes. Do not eat or drink, take laxatives or painkillers. Go to bed. Hot water bottle to ease pain. ... appendicitis


A small, hard piece of impacted faeces that forms in a sac in the wall of the intestine.

A faecalith is harmless unless it blocks the entrance to the sac, causing diverticulitis, or to the appendix, causing appendicitis.... faecalith

Liver Abscess

A localized collection of pus in the liver.

The most common cause is an intestinal infection.

Bacteria may spread from areas inflamed by diverticulitis or appendicitis, and amoebae may invade the liver as a result of amoebiasis.

The symptoms are high fever, pain in the upper right abdomen, and (especially in elderly people) mental confusion.

Ultrasound scanning usually reveals the abscess.

It can sometimes be treated by aspiration, but often surgery is needed.... liver abscess


n. the passage of fresh red blood through the rectum. Haematochesia occurs in patients with haemorrhoids, colorectal carcinoma, colitis, diverticulitis, angiodysplasia, and volvulus. Haematochesia also occurs as a result of severe haemorrhage in the upper gastrointestinal tract.... haematochesia

Bad Breath

Aetiology: Infection of throat, lungs, gullet, or stomach. A common cause is bad teeth and gums. The rock-like scale (plaque) on or between teeth may be due to neglected mouth hygiene. Halitosis is the anti-social disease. Where stomach and intestines are at fault, charcoal biscuits have some reputation.

Bad breath is often indicative of toxaemia or defective elimination via liver, kidneys and skin which should be the focus of treatment. Palliatives such as Papaya fruit (or tablets), Peppermint or Chlorophyll may not reach the heart of the trouble which could demand deeper-acting agents.

Liver disorders (Blue Flag root); hyperacidity (Meadowsweet); excessive smoking and alcohol (Wormwood); bad teeth and septic tonsils (Poke root); diverticulitis (Fenugreek seeds); gastro-intestinal catarrh (Senna, Agrimony, Avens); smell of acetone as of diabetes (Goat’s Rue); constipation (Senna, Psyllium seed).

May be necessary for serious ear, nose and throat problems to be resolved by surgery. For blockage of respiratory channels, Olbas oil, Tea Tree oil or Garlic drops relieve congestion. Many cases have chronic gingivitis and arise from dental problems improved by 1 part Tea Tree oil to 20 parts water used as a spray. Alfalfa sprouts have a sweetening effect upon the breath. Chew Parsley or Peppermint. Alternatives. Teas. Dill seeds, Fennel seeds, Sage, Nettles, Mint, Liquorice root, Alfalfa, Wormwood. Dandelion (coffee). Parsley.

Tablets/capsules. Blue Flag root, Goldenseal, Echinacea. Wild Yam. Chlorophyll. Calamus.

Powders. Mix, parts: Blue Flag root 1; Myrrh half; Liquorice half. Dose: 250mg (one 00 capsule or one- sixth teaspoon) thrice daily before meals.

Gargle. 5 drops Tincture Myrrh to glass water, frequently.

Diet. Lacto-vegetarian. Lemon juice.

Supplements. Vitamins A, B-complex, B6, Niacin, C (500mg). ... bad breath

Diet - High Fibre

A diet high in rich carbohydrate foods with sufficient protein to promote efficient elimination and supply vital trace elements in the form of minerals. Such foods produce moist bulky stools easy to pass and reduce blood cholesterol. It reduces LDLs and increases HDLs.

Fibre-deficient foods lead to poor elimination of body wastes and constipation, disposing the colon to a toxic state. This induces depression, a coated tongue and tiredness during the day. Such foods bring about a change in the balance of bowel bacterial flora, and form gas which may cause pouches of diverticulitis to develop. One of its less obvious effects is to enhance the risk of tooth and gum disease. Soon calcium is expelled by the urine and the intake of magnesium reduced, thus favouring the development of stone.

All plant material; leaves, stalks, seeds etc contain fibre. High-fibre foods include: whole grains, wholemeal bread, wholemeal flour (100 per cent extraction rate), crispbreads, biscuits (digestive, bran, oatmeal or coconut), raw green salad materials, potatoes boiled in their jackets, breakfast cereals (porridge, muesli, All-Bran, Shredded Wheat), brown rice, bran (2 teaspoons thrice daily; increase if necessary), fresh or dried fruit once or twice daily. ... diet - high fibre


A rectal infusion chiefly water given as an aid to evacuation of the bowel or, injected slowly can be an aid to dehydration. An enema may also be of great value in the treatment of some diseases. Injection of fluid (herb teas, etc) through a tube into the rectum, via the anus, to relieve constipation or convey medication or nutriment. A herbal tea may be given as a stimulating nervine (to rouse from severe prostration as in apoplexy, meningitis); relaxant (when the body is feverish and tense); or to re-activate after collapse and shock. Usual enemata: 2 pints herb tea.

Bayberry bark, Burdock root, Catnep, Lobelia, Fenugreek seeds, Raspberry leaves, Chickweed, Tormentil, Lime flowers, Mullein.

Evacuant Children. Catnep tea, with 2 teaspoons honey. Adults. Catnep, Raspberry leaves.

Stimulating nervine: Skullcap, Oatmeal, Oats, Bayberry bark.

Relaxant: Lobelia, Lime flowers, Mullein.

To re-activate after collapse: Teaspoon Composition powder. Ginger; or 20 drops tincture Myrrh.

To soothe pain of diverticulosis: Fenugreek seeds, Marshmallow root, Oatmeal.

Alternatives to coffee for cancer: Raspberry leaves, Red Clover flowers, Burdock root, Yellow Dock. For bowel infections: typhoid (Boneset and Skullcap – equal parts): dysentery (raspberry leaves 10, Myrrh 1): diverticulitis (German Chamomile 8, Goldenseal 1). Impacted faeces: Chamomile tea with teaspoon Olive Oil.

When the stomach rejects a medicine an alternative route is by enema into the bowel.

Olive Oil enema: 5oz Olive Oil in 20oz boiled water.

Myrrh enema: 20 drops Tincture Myrrh in 20oz boiled water for bowel infections.

Slippery Elm enema: half a teaspoon Slippery Elm powder in 20 boiled water.

Raspberry leaf enema: 1oz Raspberry leaves in 1 pint (20oz) boiling water; infuse until warm, strain and inject for irritable bowel and other conditions.

Enemas should not be given to children. ... enema


Inflammation of the peritoneum. Peritonitis is a serious, usually acute, condition. The most common cause is perforation of the stomach or intestine wall, which allows bacteria and digestive juices to move into the abdominal cavity. Perforation is usually the result of a peptic ulcer, appendicitis, or diverticulitis. Peritonitis may also be associated with acute salpingitis, cholecystitis, or septicaemia.

There is usually severe abdominal pain. After a few hours, the abdomen feels hard, and peristalsis stops (see ileus, paralytic). Other symptoms are fever, bloating, nausea, and vomiting.

Diagnosis is made from a physical examination. Surgery may be necessary to deal with the cause. If the cause is unknown, a laparoscopy or an exploratory laparotomy may be performed. Antibiotic drugs and intravenous infusions of fluid are often given. In most cases, a full recovery is made. Intestinal obstruction, caused by adhesions, may occur at a later stage.... peritonitis

Dietary Fibre

(roughage) nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP), which cannot be digested and absorbed to produce energy; specifically, sources of NSP that do not contain lignin or resistant starch. Fibre is divided into two types: insoluble (cellulose and hemicelluloses) and soluble (pectins). Highly refined foods, such as sucrose, do not contain dietary fibre. Foods with a high fibre content include wholemeal cereals, vegetables, nuts, and fruit. A diet high in insoluble fibre (e.g. wheat bran, wholegrain and wholemeal bread and cereals) may help prevent bowel diseases, such as constipation, diverticulitis, and colon cancer. Soluble fibre (e.g. oats, barley, beans, pulses, fruit, and vegetables) slows the reabsorption of *bile salts and so helps to lower cholesterol as well as dampening the glycaemic response to glucose (see glycaemic index). A high-fibre diet used to be the first-line advice for irritable bowel syndrome; however, a low *FODMAP diet can be more effective.... dietary fibre


n. (pl. diverticula) a sac or pouch formed at weak points in the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. They may be caused by increased pressure from within (pulsion diverticula) or by pulling from without (traction diverticula). A pharyngeal diverticulum occurs in the pharynx and may cause difficulty in swallowing. Oesophageal diverticula occur in the middle or lower oesophagus (gullet); they may be associated with muscular disorders of the oesophagus but rarely cause symptoms. Gastric diverticula, which are rare, affect the stomach (usually the upper part) and cause no symptoms. Duodenal diverticula occur on the concave surface of the duodenal loop; they are usually asymptomatic but a small minority may be associated with *dyspepsia, choledocholithiasis, and an increased risk of pancreatitis. Jejunal diverticula affect the small intestine, are often multiple, and may give rise to abdominal discomfort, diarrhoea, and *malabsorption due to overgrowth of bacteria within them. Meckel’s diverticulum occurs in the ileum, about 35 cm from its termination, as a congenital abnormality. It may become inflamed, mimicking *appendicitis; if it contains embryonic remnants of stomach mucosa it may form a *peptic ulcer, causing pain, bleeding, or perforation. Colonic diverticula, affecting the colon (particularly the left side), become commoner with increasing age and often cause no symptoms. However they are sometimes associated with abdominal pain or altered bowel habit (see diverticular disease) or they may become inflamed (see diverticulitis).... diverticulum

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