Dioptre Health Dictionary

Dioptre: From 3 Different Sources

A unit of the power of refraction (“strength”) of a lens; the greater the power, the stronger the lens. Lenses that cause parallel light rays to converge have a positive dioptric number and are used to correct longsightedness

(see hypermetropia). Those that cause divergence have a negative number and are used to correct shortsightedness (see myopia).

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association
A term used in the measurement of the refractive or focusing power of lenses; one dioptre is the power of a lens with a focal distance of one metre and is the unit of refractive power. As a stronger lens has a greater refractive power, this means that the focal distance will be shorter. The strength in dioptres therefore is the reciprocal of the focal length expressed in metres.
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. the unit of measurement of the power of *refraction of a lens. One dioptre is the power of a lens that brings parallel light rays to a focus at a point one metre from the lens, after passing through it. A stronger lens brings light rays to a focus at a point closer to it than a weaker lens and has a higher dioptric power.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Varifocal Lenses

(progressive lenses) lenses in which the power (see dioptre) gradually changes from one prescription to the other and there is no dividing line on the lens between the different segments (compare multifocal lenses). The wearer can see clearly at any distance by raising or lowering the eyes.... varifocal lenses

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